The Double Digit Numbers
By BearInMind
From "Numerology"
© 1994 by Hans Decoz and Tom Monte / All rights
So far, we've worked with
single-digit numbers in your chart, with the exception
of the Master numbers and the Karmic Debt numbers.
Now, let's look at the numbers
10 and up. Every one of the cardinal numbers can be
based on several different component numbers.
The 7, for instance, can
be based on 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61 or 70. (It cannot
be based on 79 or 88 except indirectly, because 79 and
88 are 16.)
When a 7 is based on 25,
it is slightly different from a 7 based on 34 or 61.
For this reason, the author has made it a habit to include
the double-digit number in the chart.
He writes a 7 based on 25
in this manner: 25/7, and a 7 based on 34 like this:
Now let's analyze double-digit
numbers. A double-digit number's characteristics are
dominated by that of the single digit it represents.
First and foremost, it is that cardinal number. The
double-digit number highlights certain aspects and diminishes
others, but it never eliminates any aspect completely.
You may want to study the double-digit numbers in your
personal chart to see if you can gain additional insight
or clarity. For example, a 7 based on 25 is not as withdrawn
as a 7 based on 16. A 7 based on a 34 is more creative
than a 7 based on 25. The already considerable leadership
ability of a 1 is enhanced in the 10. As a rule, numbers
that are dividable by 10 strengthen the characteristics
of the single-digit numbers across the board. A 10 is
a high octave 1, a 40 is a high octave 4, and a 70 is
a high octave 7. Below is a short description of double-digit
numbers 10 through 99. As an exercise, you may want
to contemplate a few double-digit numbers, then see
if you picked the same main points as those described
below. To find your double-digit number, take the total
of the letters in your full name BEFORE you reduce them
to a single digit.
Double-Digit Number ~ It enhances all the qualities
of the 1. It is a powerful leader, sharply focused,
and streamlined for success. It can be ruthless
in the pursuit of its goals. It can become a dominating
Double-Digit Number ~ See "The Master Numbers"
in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny article.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is highly creative, individualistic,
and unconventional. It represents the interest
of the self versus those of the group.
Double-Digit Number ~ See "The Karmic Debt
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
Double-Digit Number ~ See "The Karmic Debt
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
Double-Digit Number ~ It is loving, forgiving,
and extremely tolerant. It is responsible, successful,
dynamic and strong. It represents travel, adventure,
and experimentation. This number can bring self-indulgence.
Double-Digit Number ~ See "The Karmic Debt
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
Double-Digit Number ~ It is spiritual growth,
faith and balance. It is also wealth or bankruptcy.
It is an inner struggle to remain true to spiritual
and moral values.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is involved with business
on an international scale, and it is a discordance
between idealism and selfishness. There is a lack
of conscious spiritual effort.
Double-Digit Number ~ See "The Karmic Debt
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
Double-Digit Number ~ It is overly sensitive,
intuitive, and vulnerable to criticism. It has
emotional problems. It can show weakness and cowardice
in the face of challenges.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is similar to 12, but
much more intuitive. It tends to procrastinate.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 22 in "The Master
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
Double-Digit Number ~ It loves people and is a
freedom fighter, a promoter of causes, a quitter
and unrealistic.
Double-Digit Number ~ It counsels and comforts
others. It likes music, particularly rhythm. It
represents domestic struggle and divorce.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is spiritual leadership.
It likes group endeavors. It can be too serious.
It has great difficulty sharing feelings.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is excellent in business
and management. It is a good strategist, a workaholic,
and is often disorganized in personal affairs.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is a counselor, a volunteer,
and an artist, and is often successful. It represents
inheritance. It is sometimes rigid and narrow-minded.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is a 10, but with more
compassion and tolerance.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is the same as 11. See
"The Master Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers
of Destiny article.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is communication and
creativity. It is a high octave 3. It has a great
sense of humor, and while jovial, can be superficial.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is more extrovert and
fun-loving than other 4s. It is also more creative.
It can be unfaithful.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 23. It is more sensitive,
and has emotional ups and downs, and is moody.
