With Playing Cards
By CinnamonMoon
Reading from a deck of playing
cards (which have been derived from the Tarot deck)
is interesting and another option any Reader can employ.
Instead of the 78 cards of the Tarot there are 52 cards
and the readings tend to be simplified in presentation
but just as effective. There are many systems available
to foretell the future and this is a very simple one
to use. Whether you are just beginning or are seasoned
in divination of this sort, it's a convenient, inexpensive,
and easily accessible method to employ.
Remember that the cards
flanking either side of the card being interpreted will
define what is at issue. For instance, should the card
you are interpreting indicate that something is about
to be received, the cards to either side would tell
you what the subject of receipt will pertain to, and
"how" it will be presented, one card leads
to the next. In this example of receiving something,
let's say that the preceding card indicates love
the issue is about receiving a token of love, likely
an engagement ring
however the card following will
indicate the specifics of that. If the preceding card
refers to business then that will be the issue that
will be received, the following card indicating if it
is a contract or money as in the case of profits. Should
these cards be reversed we'd be talking about loss,
either a broken engagement and why it would break, or
a business loss/failure and the circumstances that would
cause that to happen.
The regular deck of playing
cards consists of 4 suits and 13 cards to each suit;
where there are an additional 22 Major Arcana to the
Tarot deck. The Major Arcana represent the cosmic influences,
the external influences of archetypal personas that
come into play in our lives. Let's say the more spiritual
influences or mythic quests and challenges. They are
not represented in the average playing cards. This lends
the playing cards to more simplified readings and general
mundane matters rather than the "bigger picture"
that the Tarot tends to incorporate.
The interpretations for the
suits are:
Hearts: Symbolic
of full, wholehearted nature with strong emotional
force behind it. They indicate high success, integrity
that would nullify any negative influences, and
soften adverse signs (except where love and close
friendships are concerned
there they would
indicate the emotional attachment to the situation
and show where grief or suffering or stress would
come into play). |
Clubs: Symbolic
of friendship, this suit indicates the importance
of that influence. With "good cards" they
are reminders that friendships are to be kept to
insure success. With "bad cards" (cards
that are reversed or challenging) they indicate
that through friends the situation may be made better
or overcome. If there is an indication of misfortune
it may mean that friends will desert the individual
leaving them to face the difficulty alone. |
Diamonds: Symbolic
of the practical side of life and money, can indicate
difficulties, half-achievements and that
more is required for successful outcomes. If they
flank a success card, for instance, it may indicate
money will be needed to insure that success, an
investment of funds will be required. They can indicate
friction in business
strong competition. Here
we find the presence of lawsuits, temporary reverses,
things that interfere. They can soften at times,
and indicate when wealth will be obtainable or when
adversity can be conquered. |
Spades: Symbolic
of warnings that forearm us. If we know there are
hazards ahead or misfortune about to arrive, by
that knowing we can often counteract or at least
prepare for the challenges. When we see spades appear
they indicate interference, loss, and that one should
not expect too much. They double the impact of the
significators (enemies, problems, troubles in general)
and are actually tokens of red flag areas in someone's
life that turn out to be a blessing because this
information is brought to light ahead of time. |
look at the interpretations for the 13 cards within
each suit.
