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New Year
By SwanFeather
I don't remember
many of my dreams. I have worked at this. Asked Spirit
and my guides to help me remember them. Journaled the
ones I do remember. But, -poof!- they're usually gone
as soon as I come to consciousness in the morning. The
ones I do remember, therefore, are always very significant
for me.
This morning I awoke remembering
just a bit of one. Someone, who doesn't register, but
it was a nebulous, short, pudgie fellow with glasses,
came to me with an envelope. He was almost bouncing
with glee. He handed it to me to open, grinning all
over. I opened it to find a cashier's check made out
to me for exactly $10,050! He told me it was from an
old savings account I'd forgotten about. I was thrilled!
I could pay off some of those menacing old debts of
mine! I was so excited that I woke up.
Now, I have no such old savings
account. But I figure something has been stored away
for me, blessings of some sort, somewhere, and maybe
they will come to fruition. But that amount was so specific.
How odd.
to manifestation!
Yippee!!! What an awesome
dream. I don't think it is odd at all. You've come through
a year full of change and transition - looks like the
time is approaching where you'll "cash in"!
Thanks, Cinn and
Now this is really weird.
I had to wake up the Old Goober from a nap yesterday
and he told me he was having a wonderful dream. He collects
Occupied Japan porcelain and bisque figurines. In the
dream he was in a little shop in Russia. He was overwhelmed
by about 100 pieces that he knew were very rare as he
had never seen them in a catalogue. Several were child-sized.
He knew he couldn't afford them even though they were
priced way under what he knew they must be worth. A
gentleman walked into the shop whom he knew as a millionaire.
The OG struck up a deal with him that if he (the millionaire)
bought them, the OG would resale them on eBay and get
a return of twice his money for the millionaire and
a healthy sum for himself. I woke him up before the
millionaire could respond.
I think these two dreams
must be connected. Neither of us dream about money concerns
much even though they are constant concerns for us both.
Seems there is manifestation and abundance of some sort
on the way for both of us!

Two Dreams
By BlackDove
I've had two dreams
in the past few days that I feel are important. I've
been able to mostly interpret the first one, but the
second one is a bit tougher to understand.
In the first dream I was
in a house with my mother and there was a tornado warning.
I could see several tornados moving in the distance,
but then suddenly one appeared out of nowhere and dropped
right on the house ripping it to shreds. My mother and
I sought shelter behind a couch and debris flew around
us, but eventually the tornado passed and we were okay.
Whenever I have a dream involving
tornadoes, it usually means that I'm about to experience
some form of emotional turmoil within the next day or
two. I had this dream on Sunday and last night I got
bad news from my mother that my father's health had
deteriorated to the point where she can no longer care
for him at home and would have to check him into a full-time
care facility as early as today. She was very emotional
and upset and I did my best to comfort her. Having recently
visited my parents over a month ago, I know she made
the right choice since it was becoming almost impossible
for her to take care of him. But it was still hard on
her emotionally.
Then last night after I spoke
with her I experienced my own form of turmoil. My wife
and I went out for dinner and I accidentally parked
somewhere I shouldn't have. We came out of the restaurant
and my car was in the process of being towed! I freaked
out and raged at the tow truck driver who was trying
to be nice and explained he was just doing his job.
I had to pay a fine to get my car back and in my rage
I really treated him like scum even though he was trying
to be understanding. He didn't deserve to be treated
that way, and this morning I am full of regret and remorse
for my actions. I'm going to see if I can get in touch
with him today if I can track him down and apologize
for my behavior.
The second dream I had this
morning and I'm sure it's related to the events of the
past 24 hours, but I'm not sure how to interpret it.
I dreamed I was driving in a car with both my parents
on a windy mountain road. My dad was driving, but he
still suffered from Parkinson's and shouldn't have been
behind the wheel. On a sharp curve he lost control and
we went over the cliff. The car tumbled in free fall
and I bounced around the interior knowing I was about
to die. But then I woke up before we hit the ground.
I had a similar dream about
twenty years ago that symbolized a dramatic change that
was about to happen in my life that changed my entire
life path. This one feels different, and I can't tell
if it was simply a psychological dream that was based
on my current emotional state regarding my parents,
or if there is a deeper symbolism to it. Any help would
be appreciated.
seems that this dream would be there to prepare you
for your father's health situation.
But the feeling I had when reading this post was not
about him at all, there wasn't really a connection to
your father so much as though it is something within
is about what it is you need to face, it could be about
the issues you need to face with your father's health.
It has a strong feeling that there are unseen changes,
and turns coming into your life. I am not sure what
they are about at this time.
I get a strong feeling you are going to be side swiped
somehow, blindsided by something that suddenly comes
into your life.
Loss of friend or family that is not your father or
a new baby into your life.
The child doesn't have the feel of direct connection
that parent child has, it has more of grandparent/grandchild
or aunt-uncle/niece-nephew feeling to it.
I am willing to do a reading but you will need to get
Get a deck of regular playing cards.
all the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and
the remaining 32 cards, and make a wish while shuffling.
you dont have a wish, wish for an accurate reading,
then the cards will come out on the strongest issues
in your life.
me know what all 32 cards are.
1 KD or 1 king of diamonds
2 9s or 1 9 of spades
this for all 32 cards. Each card and each placement
represents something how they are placed will determine
the meanings.