


Sacred Feminine &
Sacred Masculine

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Abomination Or Denial Of The Unbalanced Spirit
By Cinnamon Moon

In the Sacred Feminine discussion on the Warrior I felt the same thing you did, Crow…that the topic was moving off track. Thank you, you did well splitting the topics and on your heels I find myself wanting to do the same thing. My reason is similar but based on a different issue than you raised. There was a statement you made, MSLD, that addressed your perception of abomination or denial of the spirit within us to isolate facets of the Self. So it is that topic I wanted to address as it seems to me there are opposite ends of that spectrum in our perceptions. I say we in generic terms because I'm certain you and I are not the only two that feel this way.

I was struck by how it appeared we were talking about abominations of the spirit in any way for it was only parts of the whole and in the thread the essence of the Warrior within was at issue. That same Warrior essence lives within each of us and only comes out in some of us, such as yourself MSLD, and I mean that in the physical sense of walking a path as a Warrior. I want to somewhat step away from the path issue since I think Crow has begun a wonderful thread on that and such comments can remain there. I would like to address the perceived abominations and denial of the whole Self aspect though.

I have experienced the value of exploring facets of Self. All my experiences and teachings I've received held the same basic lesson, that to fully understand the Self within one must understand the facets. Then we can weave them together utilizing our abilities to truly unify. In that manner we come to know and understand the Self, this is the path Inward that I learned to walk. To go within and meet the Self in its entirety is a sacred act. One in which there are many facets and hence many different trails to explore-all leading to the Center or core of Self entering the depths of the Oneness of All That Is. There are many threads in the Web of Life that comprise the Web itself. Once the whole of the Self is understood and known (in so far as the moment allows) the path shifts its assemblage point and goes in the other direction; it reverses to go back out into the world to walk a path suitable to the Self. So the journey becomes much like breathing in and out and the path of the Self/spirit becomes one of understanding and honoring vs. an abomination or denial.

This path exploring the facets of the human into spirit is necessary for so many because the human has forgotten the experience of Self and All that it is. Once the connections are made the unification process is initiated and the Self helps the human re-member and BE-come whole. The human is not immortal and it may or may not recognize the spirit initially so the assemblage of those facets coming to wholeness might be expressed as the facets of a diamond or the various species of Standing People amid the forest…parts of the whole present and working in unison. Some facets of the diamond are going to reflect certain colors while others will reflect different hues due to the light (perception) that shines on them. Some of the trees in the forest are going to drop their leaves when winter comes calling while others will remain evergreen. There are differences but they are not abominations, they are not denial, but all are of value to the greater whole and aspects of its beauty.

The path of the human into spirit recalls to us the memory of the journey and purpose of the immortal spirit…the way in which we are each making our earthwalk. In my experiences this is

valid and true as a process of re-membering so that the Self may be honored as a part of the greater whole. As a result of exploring the facets of Self I understood universal truths at the same time, saw the common threads in the Web of Life because the whole within is as immense as the whole without---As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without. I believe when the Dualities are understood the re-membering begins and thus we can walk our path honoring it to a greater depth as we bring the facets into a unified state. For those who have no foundation to understand this there are going to be pieces of the whole understanding to be assembled. The spirit is whole but needs to help the human in that assembling. I'm going to draw from the work of Carlos Castaneda who speaks of the 'assemblage point' which is our sacred point of view achieved when we come into union with the Oneness. It is from the 'assemblage point' that our intent takes us into the dimensions of the spirit where the assemblage point is capable of making 'shifts'. Castaneda was learning to bring the pieces together, yet from his writings I think he struggled with grasping things and finding the right words to explain his experiences just like everyone else does. In the teachings I share there may be a different presentation from Castaneda but that doesn't make either of us wrong it's merely a different perspective taken in the approach.

Castaneda, like the Warrior, kept his awareness sharp through his awareness of Death stalking him. To me that was fear-based teaching, something I'm not in favor of but also understand that it is often the way of the Sacred Masculine to work from those perceptions. If Death is stalking it keeps you on your toes, if you are always looking to fight the foe you remain alert. However, my lessons came to me in a different manner, one that teaches us to step into the face of Nature, through the dimensional realms of the spirits, into the Self through the facets as aspects and attributes to be honed and to better understand the whole. This is not a denouncing of the whole but a journey into it. It's like all the instruments of an orchestra coming together to create a beautiful symphony whatever the song may be, it does not BE come whole until all those instruments are in synchronized harmony. To say there are not horns and strings and percussion instruments that comprise the orchestra would be denial. What the orchestra produces is an amalgam of the greater whole. That balance is sought whether one walks a path as a Warrior or as something else, so to me it doesn't matter since that quest for wholeness is present on all paths and in each of us. Our spirits gravitate to the universal truths we recognize through the perspectives that hold our interest, passions, strengths, the energies we relate to as we re-member. All paths hold the universal truths so that no one is deprived of them; they simply come to them in different ways that complement their state of awareness and manner of perception. Our journeys to this point of balance are going to be as unique as we are. We will have journeys in common with some and far different than others but we will recognize when we share common threads through our experiences and we'll recognize when similar experiences are presenting themselves elsewhere this way.

MSLD stated in the other thread: "Yet, my Spirit self is aware of the facets of the Poet, the Healer, The Contrary, The Teacher and the many other callings that mankind may walk in. Yet the greatest danger is the assumption or creation of the notion of a Spiritual facet that rises or is independent of the core self of Spirit."

I had to pause there because I wasn't seeing anything saying that the facets comprising the essence of Self are separate from the core. In fact it was quite the contrary, in that the Poet, Healer, Contrary, Teacher, Warrior, etc. are the dominant aspects of Self that from that core will rise to sustain our individual earthwalks. For me, to ignore that there is more than just the one role to comprise the whole is limiting. Let me take a slightly different approach and address the study of the Totems we walk with as an example. That study is not to say we are these creatures, though we may shapeshift if we choose, merge with them at times perhaps, journey with them in various ways, they remain separate, they are not 'us'. Nor are they the creature itself in the physical sense but the essences of one of its species. At times they may spiritually or even physically come to us as such, they remain the essence of the creature, the spirit of the species, mirroring to us what is within ourselves as part of the greater whole. They mirror the abilities we possess that will need to be brought forward to sustain our earthwalk as it applies to us in this lifetime. They teach us about our Self so that we come to better understand the spiritual side of our nature through the re-membering process…a process of reconnecting our awareness to the Self. They teach us the essences within their natures that are present within our own further connecting us to the Oneness where we must always go to make those connections strong. After all, do we not enter into the Oneness through the Self and thus through the Self weave our intent to whatever purpose we are holding or whatever path we are walking?

