& Spirit Helpers
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of Dimension & Their Inhabitants
© CinnamonMoon

What are dimensional realms?
They are the spirit worlds that exist in an ascending order
of successive states which can be perceived through heightened
states of awareness. While I've discussed the Below, Middle,
and Above Worlds in the Medicine Wheel articles and exercises,
those are merely the three main categories to initiate exploration.
Each of these worlds has many layers to it, like peeling back
the layers in a bundle of tissue paper, their veils are parted
to reveal more depth and understanding as we explore them. Some
see them as spheres, I see them as penetrations. The higher
order of spirit worlds is less dense and more difficult to perceive
than the lower ones because they become "more spiritual"
in form, more energetic than physical as you rise into them.
From the level of the physical earth they are invisible. Each
of these worlds are inhabited by entities that populate them
and can teach us things. They exist in spirit form but are just
as real as we are, they simply have a different form by which
they manifest themselves.
Nearest the earth are the earthbound
spirits, bound here due to not being able to recognize that
they have undergone a sudden and unexpected death, or old attachments
to work that was not accomplished, a wrong that needs to be
brought into the light of truth...perhaps a murder victim, and
their ignorance of their pathway out of that state of being
to rise up from it. These are the spirits that haunt and taunt
at times, or wander lost. There are many among us who serve
them by taking them into the light of Spirit so they can move
on. There are also spirits in this realm that will bring news
to us from those relatives who have passed on. Their communication
comes through a medium or spiritual advisor, through dreams,
and through visions that appear to overlay the physical reality.
They can appear as an apparition or what some might call a "ghost"...the
transparent form of one who once walked among us.
On the extreme end of this spectrum
are the celestial realms, these are worlds or light and harmony
inhabited by more evolved spirits. The higher the evolution
and energy of the individual entity the higher they gravitate
to the celestial (Above World) realms. As the spirit of each
person evolves it rises higher into these celestial realms,
and continues the growth begun here in the physical sense in
what many call the "afterlife".
While each tradition of spiritual
perception teaches us about them they are described in various
ways with common traits that let us see how the facts remain
basically the same and the breakdown is merely a way of definition.
An example of this is clear when you look at my definition of
3 categories with the Above, Middle, and Below Worlds as compared
to the Astral Realms which are said to have 7 Planes each with
many sublayers. While these definitions seem at first to be
contrary they are not. They are merely expressing stages of
evolution or heightened perceptions through increasing or decreasing
the rate of vibration we hold...our thoughts elevate us into
these realms or bring us back down out of them. In the body
of our Inner Spirit and conscious awareness attending it we
can journey to these realms through projection. You may want
to call it a shamanic journey as I do or you may want to call
it astral projection. The two are basically the same thing.
The truths about these realms of
dimension are basic, simple, and clear once understanding is
achieved. We, as thinking and processing minds in the human
condition tend to complicate it by descriptions that become
interwoven. Experience will teach us far more and because it
is a spiritual experience putting it into words trying to describe
an intangible experience is difficult. We all perceive a little
differently, in ways that are unique to us, so when we express
our experiences we have to do so in ways that we can find associations
and analogies that others can embrace based on our own perception
structure. Humans complicate the simplest of things and I prefer
to simplify matters for that reason. It's sort of like saying
life is the experience of existence on this Earth Plane, or
here in the Middle World; another person might say that it has
many levels of experience from poverty to great wealth that
determines the experiences we are able to achieve; another might
say life is what you make it, you can dream great and achieve
great things by believing in your dreams and making them a reality;
another might say simply that as a man conceives, and believes,
he can achieve; or you'll find those that say we each have our
own reality here for it is through our perception of life that
we exist in it. Who's right? Who's wrong? How do you know? The
answers and truths are found through spiritual development and
enlightenment, and they are experienced daily by those who try
to convey their experiences to others in whatever way they can.
Hence, when gathering information on these issues we find ourselves
in a very weighted array of resources. I can only tell you that
you have to find what makes sense to you, the path of understanding
that speaks to you and follow it.
From the point of life here on Earth
and the physical experience, we are evolving, rising upward
and raising our conscious awareness as we go. With that we "ascend"
and after the physical experience we enter the Spirit Worlds
according to our level of understanding to continue to learn,
serve, and grow in the "afterlife". As we grow there
we may find that we need to re-experience life to complete a
lesson or some level of understanding and do so through the
process of reincarnation. If, when we attain a state of development
that is more spiritually orientated or evolved, that is an issue
that is no longer necessary and we simply continue to exist
rising up through the "layers", "planes",
or worlds of dimension in our evolution. Sort of like the Christian
perception of rising to sainthood or angelic existence. It's
a continual process of learning to gain knowledge so that we
can raise our energy vibration and learning to love unconditionally
so that evolution can take place for as we do this we become
more aware of our place as a part of the Whole.
