© Cinnamon Moon
The Tarot (pronounced tair-row) is a combination of
teachings that reflect the aspects of life, a symbolic
"book of life" in the form of pictures that
can be read or meditated on from "cover to cover".
It can also be opened randomly for insights to issues.
As a source of information, it is actually a channel
by which pictures bring the situation to light and explain
what caused it to occur. Those same pictures depict
how the situation is being played out as well as the
predicted outcome when placed in "spreads"
of various patterns. That outcome will be in accordance
to the choices that have currently been made by the
client as well as outside influences which they have
little or no control over. The
Querrant (person asking the question), needs to be informed
of this so they understand that they have free will
and can apply it if they so choose. The Tarot is informative,
enlightening, and it's accurate.
The Tarot's history is veiled
in the mists of time, surrounded by myths and legends,
superstition, and diverse speculation. It speaks a language
that is born of the universal collective mind through
archetypes and symbols that range across the boundaries
of astrology, numerology, mystical wisdom, religious
teachings, and other psychic sciences. There are many
stories as to its origin. Some say that the Tarot came
from the Hierophants (priests of the Eleusinian Mysteries),
the Gypsies, the Egyptians, the Jews, the Chinese, from
India, the Hebrew Kabalistic teachings, on and on. These
teachings were handed down as the Major Arcana; cards
representing the outside influences of one's life that
remained out of the individual's control, alongside
the Minor Arcana representing the individual and influences
within daily life over which they did have control.
The Tarot does reveal the
past, present, and future in a shroud of mystery and
interesting perspectives. It is a living universal language
that has merged with other occult secrets over the years
and grown as a result. Today we have many different
decks available and they cater to just about any persuasion
you can imagine. These wide ranging decks are all based
on the same premise and are simply variations on the
same stories each card tells. The choice is yours as
to which deck you would like to explore and work with,
but it should be based on the deck that appeals to you,
not the success of someone else.
Whatever the original source
of the Tarot, the very earliest records show them in
European museums around 1390 and origin is said to go
back to the 12th century. Among occultists the Marseilles
Tarot was considered to be the purest source. Waite
was able to restore a large portion of the original
symbolic meanings and this is the deck I prefer to work
with and teach from so I will be using it here as an
example. This is the Rider Waite deck sold in stores
all over today.
The Deck Itself
The deck consists of 78 cards. Of those, 56 cards form
four suits of the Minor Arcana (the basis of todays
playing cards), and 22 cards of the Major Arcana. The
Minor Arcana depict events, thoughts, actions, and choices
to be faced in daily life while the Major Arcana depict
the outside forces that come into play beyond our control.
Care of the deck is important.
When you obtain your deck you should sleep with it for
7 nights under your
pillow. This allows your subconscious energies to merge
with it and helps to build a channel through which impressions
will begin to flow.
During the day you can handle
them and examine them closely to tie your physical energies
to them and get a feel for their messages. During this
initial acclimation period it is important not to let
anyone handle your cards. They are going to pick up
vibrations from all they come into contact with and
it is best to keep them with you and as close to your
body as possible. Sleeping with them attunes them to
your energy and you to theirs.
Many prefer to take one card
each day and meditate on its meanings to get to know
them better. I keep an amethyst with each of my decks
(I have a variety of decks I've collected over the years)
to keep their energy clean. When others handle the cards
during the reading and shuffle it is possible to leave
their residual energies on the cards
these can
be negative so keeping them clean is important. Now
with years of reading behind me, the amethyst is generally
enough, but should I have a reading for a client that
has a perceived negative energy field around them I
will "work" my cards for a while. By this
I mean several minutes of shuffling and cutting them.
Over time I've come to have a "feel" for when
they are dysfunctional. I can tell as soon as I turn
the first card or two and I automatically start to work
them back into place. I do this intuitively and it has
served me well. I'd like to interject here that as you
become more accustomed to working with the cards you
will get your own feel for how that interaction is meant
to go, we're all a little different and slight variances
in methods are normal. Do NOT allow anyone to handle
your cards except when shuffling or cutting before a
reading. The more you, yourself, handle them the better
your results will become.