In all the teachings I've received it is through the facets that we restore what is unbalanced by bringing them together in our higher awareness regardless of the path and role we take on in the physical process. I say regardless because the two sides of us (physical and spiritual) will come together as compliments upon that path in one form or another. The higher we raise our awareness toward the unifications the deeper into our Self we abide and our awareness point shifts to that which the spirit holds. We begin then to see through the eyes of our spirit and grasp the bigger picture with greater understanding as new dimensions and perspectives open to us. In that sense greater sensory perceptions develop and these facets help us understand our way through that process. From there we move back out into the world as we walk our paths…paths that reflect our dominant traits in some manner. So I do not see that as unbalancing the spirit, diminishing it, denying it or an abomination of what is sacred. I do see it as a means to creating balance.

When we approach Sacred Mountain where Great Mystery resides, we see it initially from a distance and it is a mountain. But to walk the mountain are we not gradually becoming aware that it is more? Do we not begin to see it has facets to it like forested areas, wildlife, elements of Nature that comprise the whole and do we not take in 'all' it's beauty honoring those facets? Don't we notice and in some fashion focus through interaction with the facets the mountain possesses that there are areas of vegetation, or creatures that walk or fly or swim or crawl, elemental forces that reside there, and more? Are there not paths weaving about the mountain as we climb and explore? When we walk with gods and goddesses, are they not aspects or facets of the union that is Creation within the Sacred Mother and Father wherein the two become One? Don't all paths come together in the center of the Oneness? As I perceive the Oneness they certainly do. By walking into nature I know I take in the rays of beauty that stand out to me in a myriad of facets reflecting the whole. Why should we not be able to take in the beauty and facets of the whole Self?

I simply cannot see that as destructive, an abomination or as denial but I do see it as a means of appreciation to better honor the core Self and All That Is. We live in a world of form as physical beings and form is all around us in a myriad of manifestations. For me it is constructive in coming to understand what a facet is about. We see the external mountain as we approach it, it may be beautiful to some and intimidating to others, but until it is walked it cannot be understood and therefore fully appreciated. To walk the mountain we limit ourselves unless we approach it from all sides for each has its own perspectives to share and its own views to offer. In this same way I see the Self just as connected to the external whole for it is a part of the life force of All That Is. We are all parts of that whole, all facets, and like the facets of a diamond we must ask ourselves if we are choosing to see the facets or the stone itself? Does that not shift with a focused awareness and in that the assemblage of what we are looking at a shift takes place too?

There is uniqueness and beauty in the refracted lights that shine from the diamond and we are each like one of the unique facets reflecting our own light in our earthwalks. There is even more beauty when we shine together. To me to perceive only the whole would limit our deeper appreciations and understandings through exploration of the Self and all that it has to show us. I enjoy that and dance in it, I celebrate it, and I am in awe of what is produced when my awareness shifts in these ways.

It is not the fractured spirit (though it can be through trauma calling for a retrieval in some fashion) that is focused on, but the facets that show the beauty within the strength. Going back to the Warrior aspect, does not the physical warrior learn to strengthen different parts of the body, mind, emotions and spirit in different ways and undertake the efforts to better understand why they march or exercise or drill? Doesn't the Warrior then call upon those exercises as skills that have become honed as functional tools of the whole of their physical being? Does the recruit not explore the array of aspects to being a soldier and then through exercise and exploration in combat become one? Does he or she not learn the parts of the weapon carried to maintain it? Is that an abomination or debasement of what a soldier is or does or is it the process to fashion one as a soldier? These are rhetorical questions but I feel they apply to the range of sacred viewpoints or assemblage points.

I ask your forgiveness in advance for while I would like to address each facet presented and paste the item I am responding to I think the clutter would be more damaging to the greater discussion. When one first starts out certain truths are recognized and built upon. For instance the tree cannot be a rock no matter how hard it desires such. It can amass a body as dense as that of stone and as weighty but still cannot be a rock. The winds of time and change may pull and push upon it, even change it but throughout it is still a tree. It may look like the rock after time, but to the critical eye it is still organic in nature and is a tree. That truth is applicable across the board. A bird cannot be a stone, a tree cannot be a bird, water cannot be earth and fire cannot be air. No matter the depth of desire they simply cannot be the other for that is not the facet Spirit breathed into them.

Now the tree knows it is a tree. It knows it is part of a larger grouping, a grouping that holds many facets, sizes , shapes and purposes. Yet the pine knows it can never bring forth the apple for that is not it's function nor Spirits purpose for it. The same can be said of all the Tall Green People, each knows it is part of a greater whole but no matter the depth of desire it cannot be more than what it's purpose is. The Spiritual Mountain is somewhat like the tree. It holds many secrets and many lives and facets cling to it but none can be the other. Yet to the observer we recognize the various facets that cling to it. We know that to remove any one of them is to change the whole. We know that for any individual piece of the puzzle to appear more important is to remove the balance of the whole and corrupt it. In some conditions it is to breed envy within the whole.

Yes I may venture to various areas upon the mountain but my ventures are to discover the fullness of the mountain which I do so by discovering what is upon and within it. Yet I only come to know the mountain truly when I look to the whole of it as one great piece not the smaller parts that exist upon it though I know them also. I suppose one might say it is a matter of Macro versus Micro in view.