In Christian terms there are 9 choirs
of Angels. Each with a realm they oversee, each with tasks they
are to undertake in their role of serving Spirit. In looking
at the Angelic Hosts we still find the beings of myth and folklore
that present themselves now with different names, but similar
descriptions. The Spirit Keepers of the elemental forces become
the Archangels, but their rulership over their domain, the things
they teach, the lessons we learn from them remain basically
the same. It's really semantics and where we stand in our own
perceptions as to what we are able to embrace. The Angelic Hosts
range from those that inspire love to armies of heavenly warriors.
In Jewish perception there are 10
divine names reflecting the attributes of these angelic hosts,
what they hold sway over, and as I present them here you will
see that they also relate to the Spirit Helpers that are presented
in the Native traditions as Spirit Keepers within the Medicine
Wheel and Seven Sacred Directions as well as their teachings.
(Insight here taken from the Encyclopedia of Occultism to define
the 10 divine names for you.)
1) Jehovah, attributed to
God the Father, being the pure and simple essence of the divinity,
flowing through Hajoth Hakados to the angel Metratton and to
the ministering spirit, Reschith Hajalalim, who guides the premium
mobile, and bestows the gift of being on all. These names are
to be understood as pure essences, or as spheres of angels,
and blessed spirits, by whose agency the divine providence extends
to all his works.
2) Jah, attributed to the
perons of the Messiah or Logos, whose power and influence descends
through the angel Masleh into the sphere of the Zodiac. This
is the spirit or word that actuated the chaos, and ultimately
produced the four elements, and all creatures that inherit them,
by the agency of a spirit named Raziel, who was the ruler of
3) Ehjeh, attributed to the
Holy Spirit, whose divine light is received by the angel Sabbathi,
and communicated from him through the sphere of Saturn. It denotes
the beginning of the supernatural generation, and hence of all
living souls.
The ancient Jews considered the three
superior names which are those above, to be attributed to the
divine essence as personal or proper names, while the seven
following denote the measures (middoth) or attributes which
are visible in the works of God. But the modern Jews, in opposition
to the tipersonalists, consider the whole as attributes. Maurice
makes the higher three denote the heavens, and the succeeding
the seven planets or worlds, to each of which a presiding angel
was assigned. (*Note the Seven Sacred Directions in correlation
4) El, strength, power, light,
through which flow grace, goodness, mercy, piety, and numificence
to the angel Zadkiel, and passing through the sphere of Jupiter
fashioning the images of all bodies, bestowing clemency, benevolence
and justice on all.
5) Elohi, the upholder of
the sword and left hand of God. Its influence penetrates the
angel Geburah (or Gamaliel) and descends through the sphere
of Mars. It imparts fortitude in times of war and affliction.
6) Tsebaoth, the title of
God as Lord of hosts. The angel is Raphael, through whom its
mighty power passes into the sphere of the sun, giving motion,
heat and brightness to it.
7) Elion, the title of God
as the highest. The angel is Michael. The sphere to which he
imparts its influence is Mercury, giving benignity, motion and
intelligence, with elegance and consonance of speech.
8) Adonai, master or lord,
governing the angel Haniel, and the sphere of Venus.
9) Shaddai, the virtue of
this name is conveyed by Cherubim to the angel Gabriel, and
influences the sphere of the moon. It causes increase and decrease,
and rules the jinn and protecting spirits.
10) Elohim, the source of
knowledge, understanding and wisdom, received by the angel Jesodoth,
and imparted to the sphere of the earth.
9 Choirs of Angels
Three Heirarchies exist comparatively
the Above, Middle, and Below Worlds of the shamanic perspective
are reflected here.
In the Above World or first hierarchal
tier are:
1) Seraphim: The highest of
the nine choirs of angels. It is the from the word saraph, to
burn, and means also means serpent. (Think Adam and Eve and
the Garden of Eden). They hold the energy of zealous burning
love, fearless of anything else, they are the first Choir of
angels the Supreme Hierarchy of Angels. They are described as
surrounding the throne of God having a set of six wings and
singing constantly the hymn:" Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
God of hosts." The primary duty of the Seraphim is to love
God and to sing without ceasing. Saint Jerome states that Seraphim,
translated from the Greek, means the inflaming ones, or, the
burning ones. Because of their name, they are regarded as the
spirits of divine love. The Seraphim are the first Choir of
the Supreme Hierarchy.
2) Cherubim: The 2nd of 9
choirs of angels. They are the heavenly custodians and protectors
of holy places and things. Another duty of the cherubim is that
of being the throne bearers of God. In Isaiah Chapter 37:16
we find: "O Lord of hosts, God of Israel enthroned upon
the cherubim! You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the
earth." They are considered keepers of knowledge in plenitude
because they are filled with a knowledge which is most perfect
since they are allowed to behold the Glory of God most closely.