Handling the cards impregnates
them with your energy progressively over time and older
decks are quite amazing with the amount of information
and accuracy that is achieved. For this reason, readers
take good care of their cards to avoid damage and insure
prolonged life. My last deck was with me for 15 years
and my daughter is using them today. A new deck is not
nearly as responsive as an older one, it takes time
to break it in, and the more you use it the better your
results become.
You, as a new Reader, need
to be aware of that as your initial readings may seem
vague at first. To insure unwanted vibrations are not
accumulating, never leave them laying around the house,
or place them near things that are often used by others.
Doing so will invite vibrations that will most certainly
confuse your readings. Do keep them someplace safe:
near your own things in a drawer, cloth bag, or small
cedar box.
Many people prefer working
with two decks
one for material questions and the
other for spiritual enlightenment. Personally I feel
the question itself defines the issues and I use a single
deck for everything. As you progress you will find the
methods that work best for you. Before placing your
cards in a box, many people like to wrap them in a silk
cloth corresponding to their astrological color--the
one they find stimulates them harmoniously. It is often
felt that it stimulates the mind adding to the positive
energies of the card's auric energies in conjunction
with yours.
Signs and Tarot Colors:
= Light red
= Dark yellow
= Light violet
= Green
= Orange
= Dark violet
= Light yellow
= Dark red
= Light purple
= Dark blue
= Light blue
= Dark purple
Planets and Tarot Colors:
= Orange
= Green
= Violet
= Yellow
= Red
= Purple
= Blue
= Neon White
= Iridescence
= Ultraviolet
Reading Environment
Where you read the cards is also something that is important
to be aware of. Any flat surface will work and some
people like to use a special table or Tarot-board they
create for themselves. I don't think that's necessary,
at least for me it isn't, but some feel differently.
It should be an area big enough to accommodate the largest
spread you would use; unvarnished and unpainted so it
will take on your vibrations. Something as simple as
a portable breadboard works great.
I use a cloth bag of velvet
to store mine, but many prefer to read on a silk scarf,
so you'll have to experiment with what works best for
The reading environment is
important. Working in a place where there has been discord
brings an uncomfortable or disruptive energy to the
reading with its lower vibratory frequencies. Working
in a public setting can be very disruptive to the reading
as there are too many distractions for the beginner.
Higher energies are needed and a strong focus is required.
After you are accustomed to reading you can read anywhere,
but by then you have learned to recognize the disruptive
energies and know how to block them out or will elect
to personally suggest moving the reading to a different
location. Peaceful, quiet environments are best. Avoiding
distracting small talk just prior to and during the
reading is recommended as a definite focus brings more
information and accuracy. The person you are reading
for should sit across from you, you should face North
and the other person should face South to follow the
natural magnetic flow of earth's energies. If you are
reading for someone who is absent the position changes
and you should face East, the source of your higher
The same thing applies if
reading for yourself. Many readers feel that they are
unable to read for themselves and this is common as
too much insight into current conditions and the various
meanings of each card tempt the interpretation to be
one of denial or embellishment. Even on a subconscious
level with emotional issues or those that are imperative
to successful ventures, despite our need to know, we
tend to embellish. For this reason most Readers will
do a fair-trade-reading with others of like or similar
Before a reading I always
ask a new client if they have ever had their cards read
before. I do advise all clients that there is a need
for seriousness, how the process works (if they have
never had a reading before) and the method by which
they are to shuffle and cut the cards. This should take
no more than a few brief minutes of your time. Joking,
small talk, and banter detract from the accuracy. As
you get proficient with the readings you will gain better
control, but remember the client won't and it's important
for the client to be focused as they are the subject
of the reading and what you have to share with them
is accordingly instrumental in the decisions they make.
I've found that the best
way to prevent small-talk is to ask the client to think
about the issue they are concerned with while shuffling
takes place. A brief discussion of the situation at
hand should be held prior to the reading. This allows
a question to be set firmly in mind aiding the reception
of a definite answer. All other desires and thoughts
need to be set aside by both parties. The question should
be clarified so they can be addressed properly.