Now man in essence is similar to the tree people. We fall in a great class yet the class is subdivided into many branches and functions. Each given a place and task within the scope of Spirits design. Yet man is also a complex creature. One might compare man to a deck of cards. To use the deck man is composed of 52 separate parts, each part equal to the other, each part equally important to the greater whole. When all parts are present the deck is complete and fully functional. Yet the deck is also designed so that it can be employed in a variety of formats to achieve different results. The inherent worth of each part still present but the application of the parts the determination of what is to be done with it. If used wisely the deck operates and functions with no flaw. The dealer hands out the cards and each is utilized in the manner that the dealer desires. Though we may not like to admit it in reality, mine anyway, Spirit is the dealer and has instilled what its design is for the card that represents me as an individual.

The Dealer has indicated I am to be used as a warrior function. But as an individual I can be employed or played in countless possibilities. In the most logical sequence I play as Spirit has intended for the lessons I am to be exposed to. The perfect balance of action and employment. But Spirit also breathed awareness into me of the rest of the cards and their usage as well. So not only do I know my function but have an idea of theirs and yes even how to work to make my position better by using their energy and presence. Yet if I focus upon other facets at the expense of what Spirit has designed then I suffer the probability of disrupting that play. I in short become an abomination upon the field of play. I possess all the possibilities but when I claim to raise them from my perspective I am no longer doing so in spirits design. If Spirit designed me to be an Ace but I keep saying I am an eight then there is corruption. If I push the fact of my being an eight over the truth of me being an ace their is corruption to the system. Take the notion outward and one encounters the notion that I am to be employed in a set manner but I keep changing what I claim to be or what is pushing me and I so corrupt and disrupt the initial balance that my worth is lost for it becomes a question of what am I actually.

To me when one pushed the notion they are a Spiritual Warrior one moment, A priest next, then something else a few minutes later that is to ignore the fact none of those exist but are utilization's of the purpose and one’s ability to touch that energy. It almost hinges on the notion of multiple personalities that vie for position and recognition. Like the person with multiple personalities, which is the real one even as each has grown to believe they are the one and only of importance cause the host kept referring to them as separate from them and not aspects of the whole. That was the way I saw the referenced thread, claims of uniqueness in the facet but failure to realize or acknowledge the truth of the source being the Spiritual Self that simply employed the various energies it was capable of employing. In essence the creation of individual facets that were given status and authority because the host insisted they were legitimate persona's, almost unique and separate from the whole. Even promoting them above the whole for to give recognition of a facet over the ability of the whole to utilize it simply fractured the whole and made it minor parts. Minor parts with each vying to be known and called forth. Like the multiple personality, who ran the body for one did not even know at what moment another persona would take control as it felt it the greater piece.

As one of my calling it is I as the person that must learn the various energies I am capable of touching and utilizing. In that manner their only one person doing and calling the shots. There is no healer to call upon for I am the warrior who uses the healer energy. The is no Poet to call upon for again I am the warrior that uses the poet's energy. There is no contrary to call forth for I am that also when I touch the power of the contrary. All is me and I am all for I am the single flame that dwells within my shell, I am the Spiritual Self. Yet how is it that I learnt of those other facets? It is through looking at the greater mass of the forest and understanding them and my relationship with them. Not only understanding but realizing that I am part and parcel of them and have much of the same ability and it is only purpose that separates us. If I am a pine I grow the same as any other tree, yet my strength lies in the awareness that we are part the same and part separate. Yet I am able to call upon facets of the other tree for I recognize the similar between us even as I understand and must become that which I am designed to be. In the human nature to be whole to me is the ability to see those others in me but also recognize the differences between us. To try and be what one of them is is to create a false image that is an affront or abomination to them as I try to be them but also create an abomination of me for I am not being myself with my purpose and function which has realized not only our similarities but also my uniqueness within myself , my grouping and my humanity. I think collectively we fail when we no longer see that we look to others to use their strength and influence but attempt to be them.

As a warrior I look to the others to see what skills and energies they possess that may make me better upon my calling. The poets words are his / her gift but a new weapon in my arsenal. The Wheel's constant movement and flux is their gift but identify my shortcomings, so to compensate I must use that energy. The Contraries ability to reflect society and world becomes the influence of my skill and ability to hide or show what is not there though I want another to see it. Yet my ability to recognize and incorporate facets of them is only to recognize those lesser facets exist in me anyway for we are all of the same family. I suppose my greatest realization is when I know my place and purpose and can use all the facets of Self available to me but never forget they are singularly nothing more than ME! To link them or identify them as anything different is to take me and break it down so that there is not one powerful me but many little components that vie for control and exist simply because I have given them name and position instead of knowing they are me.

Yet I also must realize and acknowledge that I am aggressive but also passive. I am demanding but also giving. I am cruel but also kind. Those things that mark the separation of the receptive female and aggressive male energies that exist within the many facets and callings of humanity. So not only do I observe and use the difference in calling's to refine and strengthen my own but I must witness and be able to adapt and utilize both sides of the energy. Yet again it is learnt through watching other’s and coming to terms with its presence within me and part of me. But also learn to recognize the difference in how I utilize it and how another utilizes it in their calling. Now I am not sure if I answered and made sense or not for the words are jumbled in my mind but instead of deleting them as my mind calls for I shall trust to the influence of the poet's energy and leave them here.

Hi MSLD, Thanks for joining this thread. Up to this point I was nodding in full agreement with you, but this statement gave me pause:

“I in short become an abomination upon the field of play. I possess all the possibilities but when I claim to raise them from my perspective I am no longer doing so in spirits design. If Spirit designed me to be an Ace but I keep saying I am an eight then there is corruption. If I push the fact of my being an eight over the truth of me being an ace their is corruption to the system. Take the notion outward and one encounters the notion that I am to be employed in a set manner but I keep changing what I claim to be or what is pushing me and I so corrupt and disrupt the initial balance that my worth is lost for it becomes a question of what am I actually.”

I say it gave me pause because I can see the point you are making however it is not what I was implying at all. I see an individual as the deck of cards itself, each with the aspects they depict, able to utilize those sides of our nature as might be called for in any given situation-the complexity being within the body of the deck. As co-creators operating from free will I do not see where all is up to Spirit, more that it is a mutual understanding of the Self within the greater scope of Spirit's plan aware of it's part in that plan.