Double-Digit Number ~ Some numerologists consider
this a Master number. Its ultimate potential is
in teaching. It is called the Christ number. It
comforts others. It represents self-sacrifice
and beliefs in Utopia. It is often co-dependent,
and is sometimes a compulsive liar.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is very intelligent.
It is spiritual purity through effort. It shares
with others, and is a warrior.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is creative in business.
It is an inventor, gadget-designer, or business
adviser. It is social, but does not work well
with others. It should freelance.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is very creative. It
is sometimes a genius. It is also self-conscious,
inhibited, and aloof.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is very individualistic,
a scholar, a voracious reader, has an excellent
imagination, and is often disorganized.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 11 in "The Master
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
article. It is more realistic. It is very intuitive,
but will not easily admit that. It often earns
money in the sale of art or antiques. It has phobias.
Double-Digit Number ~ It likes functional art.
It is often in acting and dancing. It has difficulties
with rejection and separation.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is a high octave 4. It
is extremely organized, systematic, and methodical.
It is critical of others, intolerant, and sometimes
Double-Digit Number ~ See 14. It is capable of
directing energies to many different projects
successfully. It is selfish, has a lack of humor,
and is sometimes a criminal.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 24. It has political
aspirations. It can be an administrator, often
in government institutions. It can be insensitive.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 34. It represents concentration,
perfectionism, sometimes frustrations, and feelings
of inferiority.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is an excellent number
for business, and it is also good for a military
career. It is a visionary and a doer. It has great
Double-Digit Number ~ It is often involved in
banking, or international institutions. It struggles
to be comfortable with itself. It can be cynical.
Double-Digit Number ~ It represents leadership
(see 10), and is often tactless. It is always
well-prepared, and confident.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 11 in "The Master
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
article. There is an inner struggle between practical,
down-to-earth 4, and spiritual 7. Once balance
has been achieved, it is a prophet and counselor
Double-Digit Number ~ It is a visionary and a
planner. It is sometimes lost in unrealistic dreams.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 13. It is a caretaker
that makes effort for others. It is a problem-solver.
It wants to be a hero and friend to everyone.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is a high octave 5. It
is extremely freedom-loving and versatile. It
is open to new ideas, and is willing to take a
chance. It sometimes has sexual hang-ups.
Double-Digit Number ~
Double-Digit Number ~ See 25. It is more sensitive,
intuitive, and creative.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 35. It is more verbal,
creative and business-oriented.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 45. It is less organized
and disciplined. It has a difficult time finishing
projects. It tends to be a dreamer. It is very
Double-Digit Number ~ It is extremely freedom-loving,
and likes to travel. It is social, but can also
be selfish and lonely. It represents success for
anyone in sales.
Double-Digit Number ~ This is a difficult combination
that represents extreme sensitivity and the need
to balance a desire for freedom with an equally
strong desire to be part of a family. Also see
11 in "The Master Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers
of Destiny article.
Double-Digit Number ~ It represents intelligence
and inventiveness. It brings wisdom in the later
part of life. It is very creative and unconventional.
Double-Digit Number ~ This number shows a willingness
to work hard and is usually successful. It recognizes
opportunities and can make quick decisions. It
is somewhat dogmatic and opinionated.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is very persuasive and
convincing. It is often found in the charts of
successful lawyers and fundraisers. It brings
an uncanny ability to be comfortable with people
of all walks of life and diverse cultures.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is loving, caring, and
responsible. It sometimes brings subservience.
Double-Digit Number ~ This is a number that represents
difficulties in love relationships. However, the
need for family and friends is strong. It is demanding
and secretive; an excellent number for researchers,
law officers, and people in the Secret Service.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 26. This number is less
sensitive. It is an excellent caretaker. A good
number for people with careers in the medical
Double-Digit Number ~ See 36. It is less outgoing.
However, it can be sexually promiscuous.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 46. It is less organized
and more creative.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 56. The need to balance
freedom and domestic affairs is even more important
here. This number sometimes brings a criminal
Double-Digit Number ~ Generous to fault, this
number brings financial ups and downs. It is extremely
loyal and loving.
Double-Digit Number ~ This number merges analytical
intelligence and creativity. Inventors and mathematicians
often have this number prominent in their chart,
often behind a core number.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is good for business.