As the reading begins the
cards will draw a picture of the events leading up to
the current situation and that will address the client's
apprehension as to your perceptive abilities automatically.
They see this validation and open wider to what it coming
through in the cards. Personally, I ask the client to
think of the question they have in mind or about the
issue as they shuffle. I often ask them not to present
their question to me until I've shared what I am getting
initially. This creates validation as to my own accuracy
in a very direct way and eases any apprehension they
may have.
As the reading progresses
they often will confirm or adjust the perspective somewhat
and that brings more to light. From that adjusted perspective
the rest of the reading falls into place and the results
astound clients leaving them quite satisfied and amazed.
Even with the silent client that listens intently and
does not give you a clue as to your being able to pinpoint
issues, the reading itself will make sense to them.
With people like this or those who don't know what question
to ask I offer a "general overview" that can
be expanded upon later.
I find that these types
of clients often confirm it afterward, present questions
that clarify the spread and direct the focus properly
for greater details to emerge. Knowing the variations
of each card, how they are affected by the cards next
to them, and the direction the results are taking defines
the interpretation further. Experience will show that
it all falls into place quite naturally and the channel
between you and your cards opens wider. With each client
session I do 3 separate spreads. This lends credence
to the issue at hand, it clarifies points not comprehended
fully, drives an issue home if it is being ignored,
and takes the information to greater depth if the client
is taking it in properly. This generally takes about
45 minutes to an hour to complete the three spreads.
Finally, I want to address
the issue of client confidentiality. This is critical
to your success as a Reader and the client base you
are building. Assuring the client that the information
being exchanged will be held in the strictest of confidence
is conducive to building a good rapport and puts them
at ease from the start. I tell my clients that I am
in the business of spiritual counseling and I treat
each reading as a doctor or lawyer would: ethically,
with integrity, and full respect for their privacy.
I do discuss issues from
client experiences from time to time with others, but
NEVER do I indicate which client I am referring to.
It is always "a client" and left at that.
The only time I exchange this type of information is
to demonstrate by example either the method or accuracy
of the results I obtain and how validation showed in
a similar experience.
When I began reading I would
say my accuracy level was about 50%. I read the cards
for family and friends initially and as I began to see
that level rise expansion came about by reading for
their friends because word was spreading. Today I rate
myself in the high 90% range. Between you and I it is
close to 98%, but I do not tell that to a client. There
is always room for error, we are human, and I leave
that open by saying I am in the high 90% range. I inform
all my clients that I am not responsible for the information
that is brought to light.
When doing a reading the
information comes through the spiritual link you have
developed, sometimes in conjunction with spirit guides
that may be present, and never from you as a source.
You are the channel for that information and the cards
are the canvas on which the painted pictures appear.
This leaves the responsibility for that information
in the hands of the client and it's source-where it
belongs! Often when reading for a client the most personal
and sensitive issues are brought into the matters at
hand. This is often embarrassing and can cause the client
to tighten up and withdraw unless they have the reassurance
that this is a confidential session and will go no further.
If you talk about what information
comes through and involve the client's name in such
conversations with others your reputation will become
mud overnight. Word-of-mouth is your best form of advertising
and you want it to be excellent. In conclusion of this
arena, the client needs to be reminded that they have
choices in these matters and those choices will directly
affect the outcome of the given situation. They need
to know that the outcome predicted is relative to the
choices they have made so far and the outside influences
that may be beyond their control.
NEVER predict death or destruction
of someone's life. If you see these issues coming to
bear on a situation express them as cautions against
those conditions. It is always best to offer alternative
solutions or imply the client needs to find them on
their own or risk a negative situation.