For example: As a human I entered sacred space where prayers to Spirit were offered up by all who visited for healing and troubles. The energy was so weighted with sorrow that I could not offer prayers other than to pray Spirit could hold that weight because it did not feel in any way humanly possible to do so. I begged with tears streaming down my cheeks to understand the enormity of that weight being tended on Spirit's behalf. I felt such compassion pour from me on Spirit's behalf as I felt the burdens of oppression hanging in the air. It had left me weak, shaken and marked from the intensity. Now I knew I was not Spirit nor did I have the capacity for such burdens but they were experienced deeply all the same. I touched the energy.

I left the site after a time without full understanding and the complete comprehension I sought as to why it had to be that way. It made me very aware of the power of prayer both pro and con as well as significant and insignificant but I fell short on how Spirit could possibly tend all those prayers. It felt to me like an angry wind crying out for appeasement. A short time later, when I had taken a walk in Nature to sit with Spirit I was lifted up and together we journeyed out into the vastness of the Universe so that I might better understand the permeation of Spirit beyond the concept into the experience.

What I was shown and what I experienced allowed me that understanding and comprehension but to this day I have no words sufficient enough to express those things. We do have choices before us, it is a factor of our free will but the exercising of that choice (where you say it is up to Spirit) comes from our Inner Spirit, not the human side of us where our earthwalk is concerned. I'm struggling here to explain what I mean. The spirit within us understands this and enough of the bigger picture to co-create with it, to serve a purpose for being here, and to fulfill a mission...but...at the same time it is here to experience and evolve through lessons too. The human side of us is the seeker that strives to understand that, to be made aware of the spiritual nature of the true Self and the true Self strives to assist in that process as a means of animating the human part to journey forward. Oh I hope that made sense. LOL

I have seen people change, MSLD, change their path or their way of BE-ing in the world dramatically. I have seen people change roles, character, personalities, any number of aspects of the whole to evolve into better human beings. I believe an Ace can become an 8 or vice versa if the path calls for that. We are not here against our will but because of it. We are not here at the mercy of Spirit but to co-operate with Spirit as spirits and the facets of the greater whole. It is through us that we experience Spirit and that Spirit experiences the world of form. IMHO.

“To me when one pushed the notion they are a Spiritual Warrior one moment, A priest next, then something else a few minutes later that is to ignore the fact none of those exist but are utilization's of the purpose and one’s ability to touch that energy. It almost hinges on the notion of multiple personalities that vie for position and recognition. Like the person with multiple personalities, which is the real one even as each has grown to believe they are the one and only of importance cause the host kept referring to them as separate from them and not aspects of the whole.”

So for me as a woman, a wife and a mother, a consultant, author, minister, and whatever else comprises the whole of me, you would say that whatever hat I put on in a given day indicates I have multiple personalities? I would say to that that they are aspects of the whole, aspects that come forward as they are called for, but not one of them is all that I am. Are you not a Warrior, a fireman, a husband, son, cousin…and would not your list continue? Are those multiple personalities or are they aspects of the whole? I see no implications that we, as human beings, are the Spiritual Warrior, my friend, only that our awareness shifts to that perspective. That may be why our perspectives are askew with one and other. It is indeed the spirit within us that is that Warrior one minute, a Priest the next, and something else a few minutes later. Not us, we merely are animated into the actions so I don't see the denial of the Self or inability to acknowledge it as the source at all. I'm sorry that's the impression you were given, I don't see any of that as authoritarian either, simply aspects of BE-ing since all facets are equal none greater than another. I also see your passion.

“As one of my calling it is I as the person that must learn the various energies I am capable of touching and utilizing. In that manner their only one person doing and calling the shots. There is no healer to call upon for I am the warrior who uses the healer energy. The is no Poet to call upon for again I am the warrior that uses the poet's energy. There is no contrary to call forth for I am that also when I touch the power of the contrary. All is me and I am all for I am the single flame that dwells within my shell, I am the Spiritual Self.”

I can honor that as your sacred point of view and still hold to mine. For the sake of debate, however, would you agree in touching the various energies or aspects we become One with them for the time and they dominate? This is what I perceived by Crow's question as to how we bring the Warrior within us forward. Not the claim to be in that role as a way of life necessarily, just in the concept of the aspect being present within the Self. Spiritually we step into the Oneness with that facet of Self so basically it's pretty much the same thing as in what you are saying here though I'm not getting any abominations in the spiritual perspectives at all:

“Yet how is it that I learnt of those other facets? It is through looking at the greater mass of the forest and understanding them and my relationship with them. Not only understanding but realizing that I am part and parcel of them and have much of the same ability and it is only purpose that separates us. If I am a pine I grow the same as any other tree, yet my strength lies in the awareness that we are part the same and part separate. Yet I am able to call upon facets of the other tree for I recognize the similar between us even as I understand and must become that which I am designed to be.” “In the human nature to be whole to me is the ability to see those others in me but also recognize the differences between us. To try and be what one of them is is to create a false image that is an affront or abomination to them as I try to be them but also create an abomination of me for I am not being myself with my purpose and function which has realized not only our similarities but also my uniqueness within myself , my grouping and my humanity.”

You also stated:

“Yet my ability to recognize and incorporate facets of them is only to recognize those lesser facets exist in me anyway for we are all of the same family. I suppose my greatest realization is when I know my place and purpose and can use all the facets of Self available to me but never forget they are singularly nothing more than ME!”

To that I would add that with all the 'me's' in the world we are also lesser facets of the greater whole of Spirit/Great Mystery. BE-ing is infinite and it is comprised of the macro and micro for sure.

“To link them or identify them as anything different is to take me and break it down so that there is not one powerful me but many little components that vie for control and exist simply because I have given them name and position instead of knowing they are me.”

Yes that would be limiting, but to address the facets is not. IMHO We have those aspects that are parts of the whole of us and to dismiss them is to devalue them in my eyes. Yes, parts of the greater Self but then the Self is the sum of all parts is it not? It seems to me that's what you're implying here which makes me feel we're coming from two different perspectives to arrive at the same conclusion (typical masculine/feminine approaches.

