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Healed Wounded
Masculine Leaders
By DragonHawk

In a thread about evil Wynsong said
the following: I see Obama as potentially the symbolic
Healed Masculine. We have the choice of moving forward on a
new map of union between the Masculine and Feminine in Consciousness,
that has never before been available...
During Hitler's time, we got Churchill
(thank Goodness), but Churchill was not a healed masculine...he
was a wonderful example of the Wounded Masculine, as were most
of the leaders of that time... and while he won the war, the
wounded masculine decisions he and his co-leaders made at that
time have created many of the 'evils' we are now dealing with,
and have dealt with for the last 60 years. And I was curious
to understand how/why Wynsong perceived these two leaders the
way she did. Although I am a Brit, and so I was never going
to have a vote in the US election, given the importance of who
is US president on global affairs, like a lot of non-US citizens,
I took a keen interest in the presidential elections race. At
first I was pro-Obama, but at times it struck me that his campaign,
and the promise of his rhetoric, reminded me too much of the
Blair/Brown UK election campaign of 1997, when Tony Blair became
Prime Minister of Britain. Blair and Brown have damaged Britain
badly, and in my opinion, irreparably (at least in my lifetime).
Obviously, I hope that the association is not a valid comparison,
as I think we need a healed masculine right now, so I wanted
to discuss why Obama might be a healed masculine figure and
Churchill was not as they are both well-known figures I can
see big differences in for better and for worse on both sides....but
the evil thread seemed to be the wrong place to discuss that,
so I am starting this thread...
~ I know very little about Tony Blair, so I won't go there.
And, of course, we don't know how Obama will go about things
once he is actually seated as President, but I've seen him,
read about him for longer than most because I'm here in Illinois.
The difference between him and our megalomaniacal governor,
Blagojovich is astounding. Their totally different approaches
to leadership can give some clarity on this, I think. Blagojovich
surrounded himself with cronies and yes-men, then literally
cut himself off from anyone else - his party, his Lieutenant
Governor, anyone who did not agree with him 100% or give him
what he wanted. It has thrown the Illinois government into chaos.
The budget sessions the last couple of years have been brutal
and have not resolved anything. Illinois is in big, big trouble
on the other hand, invites dissension and discussion. He surrounds
himself with those who voice differing opinions. He listens,
then acts. That doesn't always make him "right," but
he educates himself by becoming familiar with all sides of a
situation. People are heard, people are affirmed. And he's not
necessarily strictly a party-man, because of it. That irks some
Democrats and raises the ire of some Republicans, because they
can't always put him in a box. People want to label him as something
- I hear liberal, socialist, communist being tossed around frequently
moderate, too. He's had friends, associates, teachers, family
even, who ran the gauntlet of labels, so folks want to associate
him with those labels - pick the one that irks you the most
and that's what he is. Now how a man like Obama is going to
be an effective president - I don't really know. I pray his
style of healed masculine leadership is exactly what we need.
I like it. I prefer it. But will it give us the direction we
need or throw folks into more chaos because they aren't ready
for it? But maybe that chaos is what we need to breakdown old
labels, old perceptions. He can only be president for 4-8 years,
ya know. Will that be enough time for the kind of direction
change we need? I don't know. And will he even last 4 years?
There are great fears that someone will take a pot-shot at him
any moment. And he sure as heck has his hands full. Can one
man be expected to handle it all? No. And that's why he surrounds
himself with people who can bring him balance, expand his vision,
keep him accountable. That's what healed masculine is about.
said for a long time that what this cycle is about is the evolution
of a new model of leadership. I first got hints of it back in
the 80s when my ex went through he** with a couple who led our
congregation into chaos by scuttling Jim's ministry behind his
back. I've seen it played out over and over since then in churches,
governments, the workplace and all sorts of other organizations.
my two cents and I may be all wet - I am a Swan, ya know.
I am sick today, so my head is mussy and my answer will not
necessarily be any clearer when I'm well, but being sick, gives
me such a lovely reason to not be able to focus on my answer.
the plethora of classes that Alberto Villoldo's School offers,
they do one called Working with the Sacred...in which we visit
in ceremony with our relationship with archetypes and Gods.
We used the Tarot there, and a lot of what we do with the Tarot
is from a book called Tarot and the Journey of the Hero
by Hajo Banzhaf, and we worked with the story of Parsifal and
that of Psyche...as we explore the Archetypal stories of Masculine
coming of age, and Feminine coming of Age ... Of claiming their
own story... The Masculine story of Parsifal contained a loop...of
being mothered, leaving the mother, (her dying), going to court,
mishap and mayhem working out in his favor, becoming a knight
(his dream when he left home), meeting his teacher (a Hermit)
and his Ideal Feminine (Untouchable), Finding the Grail Castle
and not asking the Question, leaving and questing for 40 years,
and coming back to the Grail Castle (broken from accusation),
and we were left on the door step, not knowing whether he got
in our not... In some stories, he gets in, asks the question
and the Fisher King is healed and then dies...
As an archetype
for the wounded masculine, we have the Fisher King, wounded
in his manhood and unable to produce abundance within his land,
and unable to enjoy that which exists... And we have the young
innocent, who sets out to be his ideal "The Good Knight",
who doesn't ask the question he was meant to ask while still
an innocent, quests for 40 years, in a way that no one dies
by his hand, but comes back to the Grail Castle broken by the
accusations of a hag and those whose hearts were broken by his
deeds (by the hurt they endured by the loss of their men, who
left their fight with Parsifal and went off to join Arthur's
Round Table).
