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The Journey
Of Past Life Readings Discussion
By SilverEagleDreamDancer
First I would like to say,
if you aren't led by Spirit to do them.. don't. It may
sound like the newest fun cool thing to do - but the
first time you're witness to someone's death, you learn
it's not. It's a serious ability and not to be taken
lightly. I have a solid ethical platform for myself
regarding reading anothers past life. This comes
from a few years of experience that I was fortunate
enough to have nurtured and supported by Spirit and
by the people who encouraged me to develop the ability.
The rules I recommend and go by are...
1) Ask Spirit to be shown
a lifetime for the person that would be helpful to their
development NOW to know about. Don't subject you or
the sitter to lifetimes just for curiosities sake. That
serves no one. Ask to be shown and let Spirit do the
driving. When you that, amazing healing happens for
the sitter and for you.
2) Never reveal current life
connections from past life ones. If you know that someones
brother from the past is their father now... keep it
to yourself. That isn't information that's helpful for
the growth of the sitter and I personally consider it
a breach of the other persons right to privacy.
Now, a word about the rights
of privacy when it comes to past lives. Stories happen
around us all the time. For example: you witness a birth.
From your perspective, you have a meaningful story to
tell about it and a right to that information. The monkey
in the tree outside the room it all happened shared
in it and also has a right to their information regarding
it. But neither you or the monkey have a right to the
private thoughts or intimate details of the mothers
experience during the birth. When viewing past lives,
perspective is everything. As the ability to view past
lives grows, the amount of perspective that can be tapped
into grows as well. It's vital to be firm in your resolve
about sharing only the information from the sitters
perspective and not that of others in that life. ONLY
that information will be meaningful to their personal
growth anyway.
3) Only one lifetime per
sitting. If you're moving with Spirit, it should only
come one at a time anyway - in my experience. There
are many reasons for this. There are a ton of energy
interactions involved with reading of this type; your
emotional responses (you will have them), the healing
that comes through doing them, the fluctuations of your
vibrations while connecting to the past life in order
to read it etc.... I only do one a day, one per sitting,
one per person. Since i'm giving the information.. that's
what I suggest.
4) Treat it as a sacred gift.
It's not something to have. It's not something to 'try'.
It's a calling - IMHO. I never asked for it, Spirit
asked me. Together, we developed a method that works
for me, to be able to hold the energies needed to do
them. I do them only if led to, only with permission
of the sitter. In some cases, like the current one -
I had a flash that I recognized as a past life but I
didn't look further until I was given permission from
the sitter.
So, if anyone has questions..
feel free. These are just the guidelines I go by and
how I'm most comfortable ethically. Not everyone does
it under these type of rules so you should be aware
of that too.
am glad you brought this up. SEDD. I think I was shown
a glimpse of one of my past lives many years ago, but
am not sure. How do you know if it's real? Back then
it had no meaning to me, but it makes sense now. I think
even if I sat down right now and asked Spirit to show
me a past life, I would question the validity of it.
Since there is no way of validating such a thing, how
do you know if it's true? I just thought with your experience,
you have already dealt with the trusting Spirit and
trusting your intuition issue. Maybe this belongs under
a different topic altogether, but this glimpse of a
past life I had really bothers me sometimes as to whether
it was an overactive imagination or something real.
I guess what I'm asking is how do you validate past
Sunflower, I had one day after
seeing a certain report on TV a dream, for a fraction
of a second I thought I was just filling the rest of
the story out I had seen, then I realized it was a memory.
It looked and felt totally different from a dream. I
could smell the fresh, sweet, pre-industrial air etc.
I know that it was a former lifetime. Actually it was
just about the whole lifetime I saw, as it was, as at
the time usual, a short life. What I wanted to say with
this is that you should know if something is a valid
Silver Eagle Dream Dancer:
"How do you know if it's real?" I'd have
to go on Owl with that one. You just know. Over the
years I've learned to tell but, in essence they 'feel'
different. Not much help I'm afraid "I think even
if I sat down right now and asked Spirit to show me
a past life, I would question the validity of it. Since
there is no way of validating such a thing, how do you
know if it's true?" And therein is the BIG problem
with past life stuff. There is seldom a way to verify.