“Yet I also must realize and acknowledge that I am aggressive but also passive. I am demanding but also giving. I am cruel but also kind. Those things that mark the separation of the receptive female and aggressive male energies that exist within the many facets and callings of humanity. So not only do I observe and use the difference in calling's to refine and strengthen my own but I must witness and be able to adapt and utilize both sides of the energy. Yet again it is learnt through watching other’s and coming to terms with its presence within me and part of me. But also learn to recognize the difference in how I utilize it and how another utilizes it in their calling.”

I think you made sense I've been feeling the same jumble of words to explain which again takes me back to the two of us basically coming from different perspectives and meeting in the middle...somewhat. I'm glad you did leave your post though, thanks, MSLD.

You know it is really frustrating to me with this one. I have explained complex theories and concepts and brought them across with great ease and not once suffered the failure of words that actually describe what I am describing. Yet this one, it seems as if every word I select falls short of my intent and I enter it knowing it is wrong but I cannot get the pieces and words to come together as I would like. Yet I am stubborn and must keep pushing forward to try.

“As co-creators operating from free will I do not see where all is up to Spirit, more that it is a mutual understanding of the Self within the greater scope of Spirit's plan aware of it's part in that plan.”

I can see here I need to find another word for Self/Spirit as I ended up dropping the separator between Self Spirit and Spirit as the grand scale.

I think we are placed here by The Great Spirit to experience life and its many facets. In that experience of birth we are programed with sort of an outline of purpose but the abilities to change on the spot or change the order of things lies in the hands of Self Spirit. As the experiencing facet it can choose to push through some experience's, dwell upon or re-live others and to some degree change the script entirely at any point. But the actual outline never changes in what Self Spirit is here to experience and discover. It is in that capacity I think we all have certain leanings or callings that motivate us towards certain positions. For instance as known mine is warrior but the slant of such is in constant change. Throughout my life one facet is always present the service to others as the underlying script but the actual manifestations vary and change constantly. I have been the fireman and rescue squad member in my youth, the military member for most of my adult life, the civil servant in regards to working with the school system and children. Even in the capacity of leader and guide in various organizations and services. In each a clear notion of who or what my opponent was that I would engage and what weapons were available to me in each instance. Now if one were to take a picture of me at this very moment all you would see is the fleshy facet that covers Self Spirit. You would see a male, aged but not ancient. But from that photo alone there would be no way to determine who or what I was.

If I add another photo that shows me with a child and woman, still no means of saying for sure unless you knew they were my wife and one of my two sons. But outwardly it is still the same fleshy shell for Self /Spirit that resides within me. Now here is where the problem particularly arises. As a man known to be married and father of two children those who view me make certain assumptions of what my inner self is.

Assumptions of Father, Lover, Friend, Companion, Teacher, Provider, etc.

Yet while they are assumed and presented the outward is always the same presentation. Inward I do rotate through what one might call various views and perceptions of what each is and how I present it. To me those are manifestations of my exchange and exposure to various facets of energy and how I project my application of them. Some only see the Father, some only see the Teacher, some only see the Friend facet, etc. So in appearance each is separate and unique to the observer but to me internally they are all the same Self /Spirit and simply reflections of my experience and understanding of things. Yet to those that see some or many of them they are simply one in the same for I am all at once and present all at once. Yes they may see a change in focus, for instance when I speak to my granddaughter I speak differently than say to my son or wife due to her age. But the point is the change is of my design and purpose for getting my message across to the person I am speaking to. In such a scenario I am balanced and possessed of all facets at once. Every face presented is clearly me and the result of my observation of others and my interaction with others about me. Yet also the interaction and observation of self and my spiritual walk. One cannot separate the inspiration for the inspiration and application is a constant change. Where I find problems is when one is only this or that and noticeably changes before the observation of others. When I think upon others b ringing forth a inner warrior or inner spiritualist I think of almost the extreme of entirely different people in a single body. When they speak of themselves as such it re-enforces that notion of separate identities contained within the shell. Almost to the point of multi-personalities that are unique and independent because the speaker refers to themselves as such. Granted in the extreme different voices, postures, mannerisms, etc.

That is how the initial notion came across to me in the sacred female thread especially from the insistence for the rise of energy and focus. I guess the best description would be I did not see reflections of the whole but fragments that were identified as being unique.

“It is indeed the spirit within us that is that Warrior one minute, a Priest the next, and something else a few minutes later”

I think that is one major difference. I do not see the inner spirit as being those things but witness to its mastery and utilization of those personality sets and energies. I suppose in the base sense each utilization being the result of understanding and knowledge of the set then applying that knowledge in the application of it. But the application of a thing does not make one the thing.

“For the sake of debate, however, would you agree in touching the various energies or aspects we become One with them for the time and they dominate?”

I can agree with everything except dominate. I do not think they dominate us but that we express through action our understanding and ability to use them in a general focus. Yet I think if it is our calling then we have a greater mastery over the usage of them. Sort of like I can write a story or spin a good tale but one who is a poet would write a few lines that far exceed my abilities unless I am taken through some great inspiration that enlightens me to that usage level of the energy. Though perhaps I have contradicted myself here for in that instance I am awash in its flow and one with it and really understand it's power of inspiration.

“We have those aspects that are parts of the whole of us and to dismiss them is to devalue them in my eyes.”

I actually agree though the words are somewhat failing in in getting my meaning across. I think the best way is that all are equal in our usage and application. But we are more drawn towards certain things and through use and desire we chose them over others in our library of skills. Yet we are at one with all of them and all of them are one with us. Darn this is not coming out correctly. OK think of it this way I have a left and right hand. I use my right hand for it is the dominate and predominate appendage for my normal usage. Yet my left hand is still of equal purpose and function. Yet if I were to suddenly think of my left as one person and my right as another and set them up as unique individuals then I would be that abomination of self. I would be in conflict with myself as I tried to show the individuality of each hand.

“What I was shown and what I experienced allowed me that understanding and comprehension but to this day I have no words sufficient enough to express those things.”