He was
unable in the forty years to throw off the yoke of his mother's
rules for him...and he was unable to touch his feminine (Blanche,
I believe her name is)... He comes back to the Castle, broken
and maybe gets in and asks the question, releasing the Fisher
King from his wounds, but not healing himself... Or He doesn't
get in, the Kingdom continues to crumble and he quests for another
40 years, looking for redemption...for the ideal he thought
he was becoming that is no longer possible for him...The greatest
knight of Arthur's round table.
I think
that it is possible that Obama, has a balance of his masculine
and his feminine energies and can escape that loop. He would
not be the first male to live balance, but within the American
election, there was such a huge motion to change. The choice
was between McCain who is the epitome of the Wounded Masculine
Warrior...He would/could and had gone out (quested) to protect
the weak, to keep the kingdom safe and prosperous, . . . or
Obama, who was talking about strength and reconciliation...about
finding a place in the world for an United States of America
that speaks to their own highest ideals (Right to Self Determination
among others), and at the same time a United States of America
that was strong and abundant.
The American
public, in unbelievable numbers, and even in states that don't
usually vote that way (even if the State ended up giving their
electoral seats to McCain, the numbers in some States were staggering...huge
voter turnout, and 49-50% in favor of Obama), they gave him
a Democratic House and Senate (Hardly ever happens that way)...(Balance
is often kept by having a President and House of one Party and
a Senate of the opposite or some combination of that so that
no one party has too much sway) This Man who seems to operate
from a place of wholeness, has a mandate from the people across
the nation to be different. I can't do this now...I started
on Winston Churchill and my head shut down. But at least you
know I'm not ignoring it.
be back" to quote a familiar Republican Governor, whose
state is always Democratic at the Federal level. Munay Ki
hey (((Swanny)) (((Wynsong))),
Thnanks for your posts, I can see what you mean about Obama
Wynsong, I am sorry to hear you were not feeling too well but
I hope that you were just having an "off day". There
is no problem re the reply: I have a lot going on right now
so I'm way behind with replies anyway.
As an archetype for the wounded masculine,
we have the Fisher King, wounded in his manhood and unable to
produce abundance within his land, and unable to enjoy that
which exists...
I had always wondered about the significance
of the Fisher King's wound, but now I understand: Thank You!
Plus it ties in with what I have been learning in the Tarot.
I had a read around this last night and found that the wound
was inflicted by Sir Balin, the stories around whom are very
reminiscent of the stories of Enki and Enlil: the original Adam
and Eve story, which makes me wonder if the wound in some way
represents the story of fall from the Garden of Eden. I also
found that the King Arthur stories come originally from Celtic
myth, which confirms a suspicion I have had on that front for
some time...
I read something really interesting
tonight: looking for info on Celtic Solstice mythos, I found
a reference to "bloodletting" at the Winter Solstice
being a part of the Celtic legends. There was a belief that
the letting of blood appeased the mischievous Formorians, the
Spirits of the Land, who had no care for human well-being, and
the sacrifice allowed the Tribe (ie the people) to survive the
Winter, which in Celtic times was not guaranteed. Blood was
also believed to be the nourisher of the re-birthing Sun. In
Celtic mythos, it is the Formorians who steal the fertility
of the Land in Winter, once the land Goddess has been stolen
away into the Underworld by the winter god, the Cernunnos, before
she gives birth to the Sun god again at Solstice. Given that
the Fisher-King's wound is linked to the land I found this blood-letting
mythos interesting.
I missed this post you made
DH, sorry about that. I'm familiar with the King's being tied
to the land and the bloodletting to sustain it as a sacrifice.
That holds variations through many cultures.
One of the sacred feminine mysteries
is in the menses and blood flow that sustains the bringing forth
of life too. It is strong in the Native teachings that a woman
on her Moon Cycle can 'steal' the Medicine of others or make
it go awry. In this sense she is said to be 'unclean' though
the 'unclean' is not a degradation of any sort. The women out
of respect for the power menstrual flow holds choose to isolate
themselves from others during that time period so they will
not intrude unintentionally.
In the story of the Fisher King (and
others like him) it is the mortal wound and blood that flows
from it that flows back into the Land (which is the Mother)
thus why the land and the King that are tied in a sacred manner.
The child born becomes a man and he dies a sacred wound. As
his health is a direct reflection of the land (Mother) that
gave him his birth the ties to the Godhead are reflected in
the King's journey itself. The blood-letting reflects the mortality
and immortality through life, death and rebirth cycles of the
masculine. The feminine does not die, she merely slumbers for
the Lord of Death fell in love with her and spared her that
journey therefore she is the eternal Mother and Womb and her
power resides there. Interesting, eh?
Cinn, for some reason I
don't think I saw your reply here, and it came up as "new"
when I open the forum today.
The question the Grail Knight must
ask is " whom does the Grail serve" and the answer
the King gives is "the feminine". From the blood-letting
of the King the sacred Union between Man and the Earth is renewed.
In Kabbalah the King is the ruler of God's Creation: his own
Beingness created in the Kingdom: so the Grail message then
is that the King (the incarnation of the Divine) lets his own
blood to assist the Creation (i.e. Earth)
In this sense the Christian mythos
makes sense: the "Lance" that pierced the side of
Jesus, before the self died and the Self was reborn.
That a woman on her Moon Cycle can
'steal' the Medicine of others or make it go awry
Now what I would be interested to
look at is the where we are in the moon cycle right now...given
events this weekend!
Yes, I understand what you're
saying. As for the present position in the Moon Cycle and this
past weekend we are at the New Moon phase, most women have menses
hit around the Full Moon so they're coming into it until then.
The flow comes when the Moon is Full and the release as well.
are on this row
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