


Sacred Feminine &
Sacred Masculine

Page 35

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The 36 pages in this Sacred Feminine & Sacred Masculine section are below.

Womb With a View
By DoktorGreen.Sorcery

I will begin by saying I am a dreamer.

I have been a prolific dreamer since age 12.

Recently, I met a woman who claimed to channel 2 entities. She was a very beautiful person, so I decided to ask her permission to dream with her. She agreed. As I told her, in dreaming I would be able to perceive her deepest motives and judge for myself the value of the energies she was interacting with (if any).

Via a specific method, using the energetic strand of emotion established in our physical meeting, I was able to find her in my dreaming. She was in a layer where I dream often. Here's what I learned. In order to understand the value to an individual of an external energy, the individual must be aware of his own energy.

At the moment of conception, a life begins. At that time, the new life emits a specific vibration. This frequency, or vibration, is a unique combination of the two persons involved. It is unique, because the frequency established is relative to the state of awareness the two persons hold at the moment it is created. (Note that we all have an extremely large frequency range.) Once a life force begins, the feminine energy takes over. The powerful vortex of the womb gathers in the fibers that will compose a soul. These fibers are coalesced and an individual emerges. Then the feminine magic continues. It collects the energy necessary to establish each of the layers of the cocoon; the energy body. While this is occurring, she spins the energies and builds the vortexes and meridians. Now comes the easy part! The feminine power commits the cells and builds the human body. I watched this process!

Thus, I was able to grasp that the usefulness of a particular energetic frequency is relative to an individual's unique frequency. I needed the full picture to understand. Regarding my friend, I learned that she did not interact with energies that were useful for my path. She was unable to interact in dreaming and did not have enough personal energy to bring her awareness there. The so-called energies that she channeled were entities.

One was within a common band. The other was darker (for me). Now, for someone else they may have been more beneficial. We all consume energies that are finer than our own, in an effort to transform ourselves. We also feed energies more coarse than our own, in an effort to transform them. The revelation for me from this dream was that everything is relative to the individual in their current state. No one can or should determine what is good or bad for another, because no one knows the 'momentary state' of another. Instead we might celebrate every revelation we witness! While this doesn't seem so profound, I experienced it. Its knowledge.

Oh, and one more thing. The power of the womb is beyond all other human capabilities, bar none! It is a literal highway to the inner self and higher worlds.

Call Me Den:
I was concerned about where you were going with this and if you were going to cross boundaries of privacy and civility. You proved my concerns baseless. This was an interesting experience/post and your abilities in dreaming are impressive. Thank you for sharing this fine post. I hope to see more from you. CinnamonMoon:

Thank you Dok, in indigenous teachings it is said "All things are born of woman" (I take that to mean the Sacred Feminine) and this is based on the Sacred Masculine that conceives with her, fertilizes and then later protects her and all she brings forth. Your vision was lovely, and yes, by experiencing it then became your knowledge. The only thing lacking in your description is the choice of the spirit coming in...it's frequency vibration well established there would then be enhancement by the parents. Were you shown that aspect too?

I do not know the author but agree wholeheartedly with the quote: “The female being has been chosen by the creator to be the portal between the spiritual realm and this physical realm. The only force on earth powerful enough to navigate unborn spirits onto this planet, so tell me…why do we not treat her as such?”

CinnamonMoon wrote: “"The only thing lacking in your description is the choice of the spirit coming in...it's frequency vibration well established there would then be enhancement by the parents. Were you shown that aspect too?" I was not shown any part of a spiritual essence before incarnation. In fact, because that was not a part of the experience, I have sought further knowledge regarding the "individual" before accepting form. At this point, I still have no evidence that such exists. It may be that all aspects of individuality and separate experience come only within the incarnation. I have engaged many entities, both formed and formless, but this is not evidence of a surviving soul. These entities are also incarnated. I have also interacted with shells and shadows of humans that have passed. This also is not evidence of a surviving or pre-existing soul. These shells/shadows are simply the fading layers of the energy body that have not yet ceased. They do have memory and sometimes intellect, but I have seen them fade and pass over time. Thus I cannot say whether a separate soul exists. Outside time and space, these concepts lose their attraction and potential validity...

Hello Dok, Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm not sure there is going to be evidence that there is an 'individual' before incarnation on the physical side of things. That's long been debated. However the spirits have been seen by indigenous Medicine People hovering around the mother as she gives birth and entering in through the crown chakra of the of the child. You might want to explore that aspect in your research. I do believe in the pre-existing soul, that's part of my sacred point of view. I am curious however, about your last statement and why you feel the way you do.