I can relate to that. Experiences that seem to speak in a language that is light and sound and vibration and movement. All those things and more but we barley can find a word that only whispers at what we saw. When we do use try we find we cannot even get enough clarity to even allow someone to get a glimpse of what we experienced, even if they happened to be present with us at the time. We look and seem to know but that is the best we get. Yeah I know to long winded and really didn't answer anything again.......

All these discussions, sent me to my core, to see what I believe... Much of what Cinnamon writes resonates fully with me... Some of what MonSnoLeeDra does as well... So in keeping with my focus on being Self-Referencing... I went inside... A taoist analogy immediately came to mind, as I let the water of my shower wash over me. A drop of water always seeks the Sea.. A drop of water is not in truth separate from Water, it is just separate in time/space from one of the many places that are gatherings of lots of drops of Water... Whether a drop of water is solid, liquid or gaseous (the only states I can remember and identify that a drop of water can take), it is still water. It may take a solid form in a body of gathered water, or be emerging from the body of fluidity in its gaseous state, and it is still fundamentally Water, not a part of water, not something different from water trying to get back to that state...it is just WATER. So my way of understanding all this journeying, and Be-ing and such, is that I'm akin to the drop of water. I'm a drop of Spirit. I'm a fully formed, individualized part of the whole. I'll always be seeking places where Spirit gathers in great amounts. And for me, Spirit is not necessarily some intelligent place of energy that is one being...or omnipotent, or (and this is always the crux for me), external to me. It might be, but it is called the Great Mystery, because I haven't got a clue what it looks like, how it works or what it can truly do, and neither does anyone else. People have experienced It in various forms/journeys and their ability to relay it in language is almost always inadequate...and throughout the ages when we try, people adhere to TRUTHS and then fight over them...(sorry...a particular part of our Story as humans that I think bites) (Richard Bach did an amazing job of making that a story in his book One, when he wrote of the Pagites). So for me, as I live this lifetime, in this form (droplet of Spirit), I expect that I'm fully formed Spirit, and I'll be seeking my Self my whole life, and I'll be attracted to places where Spirit gathers in whatever quantity looks like to Spirit.

I'm here as a human to be Spirit within human-ness...I could just as easily have been a tree, or a rock or in some other dimensional frequency. I can't be an abomination, and neither can any of the other droplets...because we are fully Spirit. Maybe Spirit exploring behavior that is abominable...by the values we as droplets use to judge these things...Maybe the equivalent of Spirit in solid versus liquid or gaseous states... Maybe the gaseous Spirit people think I'm wrong because I'm Solid ... Maybe given enough heat I can move from Solid to liquid and even one day be able to claim to be gaseous (even for a moment) ...and in all that time, I'll still be fully Spirit...not truly altered at all. This may not make any sense at all to anyone else. Let if float on the wind if it is so out of place that it distracts from where all the other fully formed versions of human Spirit here were going. And you know...allowing this personal way of understanding my truth come through, hasn't changed a thing about how I'm experiencing my day. Funny that. Munay

MSLD~ “I think that is one major difference. I do not see the inner spirit as being those things but witness to its mastery and utilization of those personality sets and energies. I suppose in the base sense each utilization being the result of understanding and knowledge of the set then applying that knowledge in the application of it. But the application of a thing does not make one the thing.”

Well, for me it does make me that through the application in that moment. I apply myself on multiple levels in multiple functions day in and day out, at the snap of a finger I become what is needed of me in a dominant role for that moment in time. Inside or out. I am not one thing, I walk a path as a spiritual coach, another as a mentor, another as a mother, another as a businesswoman, etc. all parts of the whole that are incorporated and utilized and I am all those things and more. Not just one of them. I think we're simply at odds in how we perceive ourselves and that's okay too.

“I can agree with everything except dominate. I do not think they dominate us but that we express through action our understanding and ability to use them in a general focus. Yet I think if it is our calling then we have a greater mastery over the usage of them. Sort of like I can write a story or spin a good tale but one who is a poet would write a few lines that far exceed my abilities unless I am taken through some great inspiration that enlightens me to that usage level of the energy.”

Fair enough. In my eyes when I summon an aspect of myself to the forefront then that aspect is dominant at the time. When I am through with that facet of self it merges back in line with all the others. All the while I'm my Self, I'm still me and still 'in character' but applying myself with a dominant factor relative to the issue or situation that calls for the shift.

“Though perhaps I have contradicted myself here for in that instance I am awash in its flow and one with it and really understand it's power of inspiration.”

Exactly my point.

“Darn this is not coming out correctly. OK think of it this way I have a left and right hand. I use my right hand for it is the dominate and predominate appendage for my normal usage. Yet my left hand is still of equal purpose and function. Yet if I were to suddenly think of my left as one person and my right as another and set them up as unique individuals then I would be that abomination of self. I would be in conflict with my Self as I tried to show the individuality of each hand.”

I understand what you're saying here, however I do not see where anyone was claiming the Spiritual Warrior within them as another unique individual, or as a role they took on in life specifically. More it was a matter of summoning that facet of the Inner Spirit to the forefront to act in that capacity or weave with that energy to meet a given need. Therein may be where this started to go off track and become a separate issue leading to the clarifications we've been trying to sort and convey.

“Yeah I know to long winded and really didn't answer anything again.......”

Ya did just fine! Wyn~ I haven't looked into the Taoist philosophies in so long and thank you for bringing them back a little here. It's been ages and I can certainly relate to what you shared. The discussions have had me picking my own brain too. In a sense it's brought us back to basics hasn't it?

“A taoist analogy immediately came to mind, as I let the water of my shower wash over me. A drop of water always seeks the Sea.. A drop of water is not in truth separate from Water, it is just separate in time/space from one of the many places that are gatherings of lots of drops of Water...”

Yes indeed.

“So my way of understanding all this journeying, and Be-ing and such, is that I'm akin to the drop of water. I'm a drop of Spirit.”


“I can't be an abomination, and neither can any of the other droplets...because we are fully Spirit.”

Well said!

“And you know...allowing this personal way of understanding my truth come through, hasn't changed a thing about how I'm experiencing my day. .... Funny that.”

Good, that's as it should be. Thank you Wyn.