NEVER take responsibility
for the choices your clients make, the results of a
given reading, or the outcome that follows in their
lives. You are merely the messenger, not the cause or
effect, and there is no reason for you to carry that
How Tarot Functions
The characteristics of the cards are general and interpretation
depends on many things. When shuffled the cards naturally
fall in an upright or reversed position and that alters
their meaning accordingly. The nearness to (and combination
with) other cards affect the interpretation, as does
the frequency or dominance of a suit. For example, if
the spread of the cards is dominated by Wands
there will be a focus on changes and goals; dominated
by Cups there will be good news and happiness as a focus;
dominated by Swords there will be striving to attain
things; Coins will address finances, career, and wealth.
The Tarot is a science of vibration, spiritual matters,
divination by cards, and by numbers.
When the cards are shuffled
the subconscious mind directs the motion and results.
The range of our subconscious perception exceeds that
of the physical senses and functions as a link or channel
that can contact any source of information beyond that
which the individual possesses. As soon as the subconscious
mind focuses its attention on obtaining specific information
the psychic senses respond. I often find that my Guides
enter into the input of a reading I'm doing when I'm
either missing a point of importance or slipping off
in a wrong direction. They will step in and emphasize
things or redirect my focus.
Concentrating on a specific
question is important. It adds energy used to gather
the facts. As you gain experience you learn to feel
that energy present in the room and in the cards. It
directs how you will read them, and determines the way
they will fall. Many times I receive an intuitive impression
to set aside a traditional interpretation of a card
for something totally different. I go with that impression
or end up regretting it later. Trust your impressions!
Experience will demonstrate this again and again. The
accuracy of the information received depends on the
ability of the Reader's subconscious to perceive the
nudges it's getting to bring it through. This involves
the use of ESP or your heightened senses and trusting
in yourself to be accurate. The subconscious mind does
not question, it simply responds. Training your mind
to focus and intuit and your body to feel shuts out
the irrelevant side issues.
The cards are shuffled and
the querrant is told that the truth will be revealed
no matter what they want the outcome to be. Holding
the question in mind, the shuffling begins. Some people
tell their clients to shuffle once, cut the cards three
times with their left hand (changing the direction the
cards are facing in the process), and repeat these steps
two more times for a series of three shuffles. Others
will have the cards spread out and ask the client to
stir them up. Some will shuffle and cut for the client,
spread the cards out on the table in a sweeping motion
and have the client draw the appropriate number or one
card at a time as the spread progresses. This is an
effective method and I do like it. There are specific
spreads used as "layouts" that focus on drawing
in certain elements of perception. While many readers
use them, and I have a couple I employ on a regular
basis, the choice of spreads is optional. Another method
that I use is to tell the client to shuffle and cut
the cards until they feel it is time to stop. If they
take too long I'll tell them it's enough. The decks
are oversized when compared to normal playing cards
making them awkward for clients to handle. I will intuitively
shuffle for them if I feel they are struggling and then
allow them to pick the cards individually from the deck.
Either the overhand or the riffle shuffle is fine, just
stay with what works best for you. Cutting and reversing
can be done in a pre-set manner or intuitively. Cards
are always read from YOUR perspective. Thus, a card
that is upright is seen in it's most positive interpretation
and a reversed position represents the negative connotations
of that particular card and situation. As each card
is turned from top to bottom and read as it appears.
Each card is an event or influence following the last
card read. Spreads use Key card positions to represent
these events or influences, and random draws simply
tell a story from start to finish without definitive
timelines. The scope of a reading is always limited
by the present situation and past of the querrant. Unless
otherwise specified by the selected spread, most readings
will extend outwards of 3 months.
In spreading out the cards
the right hand is considered positive (when dominant
and vs. vs.. for the dominant left). So to balance the
magnetic flow of the current between them the cards
are dealt from left (incoming information) to the right
(outgoing information) unless specific patterns are
used. Layouts are face down and the remaining cards
are set aside. Then as you read you turn each card letting
it influence those that follow and the message unfolds.
Trust the message as it comes through to you. Practice
and feedback as the client experiences events will become
your validation for accuracy.
Overview of Major and
Minor Arcana
The Suits Of The Minor
This suit indicates action, enterprise, energy, growth,
renewal, and position in the layout determines if it
is constructive or digressed to opposition and argument.