Honestly though, I feel that past lives aren't really
about who you were then... whether you were king or
pauper. Those are identities. When I see them, they're
about people and life - things we all go through whether
in the past or now. Verification is in how it resonates
with you and whether the lesson is something you find
healing to know. That's the ONLY reason I can see for
even doing them in the first place. As a reader, I know
because of what I go through while viewing them. I hope
that they help the sitter understand their life and
to date, I've never had someone say that it meant absolutely
nothing to them. In every case I can recall, they've
written about what the understanding and message from
Spirit has brought for them.
I've only had one reading
that I thought could possibly be traced to some validation
but I never
got a name for the person.
I seldom know where I'm seeing a life, but in the one
I'm recalling now, she had a life in Seattle - back
in the beginning of the logging days there. Records
were kept from then so were I to receive a name, she
may have been able to trace that. But I never did. And
then there's the aspect of, what would that sort of
validation bring you that listening to your heart and
Creator doesn't? Would it make it more believable? And
to what end? So you can prove it.. then what? On the
other hand, blind faith isn't entirely a good thing
either. As a reader, I don't worry about the validation
angle and that likely doesn't help my credibility to
eyes outside of the experience. The only claim I ever
make is that I'll ask Spirit to show me and if I don't
get anything for someone - I'm upfront about it. There
are more times than not that I receive nothing. I only
hope that it brings the sitter whatever healing Spirit
wants for them. Then, for me the ability and experience
have value. Everything else is up to more brilliant
heads than mine.
Hey Sunflower. I've had memories
of several past lives since I was a lil kid. There
was a time where that meant a lot to me, it gave me
a kind of status. I knew that I'd been a teacher. Yay.
So I felt all spiritual just because of that. Then I
knew I'd been involved in how my parents were killed
and killed myself in the process (horse wagon into ravine...)
and I felt all guilty about it. LOL. I wrote at another
board about how I was able to validate a memory in the
sense that I found the grave of the person involved
and actually received a hug from that person's mother.
It was a very emotional experience, and if given the
opportunity, I'm not even sure I'd do it again. Thing
is that it doesn't matter whether or not it is an image
that is fabricated by the mind to help you connect with
a feeling that needs to be released or clarified, or
whether it really is something from the past. In my
mind, we've all been there and done that. How it works,
I've got theories, but no proof. Ask me when we meet
on the other side. Perhaps we know then.... But for
now, I'm perfectly happy to see a new memory pop up,
because I've learned over the last decade or so that
each memory, whether real or imaginary, has something
to show me about the origins of a blockage or obstacle
*now*. So I take the image that comes and run with it...
whether or not it was actually a past life memory, or
a memory of a film I saw or a story I read or whatever.
For me, they are simply messages from Spirit, from the
Source, in a language that works for me (imagery and
physical sensation) .
Regarding the one I was able
to validate... it served its purpose, I was shown why
I was so connected to a town in Holland... and after
the hug from that person's mother (who would have been
"my" mother in that other life), it was okay,
I was able to find accommodation in the city of my choice,
I found work... I was able to release the past, the
past was able to release me. Yet every single memory
I have had, whether real or imaginary, has given me
that exact opportunity... to make do with the past,
with an obstacle, a repeated behavior, etc... and to
move on. There are two memories now that have served
me well regarding understanding why the pull to Canada
was so big, why it was as good as inevitable. Yet the
key in this is, to me, to NOT judge whether it is real
or imaginary. However the images popped up, if you are
genuinely seeking insight into a specific subject, the
images you receive
will be helpful. If someone
is just looking for sensational stuff, they are not
using it to validate and heal, but to justify and stay
stuck. That might sound judgmental, but so far, that's
been my personal experience (when I was using it for
that) and from what I've seen and heard others do. I
hope this lil dissertation helps you Sunflower.