Ace: Home and
domestic happiness. Can signify visitors, change
of residence, or news about/from a family member. |
Two: Success
and great fortune are indicated here, often beyond
the expectations of the consultant. If flanked by
negative indicators there will be delays or a need
to consider other options or projects instead of
those where there are obstacles. |
Three: Here we
have the "hothead" or hotheaded actions
on the part of the consultant. They're upset about
the issue and may make impetuous or unwise decisions
that will threaten or spoil matters
with disastrous
results if flanking indicators are negative. |
Four: The proverbial
bachelor or old maid, a long-delayed or much-postponed
marriage. It can also indicate reconciliation due
to the consultant's fussy nature. |
Five: Here we
have indecision, struggle to make up one's mind,
or the desire to escape a situation or issue. |
Six: The indication
here is about the consultant being weak in some
area. A warning that impositions and an overgenerous
nature may be taken advantage of are present. It
may indicate those around this person will be manipulative
or conniving. |
Seven: False
hopes and hasty promises are indicated here. When
this card appears one cannot depend on others as
they are apt to change their minds. If flanked by
negative indicators count on nothing from others
and that the consulting individual will have to
stand alone. |
Eight: This is
a card of celebration and in general something that
has already been planned or anticipated. |
Nine: This card
brings fulfillment, harmony, success, and is often
considered the "wish" card that allows
dreams to manifest or come true. If it is flanked
by negative cards there are likely to be temporary
obstacles or delays, and sometimes they can be
Ten: This is
a very good card that promises success and good
luck to any given situation. It may indicate this
will arrive as a surprise and good fortune. It strengthens
good cards and counters bad ones. |
Jack: This is
an individual who is close to the consultant. A
dear friend or confidant. It is not necessarily
a man but they have a long-standing relationship
established and it could be like a childhood sweetheart
or schoolmate. |
Queen: She is
a faithful, loving woman, either a trusted wife
or good mother. Certainly she is the true love of
a man. For a woman she can be a potential rival,
but she is kind and fair-minded. |
King: This is
a man of influence with good intentions. He's generous,
likeable, but can be impulsive thinking after the
fact rather than wisely beforehand. He's not the
one to turn to for advice as he has a hot temper
and will argue. |
Ace: Wealth,
financial success, perhaps fame in a chosen profession.
It also indicates many friends that are helpful
to the individual throughout life. |
Two: Direct opposition
where one cannot count on any support from friends
or business associates. In fact, they may be the
source of that opposition so the "lone wolf"
aspect is at play here. |
Three: A second
or third marriage that will be successful; a long
engagement to one person followed by a marriage
to another but with a friendly parting. |
Four: Warning
of sudden misfortune or failure of a project, this
card indicates that there may be false or fair-weathered
friends or associates who complicate or injure matters. |
Five: Generally
indicates marriage to a wealthy partner, a prosperous
future to both parties, or enhancement to other
projects. |
Six: Partnership
and success in business with friendship involved.
Friends and associates that are close should be
consulted or considered in issues where this card
appears, or in seeking financial aid. |
Seven: Success
and good luck where there are no complicating factors
in cards that flank the issue
with the opposite sex. It needs supportive cards
flanking it to ensure the outcome. |
Eight: Anxiety
or an overwhelming drive around money matters.
Betokens a good friendship where independent individuals
or projects offer sufficient gain for all. If
not, friends are sacrificed for the profits, and
can mean that the individual would gamble or risk
borrowed money with their own.
Nine: Trouble
comes with this card and if there are indicators
of gifts or rewards flanking it a friendship will
be lost as a result. It can indicate arguments that
are frequent in friendships and often bring harmful
results or betrayals. Ambition injured by stubbornness. |
Ten: Strong good
luck favors the issue and good fortune from an unexpected
source arrives. It can indicate a long, successful
journey and is a card of happiness that wards against
any negative influences. |
Jack: A friend
that is both sincere and generous. Male or female,
this individual will flatter with good intent, possibly
with suggestions or a proposal that is flattering. |
Queen: Kind and
loveable this woman can be temperamental but will
always be true in either love or friendship. For
a man it is generally a wife, and for a woman it
is a lifelong friend and confidante. |
King: A man who
demonstrates consistent and valuable friendship.
For a man it can be a rival, but he's a generous
one. For a woman it may be a relative, family friend,
who is always honest, loyal, and sincere. |
Ace: An important
message is about to arrive by letter, or messenger.
It often pertains to money or a gift and can mean
an engagement ring. |
Two: A serious
love affair that will result in marriage or interfere
with a marriage depending on the situation as indicated
by flanking cards. |
Three: Quarrels
and disputes in business that could lead to lawsuits.
In home settings it indicates either separation
or divorce that will result. |
Four: Quarrels
within family or friendships, at times both. There
is an indication of neglect or forgetfulness in
friendship, and in marriage it is usually frequent
arguments and relatives that interfere. |
Five: Prosperity
in business, or a good marriage. In business honesty
in those dealings leads to an enduring friendship,
and in marriage it indicates pride in family and
children. |
Six: An early
marriage that has an unhappy ending, boding ill
for a second marriage as well. The flanking cards
will indicate why. |
Seven: This represents
one who gambles, generally a heavy loser. It can
indicate false rumors or unfair criticism and brings
bad luck to any venture. |
Eight: Travel
and marriage are indicated late in life. It can
be related issues here wherein travel leads to courtship,
and often a rural life that is more relaxed. |
Nine: Here we
have adventure and wanderlust with money as the
object. Moving from place to place due to one's
career or in hopes of greater earnings and/or advancement.