….“Outside time and space, these concepts lose their attraction and potential validity.”…Why do you say this?

CinnamonMoon wrote: “Hello Dok, Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm not sure there is going to be evidence that there is an 'individual' before incarnation on the physical side of things.”

I completely agree. However, I have long relied on the personal experiences I have as a day/night dreamer. As such, I still have no internal evidence of an individual existing at any point outside incarnation.

“That's long been debated. However the spirits have been seen by indigenous Medicine People hovering around the mother as she gives birth and entering in through the crown chakra of the of the child. You might want to explore that aspect in your research.”

Yes. I have also heard this. As I relayed earlier, my experience shows the spiritual body, along with the other sheathes being created before the physical form. While this spiritual sheathe is quite profound and powerful, it is still a sheathe, as I have seen it.

I do believe in the pre-existing soul, that's part of my sacred point of view. I am curious however, about your last statement and why you feel the way you do…. “Outside time and space, these concepts lose their attraction and potential validity...”…Why do you say this?” There are many layers, or bands of form. These layers all have some sort of natural law that includes space and time. These laws vary, based on the frequency range. However, beyond form, beyond time, and beyond the individual are many more layers! When one finally drops the "self", one becomes/experiences totality. This experience negates all the concerns of the lessor realms, as one is all life. The individual cannot go there, because it is beyond the dual realms. In these layers, there is no "observer" and "observed"; only one. I have shed the Self several times. Life does not stop. There was no concern for the "Self" I abandoned. The integrity of awareness remains! Oneness imposes the true intent: consume, expand, and transform. Thus the discussion of items within time and space are only relative to these layers of friction. We have this tendency to view things from our imposed programming, meaning that we apply all that we have been taught here to our opinions of life beyond here. Ultimately, one must leave the self behind. It is composed of the energies and experiences of time and space. As such, it cannot move outside those boundaries.

Men wear "war paint", meaning they must seek confirmation outside themselves via forays into the other realms and lessons acquired in this realm. Women wear "birthing paint". They can go directly to the higher self and bring knowledge back. They need no go-between. Women can enter the vortex of their own womb and experience the world from a much greater perspective. And it is easier than the path a man takes. Obviously, most women have no idea that this connection exists. too bad. We need them. “Once a life force begins, the feminine energy takes over. The powerful vortex of the womb gathers in the fibers that will compose a soul. These fibers are coalesced and an individual emerges. Then the feminine magic continues. It collects the energy necessary to establish each of the layers of the cocoon; the energy body. While this is occurring, she spins the energies and builds the vortexes and meridians. Now comes the easy part! The feminine power commits the cells and builds the human body. I watched this process! “I agree that physical life begins at conception, but not the soul. That is just my opinion, based purely on my own experiences. In my experience there has been a soul before birth waiting for a body. In my case 'she' was reluctant to take up my invitation for me to create her a physical form and I miscarried a month later. Since then I've seen her in dreams, but not awake experience. I do sometimes "see dead people" awake, but not her... perhaps because she never was connected to a body in life? I don't know.”

I respect your opinions. We differ here in our experiences. “Seeing dead people is not something I do often, but it has happened enough for me to say that, in my experiences, there is a difference between energy beings and souls. But that is purely a subjective opinion based on my perception of reality. I tend to believe there are as many true realities as there are people. But back to souls and energy beings - they come through quite different for me. I hadn't thought about that till now, so I owe you a thank you for making me think deeper on this difference. How to define the difference? Well, for me the only dead folk who get through come via love - either because they are people I feel love for or because I am connected to them via love from other sources - such as when a friend's grandfather showed up in my kitchen. Without the link of love I cannot connect to souls.” I have connected with the shadows of my passed loved ones, too! In the case of my grandfather, it went on for nearly 7 years. Then on the last encounter, I watched him unravel and burst into a million dots that shot in every direction. It was certainly a link of love that connected us. The emotional shell can continue for decades, depending on the emotional strength at the time of passing. Here is something that you might try. When you encounter an entity that you think might be an energy generating entity, point both index fingers at them. If they fade away, it was only a shadow (and a wonderful experience). If they clarify and continue to present a form, you are dealing with a real entity.

Hey Dok, “Men wear "war paint", meaning they must seek confirmation outside themselves via forays into the other realms and lessons acquired in this realm.”

Confirmation of what? i.e. “confirmation” implies that the male has received something and is seeking confirmation of it outside himself – so how, in your opinion, does the male receive that “something” that he is seeking “confirmation” about?