It has a tendency to be insensitive, but it is
also very loyal. It has a great sense of humor.
Double-Digit Number ~ Few numbers are as responsible
and self-sacrificing as the number 69. Political
activists and environmentalists often have this
number, as do doctors, nurses, and teachers. It
is also extremely creative.
Double-Digit Number ~ This is the hermit's number.
It is a loner and a seeker of truth who can get
caught up in the act of seeking knowledge to such
an extent that it loses touch with the material
world. It has high intelligence and originality.
It is eccentric.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 17. It is less authoritative
and is often a loner.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 27. It tends to be an
excellent conversationalist and it is usually
a voracious reader.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 37. It is independent
and likes to work alone. It is demanding in relationships.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 47. It brings premonitions
and intense dreams. This number can bring eating
Double-Digit Number ~ See 57. It is more analytical
and less creative.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 67. This is an excellent
number for anyone involved in management or organization.
It can turn ideas into reality. Sometimes this
number brings dogmatic and religious fanaticism.
Double-Digit Number ~ This is perhaps the most
intelligent and inventive of all numbers. It also
represents spiritual wisdom.
Double-Digit Number ~ This number brings struggle
between the spiritual and the material. People
with this number prominent in their chart make
and lose fortunes.
Double-Digit Number ~ Political and spiritual
leaders often have this number. It brings concern
for mankind, but it can also be ruthless and self-righteous.
Double-Digit Number ~ This is a good number for
business. However, it is found more often among
people in top management and the military, than
among entrepreneurs, due to a lack of independence.
It is an extrovert number.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 18. It is more money-oriented.
It often lacks spiritual understanding. Sometimes
this number brings violence.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 28. This is a number
that brings strong leadership and courage. It
is the survivor. This number can bring a lack
of stability in marriage. Many people with this
number prominent in the chart either never get
married, or get married many times.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 38. It is more business-oriented
and less sensitive and vulnerable.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 48. It is more the visionary
and less the organizer.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 58. It is more masculine,
and can be bullish.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 68. This number is more
self-oriented. It is also somewhat irresponsible
and self-indulgent.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 78. This number is somewhat
more practical and handles money better, but the
struggle between the spiritual and the material
is just as intense.
Double-Digit Number ~ This number is full of contradictions.
It is excellent for business, but it is not good
for relationships. It is insensitive.
Double-Digit Number ~ This number represents the
aristocrat and the man or woman of the world.
It brings much travel. This number can make it
difficult for a person to be alone, even for short
periods of time.
Double-Digit Number ~ It is self-sacrificing and
humble. This number often brings religious fervor,
but almost always of a positive and inspiring
nature. People with this number prominent in the
chart tend to be aloof, yet loved and respected
by many.
Double-Digit Number ~ This is a combination that
brings success in career, particularly in the
creative fields, but it is unable to handle money.
It is economic and opinionated.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 11 in "The Master
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
article. This number brings great concern for
Double-Digit Number ~ See 39. It is creative,
particularly in architecture, and landscaping.
It has difficulties with commitment.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 49. It is the practical
humanitarian. It is not comfortable with travel,
and dislikes changes.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 59. It is the humanitarian,
but it is impractical, a dreamer. It loves travel
and change.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 69. Its self-sacrificing
and loving nature is more focused on family, friends,
and the community.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 79. It is more sensitive.
It is a quiet worker and loves to read.
Double-Digit Number ~ See 89. It is an idealist,
but comes across as indifferent. It has a hard
time showing emotions. A person with this number
prominent in his or her chart is not easily understood
by others.
Double-Digit Number ~ It represents artistic genius.
A person with this number is often misunderstood,
and is frequently the victim of gossip. It can
bring jealousy and possessiveness to relationships.
Numbers, as we discussed
in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny article, have personalities,
much like people do. Once you have a good grip on the
individual personalities of the cardinal numbers, you
are able to understand a multiple-digit number by contemplating
the combination of personalities represented. Keep in
Mind that a multiple-digit number is dominated by the
single-digit number to which it is reduced. Then, read
the separate digits in such a way that each digit has
to work its influence through the digit in front of
For example, the number 324
has first and foremost the characteristics of the single-digit
number 9, to which it can be reduced. However, the number
3 influences the way this number 9 is expressed. The
numbers 2 and 4 are also represented, but are less important.