Flanking cards will indicate if it is to be news
about "another move" or unexpected news
of a promotion. |
Ten: A journey
with money as the objective but one which may or
may not be successful. It can also indicate an unexpected
marriage with money involved. |
Jack: This is
a person who is selfish, generally a man. It can
also be a messenger that delivers bad news. There
is indication this individual could be a relative
or unreliable friend, it's someone close to the
querrant. If the consultant is a male the individual
poses little threat, it's more an annoyance. If
the consultant is a woman it is bad news unless
flanked by more supportive indicators. |
Queen: This is
a flirtatious woman who disrupts business or a love
relationship where a male consultant is concerned.
She's given to gossip and scandal when a woman is
consulting. This individual is attractive in a dangerous
way and she can be very persuasive and manipulative
with the opposite sex. |
King: A dangerous
man in business, he is a ruthless competitor; in
love he's a bitter rival. Where women are concerned
this can mean a deceitful lover, or a bad-tempered
husband. |
Ace: Misfortune
that brings about an ending to a situation or condition
in life. Bad news, tidings of death, it brings with
it the emotional turmoil and conflict of sudden
endings in love, family, and friendships that call
for a parting of ways. It can also be an ending
to a situation or stage of life that leads to rebirth
or transformation. |
Two: Complete
change or separation such as that of parting ways
from loved ones, the loss of a home, moving to a
distant location, or a death. It is a strong influence
on the card that will follow and is indicative of
the situation as a result of the card that preceded
it. |
Three: A card
of unhappiness, misfortune in love or marriage are
strongly indicated. Troubles here should be forgotten
or forgiven or they will nullify all other good
indicators for the consultant. A "let it go"
card. |
Four: Minor misfortune
or upsets, this card tends to indicate a short illness,
temporary setbacks in financial matters, envy or
petty jealousy. It can either be relative to the
consultant themselves or to those around them. It
indicates that this influence will hinder any projects
suggested by the flanking cards. |
Five: Business
success or a happy marriage are both shown by this
card. There will be many reverses to overcome before
that can be achieved, tests of faith or extensive
effort for success, these challenges can be overwhelming
and are often extremely discouraging, especially
if there are other extenuating situations to contend
with. |
Six: Great plans
with less than satisfactory results are indicated
by this card. It suggests much effort for little
gain leading to discouragement. Perseverance may
bring success, but that is going to be shown with
the flanking cards. It can bring luck all the same
despite any failures. The flanking cards would show
that to be the case or not. |
Seven: Sorrow
and quarrels are an indication here, and it is wise
advice to encourage the consultant to avoid misunderstandings
with others be it friend or relative. If the consultant
does not heed the warning then there will be later
regrets. It would be better to let things ride and
fade away than to fuel fires. |
Eight: Opposition
and false friends who could become enemies are indicated.
If the warning is observed then most of the trouble
can be avoided. The consultant should look into
all affairs immediately, especially issues indicated
by flanking cards. |
Nine: Illness,
loss of money, misery, no matter what the flanking
cards indicate, this dampens them and the consultant
cannot depend on much more than hoping for the best
in any given situation. |
Ten: Bad luck,
this card nullifies any good omens and doubles the
impact of flanking cards that signify misfortune
or trouble. |
Jack: The "clinging
vine" individual that "hangs on for dear
life". A false friend, a needy person who drains
energy, a useless partner who may be sincere but
lazy, this individual hinders the consulting party
in any arena. |
Queen: A treacherous
woman, ruthless and cruel. She's the "merry
widow" for a man, and the betraying friend
to a woman. Certainly she cannot be trusted. |
King: A dangerous
and ambitious man, he will injure business or marital
relationships. For a woman it is a warning of a
man who is worthless or incompatible according to
the flanking cards. |
A sample layout to practice
with: Seven Triplets/Seven Fates/Seven Sisters: The
shuffled deck uses 21 cards in this layout. The deck
is cut into 3 piles by the consultant using their left
hand. From each pile cards are drawn face up in a cluster
of three until 7 clusters are formed. These clusters
represent 7 issues to be addressed with the center pile
cards indicating the focal point. The cards from the
pile on the left indicate influences leading up to the
issue. Those from the pile on the right show significators
that will following that issue, or the outcome.