So I've been reading this thread and the thread that White Crow started and MSLD took from there. It is all wonderful. In the other thread I commented on this topic without even knowing this thread was here. It didn't get picked up on there, maybe it will here. Nevertheless I won't repeat myself by "copy and paste." I'm not sure where I agree with what's been said, where I diverge and where I completely differ. This is not an easy discourse in which to engage. On a personal but definitely related note, I have been observing how people see me, what they expect of me, and what role they perceive I have in their life and how they react when I'm" in character" with whatever role they have put me in or when I'm "out of character" in that role. I suppose I may be one of those people who MSLD would say has a split personality. Now, some argue that I have just that. I see myself differently - naturally. I perceive myself as pretty grounded (except for the occasional glitches) and one heck of a seeker.

Wyn, I really like your Taoist analogy. It resonated with me. I am not one who sees myself as having any one role in this human existence, as having any one path or calling. I am merely me - spirit inhabiting this human body along for the human ride roughing out all the bumps along the way merely trying to do the best I can in each moment. I do live this human life doing things that humans have given a title to, such as: mother, wife, counselor of law, adviser, guide (as mediator), teacher, friend, and warrior (for things I believe in)....etc. I do these things in the physical sense in my paid profession and in my physical relationships. This is important for me to convey - These titles, these roles, do not define me. They are things I do and they are what people expect and anticipate me to play - but they are not me. None of them define me. I am all of them and more that I've not yet identified - they are all of my Self. They are not compartmentalized. When I was younger, I used to compartmentalize them and when I did my life experiences became fractured and not healthy. For example, when I was a young lawyer, I interacted with socially being a lawyer (as defined by society). When I became a "mother" I tended to "mother" others (as defined by society). This is a very common experience for any new practitioner in ANY field whether medical or mental health provider, spiritual healer, advertising exec., spiritual coach, accountant, IT professional.... So, when I interacted in nearly every human experience as a lawyer always from the viewpoint of being a lawyer, or as a "mother" always from the viewpoint as mother, (for 2 examples) I was not productive and shadow lessons followed. I am sure that most, if not all of us, can look back to times in our live when we took what was we thought was our identity and was just that identity in situations....where we identified with a role so much that we failed to open up to our entire essence and just BE.

(I am jumping up and down at this!!) What IS wonderful and exciting to me is that I experience the titles and roles I mentioned above ALSO in my spiritual essence as these energies ebb and flow in the myriad of circumstances in which I go about my existence. So, for example, one moment, mothering energies are appropriate; in another moment, counselor energies are appropriate....etc. Hence, the Oneness we speak of - the merging of these physical and spiritual energies overlay my human existence in this lifetime and my spirit's growth. So, I am not sure where I agree, diverge or contrast from all of this, but the exploration is wonderful. I know that I am me, of Spirit, and that I breathe in and exhale all my human-ness, and I know that I do the best I can balancing and touching the lives of others pulling from all my experiences and lessons drawing on the energies needed at the moment. Thanks for the exploratory journey, MSLD, Cinn and Wyn!

Thank you for joining us EagleSinging! It's nice to see you in the discussion, your post is wonderful. I know these threads are full of perspectives and winding thoughts. It's a lot to take in but meaty, eh? You summed things up nicely making sense of your perspectives considering how much there is to chew on here I hope you'll continue to take part--the more the merrier!

I want to add something I forgot to mention - As I honor my wholeness, including the roles I have in my physical life and how I weave energies in my spiritual essence, the more cohesive and more integrated my Self is, so that I am more present and hold a higher awareness as I honor All. MSLD, may I ask, as I'm afraid that I may have misunderstood....when you initially spoke of abomination - do I understand you correctly that you were using that term as you are referring to the experience when we are engage energies that are not in line with our calling, our one path? When we try to be someone different than who we are called to be? And, is that thing always one calling, which I assume can growth but will always be one calling?

EagleSinging wrote: “MSLD, may I ask, as I'm afraid that I may have misunderstood....when you initially spoke of abomination - do I understand you correctly that you were using that term as

you are referring to the experience when we are engage energies that are not in line with our calling, our one path? When we try to be someone different than who we are called to be? And, is that thing always one calling, which I assume can growth but will always be one calling?”

OK let me answer this as best I can but be aware my head is still not fully here at the moment so this may be a little fragmented. When one is in balance they are all the facets of their many persona's. For instance to my sons I am Dad, to my co-worker's I am Carl, to my close friends and wife I am Butch. To the service people I worked with I was either "Chief" or "Carl" depending upon their rank in relationship to mine. To others I was simply "Coach", "Scout Leader" or "Mr _______"

The critical facet of all this is that all times I was aware of being all those things and that they were identities that made me known to those about me. Where the Abomination comes in is when Dad became a self-aware facet that claimed to be separate from the rest. Where Carl and Butch would also become self-aware and develop a sense of their self-worth and presence. In the end every time I would say Butch, Carl, Dad, Chief whatever would be a complete change in all facets. One could almost see a monster with many heads, arms, legs and each struggling for dominance and control over the host body. A creature where each part struggles for control and even seeks to destroy the other facets that compete against it for the outward persona that is reflected upon the world.

When I initially read of projecting the Warrior Within that later definition was what I read in the passage though it was not what the author had meant nor implied. To me that was the abomination that I referred to. A true fragmented Spiritual Self. But unlike a shattered soul where the pieces are missing and hiding, the abomination was not hiding and nor required recovery they all sough domination and control. Yet the balanced Spiritual Self to me is like a kaleidoscope in that as the need turns the soul simply shifts to meet it then goes back to the base level of self. I think where I probably differ the greatest is that to me they are indicators of the Spiritual Self's recognition and ability to utilize each energy type but not dominated by them, they are simply reflections of one surface. They do not dominate for they are equal positions and abilities that the Spiritual Self has the ability to utilize and project.

MSLD, I thought you were quite clear and I followed you well. I am tired but I hope my question makes sense. I may come back here tomorrow to see if I made any sense at all! It seems to me at least initially, that with this abomination that you are perhaps speaking to when a person rallies one facet to the exclusion of others, when one facet dominates to the exclusion of any other facet. In the kaleidoscope analogy - which I like by the way - Do you see fragmentation when one facet is predominant (rather than dominates) in a given circumstance while of course there is honoring of the whole?