Go with what feels right. Otherwise, let it sit or ask
for signs to clarify or validate. There are so many
ways in which we can receive messages.
Wisowl..." What I wanted to say with this is that
you should know if something is a valid memory."
I think you're right, but I love to question everything.
Thanks for your insight, it truly helped hearing how
sure you are of yourself. SEDD... "And then there's
the aspect of, what would that sort of validation bring
you that listening to your heart and Creator doesn't?
Would it make it more believable? And to what end? So
you can prove it.. then what?" Yes, I think validating
what you see would help put confidence in yourself.
Herein lies my problem, I don't think I have enough
faith in myself. I am always second guessing and thinking
that I am making stuff up. Am I really getting messages
from my guides or is it wishful thinking? And now we
are going into more than just past life stuff. Sorry.
But, yes, I see your point. I really should just listen
to my heart and Creator. And my heart tells me this
really did happen because it gives me answers to questions
I've had for a while. It resonates with me, like you
said. Maybe at the time I had it, I didn't understand
it because I didn't have my problem identified but since
it had stayed with me over the years, it makes much
more sense to me now. Thanks SEDD.
Mouse... "So I take the
image that comes and run with it... whether or not it
was actually a past life memory, or a memory of a film
I saw or a story I read or whatever. For me, they are
simply messages from Spirit, from the Source, in a language
that works for me." I think I am understanding
your point here. It doesn't matter if it's real or not.
This was something shown for a reason so you take what
you need from it and get rid of the rest. " if
you are genuinely seeking insight into a specific subject,
the images you receive will be helpful. If someone is
just looking for sensational stuff, they are not using
it to validate and heal, but to justify and stay stuck."
This is another reason why I doubt. At the time I wasn't
looking for an answer for anything, just seeing if I
could come up with a past life. Well, it scared me enough
to not do it again and I put it in the back of my mind
until I recently put 2 and 2 together. Is this healing
me? No, but it does help me understand. Perhaps I need
to give it more time and let the validation come when
I'm ready for it. Thanks Mouse.
Silver Eagle Dream Dancer:
"I don't think I have enough faith in myself."
You will.
spirit UK:
all, I have regular quite strong pictures and sometimes
words being spoken names, dates etc. of what to me are
past-life memories. They are of places neither I nor
my ancestors have any connection with in this lifetime.
Yes I could have seen pictures of the places - dreamt
them from TV/films, imagined them from a Dickens' novel
- but they feel more real than that - and they would
explain some of my frustrations as I walk my current
path - but also how I achieved a degree of career success
at an early age - as if a memory carried over of how
to make progress - like a shortcut being taken - as
if I already had the route map.
I also get a very happy feeling when I am around similar
places - as if the familiar makes me feel more comfortable
- but also a disdain for others. I have a definite affinity
with the early 1900's - dress, houses, furniture poetry
etc., etc.- and a disdain for similar stuff from the
feelings are quite intense - much more so than the likes
and dislikes I have todays world despite the eclectic
nature of such things today. Just my two-pennithworth!
Sunflower, On the topic of general guidance. I have
found that faith in your guidance comes when you allow
it to! I used to worry that the stuff I got was merely
wishful thinking - even when I occasionally got verifiable
results. In the last few weeks, I have come across so
many situations that tell me that the stuff I get from
Spirit is guidance and not just wishful thinking.
more use you make of the guidance you get - the Gift
you have, the more comes in, the more you trust, the
more you use you make of it and the spiral goes on all
the way from you to Spirit. When I joined Spirit Lodge
I was still wondering if it is just wishful thinking
- now - trust - in about 6 weeks once I let go of negative
self-talk on the subject and used the abilities I have
been given.