Here the focus tends to be ideas, creativity, or goals
and the higher mind/consciousness. Enthusiasm, ambition,
station in life, and honor are also represented.
The symbol contains water in some capacity reflecting
cosmic knowledge, or love, instruction, and pleasure.
It symbolizes the sub-conscious link we all possess.
Here the focus tends to be on the good life, fertility,
beauty, and emotions rather than intellect. It represents
our sympathy, receptivity, and submissive tendencies.
This suit indicates a quest, aggression, ambition, boldness,
force, and courage. Sometimes it is transformation;
hatred and war would be indicated by the cards falling
to either side as aspects of struggles and afflictions
or hardships. This focus is the world of activity that
is either constructive or destructive through action.
The passion that drives issues, patience, industriousness,
and practicality are indicated.
This suit indicates money matters, material gain, attainment
in vocation. They can represent development, trade,
or industry. They also symbolize the magical arts and
five senses of man, the five elements in nature and
five extremities of the body. These are the changeable
elements of our natures, social skills, and mental focus
towards health or money and the ease with which we will
be exposed to the situations they indicate.
Sample Spreads

***This spread is my preferred spread. It is very simple
to read, it is efficient, and it makes the most sense
to those who you are reading for. There are books on
the market that give interpretations, methods of reading,
and other spreads if you want to explore those options.
However, I have personally found that out of all of
them this is the most efficient and easily remembered.
**In any spread the card
layout is face down. They are then turned over one at
a time as the reading proceeds. This keeps the client's
attention on what you are telling them. Clients are
fascinated with the cards and the pictures they contain,
thus they are easily distracted by seeing "what's
up next". In the form of a cross, placement is
as follows: Card 1 on top, below it card 2, below it
card 3, to the left of card 2 is card 4, over card 1
is card 5, to the right of card 2 is card 6. In a descending
line to the right side are cards: 7, 8, 9, 10
Card 1: The general atmosphere or situation. Card 2:
Obstacles or issues that interfere or enhance. Card
3: The distant past and its lesson giving the world
view held by the querrant/client. Card 4: The recent
past (last couple of months or so...3-12 month periods
as a rule) and event/s leading to the current situation.
Card 5: Current thoughts of actions to be taken, preparation
not yet acted upon. Card 6: The near future (next 6-8
weeks or so). Card 7: Hopes the querrant holds about
the situation, things wished for to resolve it. Card
8: The environment around the issue: social, vocational,
personal, and family matters either supportive or interfering.
The opinions of others, family, and friends. Card 9:
These are the fears held or your querrants idea
about how the issue will be carried out either validated
or annulled. Card 10: This is the final outcome (extending
about 3 months ahead) as a result of all other cards
in the spread.
***To this spread I add an additional 5 cards. They
are read successively as an encapsulation of events
surrounding the outcome for more clarity on the final
issue. Go directly from one to the other reading left
to right. The card in the center is the focal point
so the two to the left lead to it, and the two to the
right will follow explaining why things are this way.
This addition has proven very reliable for me over the
years and lends a lot more depth to the question at
hand. Here card 1 represents the outcome; card 2 their
wants or actions; card 3 the truth of the reality seen;
4 the process surrounding the matter; and card 5 the
reconfirmed or enhanced view of the outcome itself.
If the client continues to ask questions about these
issues already raised I continue to draw five cards
reading them as a running answer to each question. This
is quite accurate and often requires the session to
go longer so I leave it to my clients to decide.
The card layout is comprised of 5, 7, or 9 cards depending
on the depth of detail required. Whatever number of
cards you select, the center card is always the Key.
It tells you the present situation and is equal to the
weight of two cards. When the majority of the cards
show as upright the answer is yes, when reversed the
answer is no. If evenly matched there is no decisive
answer. It can happen from a lack of concentration;
lack of desire for the truth; wishing rather than concentrating;
or undecided factors surrounding the situation. Here
you can stop or you can continue for more details. The
center card representing the current situation revolving
around the question at hand, those to the right are
the past and those to the left are the future. The dominant
suit will tell you what needs focus, and any Major Arcana
will be the outside influences while the Minor Arcana
represent the immediate influences.