I thought I'd have a little
fun with some of the monikers found around Spirit Lodge
~ some old, and some new. A lot of the ones in my list
below are from old threads that were saved in my hard
drive ~ I did a clean-up today. Others are handles posted
in the Welcome Center in the Who's Who thread, but I
did not include those IDs that I know have numbers,
where the numbers weren't posted. To me, an ID has a
number tagged with it, it's part of the ID.
The list certainly does not
have *all* the names of our members; more like just
a drop in a bucket, I'm sure. Note that I just did this
for fun, so don't run out and get a new ID just because
you might not like your number. The handles are listed
in alphabetical order, but those with numbers which
preceed names are listed in numerological order, then
by alphabet. Enjoy!
1 Shadow Slayer
= 52 ~ See 25. It is more sensitive, intuitive,
and creative. |
2Crow Woman =
46 ~ It represents leadership (see 10), and is often
tactless. It is always well-prepared, and confident.
Autumn Mouse
= 37 ~ It is very individualistic, a scholar, a
voracious reader, has an excellent imagination,
and is often dis-organized. |
Bear In Mind
= 53 ~ See 35. It is more verbal, creative and business-oriented.
Be Water =
29 ~ It is the same as 11. See "The Master
Numbers" in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny
article. |
cedar rose
= 43 ~ See 34. It represents concentration, perfectionism,
sometimes frustrations, and feelings of inferiority.
Cinnamon Moon
= 59 ~ It is very persuasive and convincing. It
is often found in the charts of successful lawyers
and fundraisers. It brings an uncanny ability to
be comfortable with people of all walks of life
and diverse cultures. |
Cinnamon Moon
1 = 60 ~ It is loving, caring, and responsible.
It sometimes brings subservience. |
= 31 ~ It is more extrovert and fun-loving than
other 4s. It is also more creative. It can be unfaithful.
Maftet = 20
~ It is overly sensitive, intuitive, and vulnerable
to criticism. It has emotional problems. It can
show weakness and cowardice in the face of challenges.
Minna EarthKeeper
= 82 ~ See 28. This is a number that brings strong
leadership and courage. It is the survivor. This
number can bring a lack of stability in marriage.
Many people with this number prominent in the chart
either never get married, or get married many times. |
Mouse = 19
~ See "The Karmic Debt Numbers" in the
Numerology/Numbers of Destiny article. |
= 69 ~ Few numbers are as responsible and self-sacrificing
as the number 69. Political activists and environmentalists
often have this number, as do doctors, nurses, and
teachers. It is also extremely creative. |
rebel psi =
41 ~ See 14. It is capable of directing energies
to many different projects successfully. It is selfish,
has a lack of humor, and is sometimes a criminal.
= 54 ~ See 45. It is less organized and disciplined.
It has a difficult time finishing projects. It tends
to be a dreamer. It is very idealistic. |
Sister Cyber
= 53 ~ See 35. It is more verbal, creative and business-oriented.
Skye Katt
= 22 ~ See 22 in "The Master Numbers"
in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny article. |
= 51 ~ See 15. It is more independent and aggressive.
Star Bear Spirit
= 67 ~ This number merges analytical intelligence
and creativity. Inventors and mathematicians often
have this number prominent in their chart, often
behind a core number. |
= 58 ~ This number shows a willingness to work hard
and is usually successful. It recognizes opportunities
and can make quick decisions. It is somewhat dogmatic
and opinionated. |
= 48 ~ It is a visionary and a planner. It is sometimes
lost in unrealistic dreams. |
Wee Lil Mouse
= 49 ~ See 13. It is a caretaker that makes effort
for others. It is a problem-solver. It wants to
be a hero and friend to everyone. |
White Buffalo
Woman = 77 ~ This is perhaps the most intelligent
and inventive of all numbers. It also represents
spiritual wisdom. |
Wynsong7 =
43 ~ See 34. It represents concentration, perfectionism,
sometimes frustrations, and feelings of inferiority.