They are often described as partly human in form, child-like
bodies with wings and eyes before and behind them. Sometimes
being depicted as winged animal forms of which there are four:
a lion, a calf, a man, and an eagle. Sometimes described with
two faces.
3) Thrones: Sacred Scripture
does not reveal much about this Angelic Choir. They are referred
to in sharing the throne of God with the Seraphim and Cherubim
being the third and lowest Choir of the first and highest Hierarchy.
Because of their close proximity to God, the light of the divine
mysteries is brought to them before the rest of the Angelic
The second hierarchal tier or
Middle World Choirs are:
4) Dominions: Sometimes called
the Dominations. According to Dionysius the Areopagite, the
Dominions enjoy a certain unbounded elevation and freedom from
all that is terrestial, and from all inward inclination to the
bondage of discord. They are true lords and wholly give themselves
to the Source of Lordship. They are the first Choir of the Middle
Hierarchy. If memory serves me well here these are the Dragons.
5) Virtues: The name of the
Angelic Choir of Virtues signifies a certain powerful and unshakeable
courage; never falling away from the divine life through its
own weakness, but ascending unwaveringly to the Source of all
Virtue. The lower Choirs receive the gift of virtue from this
Choir. The Virtues are the second Choir of the Middle Hierarchy.
6) Powers: The name of the
Powers is found in Sacred Scripture in St. Paul's letters to
the Ephesians, Chapter 1:21: "...far above every principality,
authority, power and dominion,..." The name of the Powers
signifies an orderly and unconfined order in the divine realm
and the regulation of intellectual and supernatural power. This
Choir leads those below it to the Supreme Source of Power. The
Powers are the third and last Choir of the Middle Hierarchy.
The third hierarchal tier or Below
World Choirs are:
7) Principalities: The name
of the Principalities signifies their God-like princeliness
and authoritativeness in an order which is holy and most fitting
to the princely powers. They are formed, as far as creatures
can, in the likeness of the Source of Principality and reveal
Its transcendent order by the good order of the princely powers.
The Principalities are the first Choir of the Lower Hierarchy.
8) The Archangels are probably
the best known of all the angels, with the exception of the
choir of Angels. These are angels of power, wisdom and holiness
and they are the leaders among the Angels and superior to them.
The name "Archangel" is predominantly given to four
beings: Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. The exalted position
attributed to St. Michael can be explained by the fact that,
even though he belongs to a relatively low order by nature,
his outstanding zeal for the Glory of God and the salvation
of his fellow Angels, at the time of Satan's rebellion, merited
such glory and power as to equal and even excel through grace
such celestial spirits that belong to a much higher choir by
nature. He is God's enforcer and battle lord. There are others
mentioned as well: Raguel, Sariel, and Jeremiel which would
tie in with the Spirit Keepers of the Seven Sacred Directions.
They form the host of ministers in heaven. They do battle for
God on Earth as well, and fight the forces of Darkness. The
Archangels are the second Choir of the Lower Hierarchy.
9) Angels: The Angels are
the lowest choir of the hierarchies. Their name signifies their
mission: messengers. They are more directly in contact with
visible and earthly things than all the other Angels. This also
means that by their nature and duties they are closer to man
than any other celestial spirit. It is from this choir that
the Guardian Angels/Spirits are ordinarily found, though they
can come from higher levels. They chiefly serve in role of Guides
and Protectors of individuals souls/Inner Spirits while they
are in human form. They are the third Choir of the Lower Hierarchy.
As you can see by the "levels"
of angelic beings, or spiritual entities in these examples,
our inner spirits must rise closer to Spirit to be worthy of
their company and to envision them. This is also representative
of the dimensions over which they preside, and the higher our
spiritual vibration the higher we arise to awareness of them
and the worlds in which they reside.
In terms of Astral Planes, and depending
on who you talk to, there are between 7 and 9 different planes,
all containing 7 sub-divisions that can also be subdivided further.
In shamanic teachings there are 7 main realms that correlate
to these divisions presented here and in Pagan teachings they
are mainly focused on the elemental divisions inhabited by the
Sylphs of Air/Faeries, Salamanders of Fire/Jinn, Undines of
Water/Merpeople, and the Gnomes of Earth/Sprites. They have
their own hierarchies as well, with leaders seen as their Kings
with the entities of those respective realm being subject to
them. Greek teachings take them further and into the Zodiac
of the Jewish traditions as well where dimensionally speaking
each planet represents the influences of these dimensional realms
or spirit worlds. Mythological beasts hence having a beginning
in dimensional realms, are also among these spirits that can
and often are encountered in visions and journey work.
are on this row
Page 3
(Main Section, Medicine Wheel, Native Languages &
Nations, Symbology)
Page 5
(Sacred Feminine & Masculine, Stones & Minerals)
Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.)
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