Thanks WolfSpirit! I needed
to hear that. Just to know that I'm not the only one
who doubts themselves at times. You have given me encouragement
in more ways than one. It seems to me that my faith
is continuously being tested and I am determined to
get over this hump that blocks my path. And you are
right, I need to get rid of the negative self-thoughts
that come when I am looking for answers. I didn't realize
I even did that until reading your post. Now I will
watch for that negativity and instead of going with
it, I will try to focus more on the message I receive
and not allow the negative thoughts to enter my mind.
I have dreams of same
places, A wide road , long with houses across, and there
is some water at one side. Not many people. I am searching
a man or an address, in the place called Yugoslavia.
I saw buildings in those dreams which I saw in Russia.
I am writing stories, where I watch some part of some
of them, in TV serials 5 or more years later. I am not
really sure if they are past lives though.
alternative to a past life reading is regression therapy
where you by a guiding person is brought into a state
of mind where you experience one of your past lives
clearly. There is a very interesting program in Danish
TV at the moment where they check the information by
travelling to the place the person has seen, check the
names they come up with etc. TV can be manipulating,
but I have no doubts as I´ve been in regression
therapy once and now can do them myself. In contradiction
to dreams and readings you are fully conscious and your
experiences are not mixed with fantasies emerging from
a movie or your daily life etc. When I did it, I had
a specific question about the karma between my ex-husband
and me and I was brought back to a life in Spain about
1600 where we by our parents were arranged in a marriage.
The story is too long to tell but the thread between
that life and the complications in this life were clear
as crystal. Once I asked the question when and how I
changed my Karma from been destructive to be positive
and was brought back to a life as an Indian boy living
at the amazon. My whole family had been exterminated
by another tribe and the village burned down. On my
way to get revenge I decided to let go of it and live
my life alone in the swamps. Last time this subject
was brought up somebody said that regression therapy
is quite expensive, but if there is something in your
life which is preventing you from being happy or finding
your pathway or develop and expand I think it´s
worth the money.

Spreads: Daily, Weekly, Etc.
By ScubaGrrl
These came from people on
the Comparative Tarot email list:
1. My body tells me this.
2. My mind tells me
3. My spirit tells
me this.
1. How do I feel about myself
right now?
2. Why do I feel this
3. What do I need to know
to improve this?
4. What will happen
if I continue this way?
5. What will happen
if I try to make improvements?
6. Advice.
Facing the Gap (from PD
8. 2.
7. 3.
6. 4.
is possible.
2. This is important.
3. This is courageous.
4. This is futile.
5. This is necessary.
6. This is joyful.
7. This is funny.
8. This is possible.
From James Wells (CompTarot)
Separate your cards into Majors, Courts, and the rest
of the minors (the pips).
From the Majors, deal one card.
This is your active archetype or energy for this time.
From the Courts, deal one card.
How do I respond to this archetype, or how do I use
it? Or not? The role in my life that is most likely
to use that energy or archetype.
From the pips, deal one card.
This is where in mundane "real" life that
archetype/energy likely to show up.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8 9
1, 3, 5 - the "story"
we tell ourselves
2, 4, 6 - this may be even more true
7, 8, 9 - the way forward
And just for fun....
"Advice from the Archetypes" from Marc McElroy
Take a majors-only deck, and deal 4 cards.
Take a second 78-card deck, and deal 4 cards onto those
Interpret the second four cards, in light of the energy
suggested by the trump.
Also... a larger spread
from Marc.
Deal all 22 Majors into a circle.
Find the Fool.
Deal cards from a (second) 78-card deck onto the 22
Majors, starting with the Fool, going clockwise, place
one card at a time until you have no more cards.
From a third deck, using only the Majors, draw one card.
Find that trump in the original Circle.
The cards held by that Major card are a commentary on
your question.
Bad Times Spread (Vasiliki,
2 3 4
5 1 6
8 7 9
1. Where am I now?
2, 3, 4- What led me here?
5. What attitudes of mine are not helping me?
6. Suggested course of action?
7. Where can I turn for help?
8. What lesson waits for me at the end of this journey?
9. How can I accelerate change and liberation?
10. Overall advice.