Xanthos Griffon
= 14 ~ See "The Karmic Debt Numbers"
in the Numerology/Numbers of Destiny article. |
I thought I'd share that
about 15 years ago I played with numbers like this for
titles of poems I wrote, to see how closely the "meat
and potatoes" (theme) of the poem came to the numerological
meaning, and was quite blown away that each title was
a near-perfect match for its poem. What's even more
interesting was that the poems were written way before
I began to study numerology ~ some when I was just a
Play around with some of
your personal nicknames, or names you like to call others.
For example, there is a woman I know whose name is Margaret,
but she's commonly known as "Peggy" and I
call her "Pooh." All of her names as she is
known fit her to a good extent.
Another thing to play around
with is email addresses ~ yours and others. Meh ~ It's
easy for me to whiz through this kind of thing ~ I calculate
on the spot sometimes since the numerical value for
the alphabet is all-but engraved in my brain. But some
of you who have time on their hands may want to give
it and play around with some names and things ~ you'd
be amazed at what you'll find :nod
Sister Cyber - thanks so much for your work here on
numerology. I have a confusing situation when it comes
to my name. So they say to use the name on your birth
certificate. Cool. I legally changed (and embraced)
all three new names. So I now have a birth certificate
that also has that name. I think in terms of using the
birth name that I get. But then to use the name you
go by today - shall I forget all about all three of
my changed names and go for my shorter first name although
I sign using the longer version - mostly when I introduce
myself I use the shorter version and most others call
me by my shorter version. So should I go with original
birth name as appeared on my birth certificate then
for the name I go by now just do the short version first
name and my new last name? I have no problem with that
but then again it completely ignores my current middle
name which I have now had half my life. Just a little
stalled here on this one any help would be appreciated.
I'm working
on a Numerology article now that pertains to names,
so "stay tuned" for that. For the moment,
the "short" answer is that the *primary* information
comes from your name as it appears on your birth certificate.
Do I understand correctly that you now have 2 birth
certificates? As for a new name, you'll gain additional
insight from their numerological value. Go with the
information you derive from the name as you introduce
yourself. If you *normally* introduce yourself using
your middle name ("Hi, I'm Carol Ann Brown")
or using initials ("Hi, I'm J.K. Rowling")
then go with that for additional insight. You can also
get some insight from the name you use for signing,
but since that's not the name you introduce yourself
as, I'd not harp heavily on that, unless it's how you
introduce yourself. In other words, if you have a middle
name and use it when you introduce yourself, then go
with that for insight. If you have a middle name, but
don't use it typically, then go with the name you use
to introduce yourself for further insight.
Sister Cyber - yes two birth certificates. I was supposed
to send in my old one I guess but didn't do that so
I have two. I should burn the other one now that I think
of it because it is not lawful to have two. I never
carry both with me of course. I'll give that a try then
- using the birth names and then my short version first
name with my new last name. I think that's what you
are saying to do here. I appreciate your time.
Bimmy!! This is fun! I like this (although lately my
'tolerance button' has been as broke as my 'edit button'):
28 Double-Digit Number ~ It is a 10, but with more compassion
and tolerance. And this! ROFLMAO!!! ~ Minna EarthKeeper
= 82 ~ See 28. This is a number that brings strong leadership
and courage. It is the survivor. This number can bring
a lack of stability in marriage. Many people with this
number prominent in the chart either never get married,
or get married many times.
i ask Husband 1, H2, or H3 if that's too many times...Nope.
H3, my Sweet Bear would tell me that three is, just
like Goldilocks' last bitto porridge...Just Right. I
don't know about the leadership thing though. But you
and the numbers got the 'husband thing' spot on.
This is cool. Thanks Bear In Mind for bringing it
to my attention.
I'm glad to know you all enjoyed it! I added some names,
and fixed Jaguar Eyes 9's ~ I'd left off the number
9 so had to edit the Double-Digit information.
Hey babe. That was pretty interesting. And pretty
smack on for my names too. Thanks.
Independent....very. Aggressive....sometimes, but
i think that's because i have Badger walking with me
. I've not really looked into numerology, not in a good
way anyway, so this is quite new to me. It's been an
interesting thread. Thanks
BIM~ Thank you for taking the time to do this. It's
fun to see everyone you've been able to bring forward...sort
a of a group lesson in this light. You did great and
I for one think we should put the thread in the library
with other Numerology information you've provided. I'm
anxious to see your article when you're done too.