Three rows of seven cards each are in this layout. The
bottom row represents the situation in the past that
surrounds the current situation. The middle row represents
the current situation and the present as it stands.
The top row represents the future. All center cards
are Keys. In reading this spread the Key card is served
by all surrounding cards and should be read as they
modify it blending them together.
Used when the querrant wants to know if a definite thing
will come to pass. A card representing the querrant
is selected from the deck by choice (e.g. a Virgo man
would have the Queen of Swords reversed however any
card may be selected according to appearance or mood
at the time). The Reader then fans the cards face down
on the table and the querrant draws 15 cards at random
holding the question strongly in mind. Then the querrant
shuffles and cuts the 15 cards. The others are set aside
unused. The layout for this is simple: Cards 1-3: What
surrounds the querrant. Cards 4-6: Factors describing
the wish. Cards 7-9: What opposes the querrant. Cards
10-12: What comes to the querrants home. Cards
13-15: What will be realized as a result.
This spread is used to gain an overview of a given situation,
to gain insight into the reasons why it has arisen and
its effects on both the emotional and physical body.
It contains only 6 cards with card 1 on top, 2 in the
center, and 3 on the bottom. Card 1: The cause, dynamic,
impulse, guiding idea, or motive behind a situation
or event. Card 2: The effect at the emotional, social,
or relationship level. Card 3: The effect at the physical
level of manifestation in the physical body or material
This is used for divine inspiration or blessings developed
from the Triune Spread for more details. It calls for
9 cards and a reshuffle of the deck. The cards are laid
out in three rows from top to bottom with the rows going
from left to right. Row 1: Cards 1-3; as the left-hand
ray we have the past. Row 2: Cards 4-6; as the center
ray we have the present. Row 3: Cards 7-9; as the right-hand
ray we have the future. Top cards represent the guiding
ideas, causes and impulses, or dynamics. Center cards
represent the emotional effects. Bottom
cards represent the physical level of manifestation.
SPREAD OF 36: Six rows of
six cards from the bottom up. Cards 1-6 represent the
past. Cards 7-12 represent the present. Cards 13-36
represent the future. The cards are first read in their
numerical order. Then since the past influences the
future, more information concerning the question can
be gained by pairing cards 1 & 36, 2 & 35, in
a continuous pattern ending with cards 18 & 19.
This spread is used to gain insights into the aspects
of the individual that may need development, balance,
or issues that need attention. Five cards are drawn
with the first card being selected to represent the
querrant beforehand. Card 1: Is placed in the center;
represents the querrant. Card 2: Is placed to the East;
represents the intellectual and mental life. Card 3:
Is placed to the South; represents the sensual, instinctual
life. Card 4: Is placed to the West; represents the
emotional, feeling life. Card 5: Is placed to the North;
represents the intuitive, spiritual life. The relationships
of the cards will be indicative of the overview and
trouble areas as well as assets the querrant has in
their favor.
Reading the Tarot should
be an intuitive process first, but based on a focus
and understanding of the card and the position/issue
it holds dominant. There needs to be a progression from
past to future so the querrant can understand how things
developed, what has influenced current perception (or
lack of it), how they are handling the issues, the outside
influences that are entering into the matter, and that
the projected outcome is based on current decisions
and actions of the querrant and others involved. The
querrant needs to understand that Free Will (or choice)
is always available to them and nothing is carved in
stone. The further out the projected outcome the less
concrete it is because other issues have to unfold bringing
it into manifestation. The choices they have made (or
their indecision) to this point have brought them to
the current situation. How they choose to handle it
now will bring about the outcome. What you see before
you is based on projection resulting from the querrants
current viewpoint (including their fears or insecurities
as well as their confidences). If they choose to change
their mind or actions another outcome will result. If
they are uncertain about how they want to handle things
another spread can be done taken from that perspective
to indicate the results they can anticipate. Each option
can be explored in subsequent readings allowing the
querrant to make the best choice in the matter accordingly.