“It seems to me at least initially, that with this abomination that you are perhaps speaking to when a person rallies one facet to the exclusion of others, when one facet dominates to the exclusion of any other facet.”

Somewhat. It really is frustrating cause in my mind I know exactly what I see it as but getting it on paper is difficult, especially in the balance of the thing. It's just that it seems to dominate, but the rise and domination is created from within as the host creates each identity and gives it cause and purpose. Yet the energy applied is such that it knows its Self and therefore seeks to be the answering voice for all. There is a cartoon for the transformer's that show a being that is situated upon a spinning base. The creature has four distinct heads, each with a different persona and face. Now these heads spin about first one answering then another and yet another. Yet they seem balanced for the top spins freely and each head speaks without seeming to dominate the others but also supports the position of the others. Sort of freaky and such but balanced. In the end it's a universal opinion presented from each facet. In the abomination, the heads spin but each has a separate opinion and argue to the point that theirs and theirs alone is the correct one. The separation of perspectives really apparent and disrupting to the whole as each strives to be the right head making the right call. To the point where you really don't know which is the "Self's" actual position cause the parts are not complementing to the whole.

“In the kaleidoscope analogy - which I like by the way - Do you see fragmentation when one facet is predominant (rather than dominates) in a given circumstance while of course there is honoring of the whole?”

Actually yes. To use the Warrior facet as an example. In an unbalanced or balanced situation one may get to the point where only one perspective is active or predominant. Yet in that predominance it's actually destructive to the balance of the whole. For instance, I have served with some that the study of knowledge was their predominant trait. Day in and day out all they did was read about it. History, theory, strategy and nothing else. When on break sitting in their room just reading, at work when not active then just reading. So predominant that they failed to realize that the stuff they were taking in could not be used other than to spout of some fact for their life had no balance to the material. You could not see joy or pain only facts.

You also saw it quite a bit in the way one raised and treated their family. The person who raises their children as if they were members of the military with all the hurry, hurry, hurry, step right, step left, fall in, etc. So predominant that again they missed the balance that goes between the various facets and influences of them. Yes they saw the healer, father, dreamer, etc. but always in how the discipline military leader would use it and not in any other capacity. I think the Samurai of old Japan actually saw it the clearest and the dangers of giving in to the predominant piece. To the Samurai one learnt and studied the art of war and mastery of weapons and self. It was their calling in life and they dedicated great amounts of time and energy to it. Yet they also realized that it was one sided or lopsided for it actually robbed them of what they were striving for. So while one trained in the art of war they also balanced it with the art of some other practice. Many Samurai were skilled poets and artist taking as great a care to understand the Poet and touch it as they did the Warrior. Now their poetry held many military facets and movements in it but it was still the creative force of the poet. I suppose on many levels I connect to that knowing of the Warrior Path for the literature is my counter side and one I often take up as a balance to the aggressive facet. Yet I am told much of my writing and poetry has the military element to it but softened and more passive and feeling to it. Yes and long winded as well. But that notion of predominating from a given perspective is one of the dangers of any path-walk I think. The deeper we delve and dig into our calling the greater the likely hood of such occurring. That is the danger I think that we may forget or fall captive to. I suppose one could compare it to the botanist that stands in a field of flowers but can only see the single one that holds his/her attention at the expense of all the other flowers in the field.

EagleSinging wrote: “On a personal but definitely related note, I have been observing how people see me, what they expect of me, and what role they perceive I have in their life and how they react when I'm" in character" with whatever role they have put me in or when I'm "out of character" in that role.”

I think that is one of the greatest dangers to humanity. It definitely is visible in the interaction that has occurred in the original thread. We are all character's in life's drama but we do not all use the same definition of what a role is. Then add that we play different roles within the larger role and it further adds to the confusion. For me I have one persona I always presented at work. A very strong yet detached position that was built about procedure and observance. There was one woman I worked with that I became friends with that actually made the statement that I was so different outside of work that she had never seen the relaxed side of me. It was as if I was two completely different people with regards to family and my calling.

“I suppose I may be one of those people who MSLD would say has a split personality. Now, some argue that I have just that. I see myself differently - naturally. I perceive myself as pretty grounded (except for the occasional glitches) and one heck of a seeker.”

No, not at all. Those types give me one heck of a headache as I can never follower their logic or thoughts. There was a book and movie a number of years ago called "Sybil" about a split personality. Now most I have met are not that extreme but it's sort of the same thing.

“I am not one who sees myself as having any one role in this human existence, as having any one path or calling. I am merely me.”

This is one I think we fail to realize most often. I walk the Warrior Pathway yet it is but one facet of the greater pathway I walk which is in service to those I watch over. The problem I think is that most look to the upper level notion and fail to dig into the lower and deeper content of a thing. I have been the Fireman, the rescue squad member, the coach, the scout leader and a few others. All of them facets of the deeper calling of service and protection through guidance. Some walk path-walks that are equally deep but they only see one or a few surface actions. Like the pathway of the healer is also that of the mother, the counselor, the nurse, the hugger, the homeless shelter worker, etc. The same as that of the teacher, formal teacher, guidance counselor, coach, leader, etc. It is when we look to the deeper element that I think we find the calling of our spirit but it is the surface level that gains the most notice.

“This is important for me to convey - These titles, these roles, do not define me. They are things I do and they are what people expect and anticipate me to play - but they are not me. None of them define me.”

I disagree for they all define us. Much of our sense of worth and worthiness originates from how we see ourselves in the reflection of those about us and how they see us. Our individual sense of self moves us but the outward sense of how others see and know us is what is used to decide the success of our lives and our ability to touch and relate to others. It is that ability to touch and relate that I think is what the Spiritual Self is here for and seeks to experience. I think the critical factor, for me anyway, is to know that I am all these things that others see in me but also things they never see. The outward is the gauge I use to judge and analyze the inside. The results of that questioning and analysis the guidance that helps me move into those callings that need more refining or better reflect and support the needs of the inner self.

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