Very interesting
BIM. Griff... try not to get a "swell" head
Hey SL Whilst using our usernames may be fun, having
studied numerology extensively myself, I am aware that
it only actually works with your given (i.e. birth)
name. If there is any familiarity from the above list
using your username, this can only be because your username
shares some numerological aspects with your given name:
but it cannot be exact as your time and naming at birth
is the all important aspect: and this cannot be changed
from a numerology point of view. Here is what the website
BIM's work comes from says on the subject:
Your original name at
birth reflects who you are; your talents, strengths,
weaknesses, unique character traits, and so forth. Your
original name at birth cannot be changed. Your birth
has passed and you have been named. Your date of birth
represents the momentum of your life; the path you walk,
the cycles, the timing of events and influences, the
direction of your life. Your date of birth cannot be
changed either.
But would you say, that , for example a spirit name
given to us would hold the same meaning as with a birth
name but on a different level. Now I know this was about
our nicknames, but I know that it my case it seems to
fit and Northernwolf has been with me for such a long
time that it is an identity in itself. Its also a beacon
, an aspiration to who I am. It does hold some facets
of my own identity. Now it may not be true to all user
names, but I would think that the name itself without
any regards to numbers would hold some kind of vibration
that does in a way reflect on ourself. Not disagreeing
just some thoughts here as I know nothing about numerology.
Northernwolf, As I said, there may be some correspondences,
as the usernames we choose or are chosen for us do represent
some aspect of us. My concern would be that what has
been written above is too general: like reading the
star signs in your local newspaper. Numerology is a
very complex field and our Expression number alone (the
Expression number is the number gotten from our name)
is only one facet of who we are and does not give a
full picture. When you then add to this that our given
name is not being used, the exercise becomes pretty
worthless from a numerological perspective and could
be misleading, particularly without the other aspects
and most particularly the life path number:
The Life Path number
most important number in your numerology chart is based
on the date of your birth, the moment when the curtain
goes up in your life. This number is called the Life
Path number. It can be compared to the plot of a potential
play. The Life Path number gives us a broad outline
of the opportunities, challenges, and lessons we will
encounter in this lifetime.
link to the Life
Path number page for more info
As you say Northernwolf, and
I might agree, given that we are talking about a name
taken on a spiritual journey, our username could give
clues as to what we ASPIRE to be, and in this respect
it may be useful. But there are other numbers in numerology
that tell us that: it might be interesting to check
out the Hearts Desire number, the Personality number
and the Birth Day number and then compare them with
our Spirit Name number. The "how to" is here:
Link to the main calculations page I just felt that
numerology is far too complicated a subject, and uses
far too many variables, to be treated out of context
the way it has been here: particularly given some of
the derogatory comments noted above. If you actually
download the software and use it even with your username,
the full descriptions are often at odds with the rather
glib comments noted above (taken from the double-digit
page), which doesn't give one a great deal of confidence
that this system is valid. Perhaps this is because rarely
do any two books on numerology agree, and there are
many different numerological systems from many different
cultures. I think my main concern is that people might
read the descriptions given above and this could
influence their perceptions,
especially new members or those who have recently changed
their usernames and are trying to work with the energies
a new name brings. I felt that this could be counterproductive.
Cinn, The point in my last
posts was to point out the inaccuracies in using our
usernames. But there are also inaccuracies in this system:
I have never come across double digits being used in
this fashion so I can only presume that this is just
two men's opinion as only the Master Numbers are usually
left in double digits: all other numbers are reduced
to one digit. There are systems that use double digit
numbers, but not set out with the nine systems to replace
the alphabet as used here: systems such as Grammaria
which uses specialized numbers based on the sigils of
the Hebrew alphabet letters: i.e. the numbers are intrinsic
in the Hebrew letters, not the other way around as used
here where numbers are used to replace letters. In this
case only single digits are used. The master numbers
are not just restricted to 11 and 22: 33 is also a master
number (perhaps the most important) and although not
often described as such as are 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and
99. We then move onto the triple numbers 111, 222, 333
etc etc. To understand the Master numbers requires at
least a passing knowledge of Kabbalah and other Mystery
School traditions of both the Middle East and Europe.For
instance without knowing that 11 represents the Creative
Force, 22 represents the extension (into Thought) of
that Creative Force and 33 is the manifestation of that
Creative Force the master numbers have no meaning.
The numbers 1-9 are considered
archetypes that have only an abstract definition in
the mundane: they are aspects of the godhead that we
carry, but cannot really be used in the mundane. Hence
the master numbers that bring forward their use. I know
this thread is only "for fun" and for the
reasons I have mentioned it cannot be taken seriously,
but one might have expected there to be more master
numbers in the list, given that these are the numbers
of the Spiritual adept: perhaps this is just another
pointer to the inaccuracies of this thread.
Plato used these archetypes
to show how the series expanded to create form and it
is from Plato that all modern notions of numerology
came, based on the work of Pythagoras, who many now
believe got the system form the Megalithic peoples of
North-West Europe, whose knowledge of numbers can be
seen in ancient monuments such as Stonehenge.
The number 11 is the dot drawn
on the page, 22 a line joining that dot to another point
on a page, 33 a line from the second dot to a further
dot that implies a triangle: space is then contained:
but not yet in volume of time: the sequence goes on
expanding to 99 when the the thought becomes manifest
in the mundane world of the mind's eye: ready to be
acted upon.
Someone with 11 is therefore
working with Creative energies, someone with 22 is therefore
working with giving force to those energies (the force
to expand) with 33, the person is aiming to make those
forces stable and so on and so on. None of this is explained.
No mention of double-digit
numbers is made in Numerology. other than the Master
numbers and its
consequent series, therefore this thread is misleading
even in its notion, let alone the fact the wrong names
are used.
Personally I don't agree that
there are any negative aspects to divination systems:
nor do I believe that there any forces that are not
of Great Spirit/God/whatever you call that figure.
I do believe that certain
aspects of any divinatory system challenge us and Numerology
is no different in this respect. This is my ultimate
objection to this thread: it is for each member to choose
when and how they take those challenges: not for one
particular member to make those decisions and thrust
in on a member by such a thread "just for fun".
I am aware of the challenges
my name brings up: and I was aware long before I brought
my name here to the Lodge: heck I wrote about that journey
just the other day in Mari's "bad" thread.
But I have had two years
to work with that energy and ground it. Other people
may not be aware of the challenges and may not be aware
of how to deal with them: that is for them to work through
in their own space and time: it is not in my opinion
anyone else's business, let alone to be the subject
of a thread here at the Lodge.
My final objection is that
all numbers are in sequence and want to resolve themselves
to the next number in the sequence: 1 wants to go to
2, 2 to 3, 11 to 22, 22 to 33 etc etc They also go back
the other way, 3-2, 2-1, 33-22, 22-11 :just as we go
down the Kabbalistic Tree of Life to create in the Mundane
and work up the Tree in our Spiritual pursuits.
In Numerology terms, this
is the Journey: No mention of this is given in the thread!
People might think that they have to change their name
in order to rid themselves of a bad number as BIM obviously
does: this is not so: the point is to work with the
number energies not to run away from them!
Sacred Garden:
(((Bim))) Thanks
for putting all this out there for us. It's a great
starting point for anyone interested in numerology!
There are always different viewpoints on any given topic
or system such as this one. I'm always happy to see
anything that makes me 'think'. *smiles* With that said,
I'm also glad to see this thread back. I did notice
that Before, my name was one of the sample ones that
was there, originally .. and now it's not. No matter,
the point still gets across. I just didn't want you
to think that I had a problem with my 'SacredGarden'
name used in the demonstration. It's all good. I'm happy
so glad to know you guys and gals are having fun with
the Double-Digit numbers!
Whilst using our
usernames may be fun, having studied numerology extensively
myself, I am aware that it only actually works with
your given (i.e. birth) name.
I beg to differ wolf spirit
uk. Numerology does not only actually work with a person's
given name. Birth Days are inclusive as that is where
one of the Core Numbers (Life Path) comes from. Additionally,
Short names and nicknames may provide further insight.
...but it cannot
be exact as your time and naming at birth is the all
important aspect: and this cannot be changed from a
numerology point of view.
That is your point of
view. In all actuality, that aspect *can* change when
a person changes their name, as in rebel psi's case,
for example.
Here is what the
website BIM's work comes from says on the subject:
I never quoted from a
website. I contacted Hans directly to use the material
in his book at Spirit Lodge.
But would you say,
that, for example a spirit name given to us would hold
the same meaning as with a birth name but on a different
level. Now I know this was about our nicknames, but
I know that it my case it seems to fit and Northernwolf
has been with me for such a long time that it is an
identity in itself. Its also a beacon, an aspiration
to who I am. It does hold some facets of my own identity.
Now it may not be true to all user names, but I would
think that the name itself without any regards to numbers
would hold some kind of vibration that does in a way
reflect on ourself. Not disagreeing just some thoughts
here as I know nothing about numerology.
I would suggest you take
a look at the Minor Expression number, the Minor Heart's
Desire number and the Minor Personality number for more
insight on your spirit name, Northernwolf. For example,
does this ring any bells for you...? : Your short
name adds love, warmth, generosity, and genuine concern
for others. It increases your concern for family and
those less fortunate than you. You are better equipped
to deal with duty and responsibility, and even find
greater satisfaction in it. You want to do good in the
world. You become more socially conscious, and seek
ways to better the plight of others. Your artistic abilities
are enhanced. You are more concerned with beautifying
your home, or engaging in healing and teaching. ~ Numerology
~ The Core Numbers: ex-pression Number ~
The exercise I did with
the IDs was just for fun and nothing's etched in stone
of course. People can change IDs like they change shoes,
and perhaps even create an ID that adds to a 92, for
example, in order to grow in areas where they are lacking,
or in order for others to perceive them to be what they
aspire to be.
But there are also
inaccuracies in this system: I have never come across
double digits being used in this fashion so I can only
presume that this is just two men's opinion as only
the Master Numbers are usually left in double digits:
all other numbers are reduced to one digit.
wolf spirit uk, just because
you have never "come across" double digit
numbers being defined does not make the information
moot or invalid. It's a big world out there, and I'm
sure you'll come across a heck of a lot more you've
never seen before.
To understand the
Master numbers requires at least a passing knowledge
of Kabbalah and other Mystery School traditions of both
the Middle East and Europe.
I don't agree that study
of the Quabalah is a requirement to understand Master
numbers. I studied the Quabalah, Kabbalistic mysteries/secrets
and ancient history at *great* length while I was married
to an Isrealite. Knowledge of it does enhance understanding
and opens up the deeper mysteries, but it's not mandatory
to learning about Master numbers .
(((Bim))) Thanks
for putting all this out there for us. It's a great
starting point for anyone interested in numerology!
(((SacredGarden))) Thanks
for the encouraging words! That's all it was meant for
~ to spark interest (well, and to provide information
on the Double Digits).
With that said,
I'm also glad to see this thread back. I did notice
that Before, my name was one of the sample ones that
was there, originally .. and now it's not.
wolf spirit uk/RavenFireStoneWolf,
and to my understanding, someone else, asked their names
be removed. Apparently you weren't the "someone
else" so I'll put your name back in.
Thank you Bim ~ the only real importance to me was,
expressing appreciation for what you've had to offer
here. Hey, do ya remember this saying from W A Y back
... "Drive it like ya stole it!" ? LOL
holy cow! rebel psi = 41 ~ See 14. It is capable
of directing energies to many different projects successfully.
It is selfish, has a lack of humor, and is sometimes
a criminal. Time for a name change!! The last
sentence IS total opposite of me! Honest! lol not that
anyone would believe an unfunny, selfish criminal! Lol
I'll have to keep this in mind next time I do up a nick
- incidentally my original nick was not available so
I had to settle. Still...good fun. Thanks for the thread!
Very interesting! My birth name is a 7, but a DD
(double digit) 16. Now the name I use professionally
my birth name without my middle name) is a 1, DD 10!
I haven't worked out my online ezboard names yet. I
need a calculator.