DragonHawk, I share here what I have been taught, as well as my experiences. Women confirm that they have higher awareness via going within and creating. They make life. They bring it here. They can use that natural process as a process of becoming. Men confirm their higher self and more through a process of action. This involves interacting with other entities, other realms, and lessons which lead to actually experiencing higher frequencies. We must act. In both cases we confirm that we are the higher self and more. We then live from that position and direct our lives from an exponentially broader perspective. But that's not all. Becoming the higher self is not a means to make our physical life easier... it is a step towards fulfilling our spiritual destiny, of which this world is only a fraction!

Dok, Confirmation of what? ie “confirmation” implies that the male has received something and is seeking confirmation of it outside himself – so how, in your opinion, does the male receive that “something” that he is seeking “confirmation” about?

I understand what you are saying. I'm just interested in learning where you believe the impetus for the male to act comes from. In some traditions you have the interplay between the masculine and feminine - and in that respect what you speak of here with regards to the womb - as a vessel to receive the impetus and bring that energy forward in terms of life - but also as a vessel of transition between worlds I understand: I also understand what you are saying about the masculine as you answered and as a guy I have experienced that searching outwith = both in the physical and in other realms. If I’ve understood you correctly, that impetus would come via the womb in the female – I’m just curious as to where you believe that impetus to search comes from in the male?

Hi DragonHawk, The motivation / impetus comes from the same place for both genders, IMO (The methods differ). It comes from the fact that we are probes of energy, sent forth from higher domains with the mission to expand and transform those domains. The nature of all life is to "consume, expand, and transform. We feel that and strive for that in our 'individuated self'; a reflection of our true nature as probes of the Source. Our goal is to "consume" lower energies, "expand" the light into darkness, and consciously "transform" our awareness. By doing this, we expand those higher domains. We are conquerors of friction. Warriors confronting duality. If you are looking for a male counterpart to the womb re interacting with higher energies, my experience says it is the will, which is centered at the solar plexus.


Perhaps I am out in left field here but I "feel" something is being missed or ignored here. The celestial womb is a place male or females can enter and experience. It's recorded throughout history as the celestial egg, the birthing waters or any number of other names. Where it differs to me is that male and female each have a differing way of entering and connecting with its energies. Yet the conflict seems to derive from this sense of something being easier for one therefor disconnecting the other from it, if not disconnecting then lessening it for another. Women naturally can enter it by turning inwards into their own feminine energies. As carriers of life and the seed of life they hold a continual gateway to the celestial womb. As they mature and experience their natural cycle it brings them closer to the vibration and pulse of the celestial womb. A fact that seems to imply an easier task of stepping into that current. Yet that sense of ease also associated to being bathed in its currents all their lives so it’s not an unusual or unknown energy to them. What I do find interesting though is that a girl child is as far away from it as an aged grandmother who has long since passed her ability to conceive. A fact also supported in many systems, for instance look to Artemis who guides girls to the state of passing into womanhood then accepts them back as they pass again into an almost virginal state. Yet as males from the moment of birth we are separated from that vibration and pulse. We carry echoes of it within our bodies and spiritual memories but it is forever after an unknown or unusual signature to us. Like so memory it calls to us and clings to us but we struggle to connect it and remember it. In many ways more difficult for us to connect to for we must experience a symbolic stepping or passing through the womb into life. we might do this via stepping through a gateway tree which reminds us of that birth passage. we can experience it indirectly via the sexual act for at that moment we are bathed in both the current and vibration of the inward flow and outward flow of our combined energies.

In some ways just as a female passes from virginal innocence to womanhood then back again so too does a male. In antiquity young males co-raised and equal, to use Artemis again it was not uncommon for male children to be part of her following. Like the females we pass into a point where we are separated from that memory and its vibrations. Eventually arriving at the point where like the grand-mother's we as grand-father's pass back to a point where we are no so far removed from those vibrations and currents. Our warrior aspect tamed and controlled to a degree which allows us to re-connect to the feminine and internal movements of our energies. Of course there is nothing to say the Contrary within society does not experience things from the perspective of its opposite. Thus any statement that one is better able to do so fails before it. But like I said I might just be out in left field here and have it all wrong, which I accept as a possible conclusion.

Interesting comments, but very alien to me. What, exactly, is the celestial womb? Do you have a personal description?

I'm kind of odd... I see chakras as entities, seven or nine sometimes. It depends on the person I'm viewing. I don't view much, it can be draining - related to that energy taking you describe. I used to connect too much, too quickly. At this stage I'm in slight avoidance mode, I suppose. Still learning how to keep myself intact and observe without sending out ripples. Anyway.. point being I don't see vortexes or spheres - I see bats, cats, trolls, sometimes spheres with worlds within them... it depends on the person. "The womb is not a chakra.", my female mentor said. I can only say that I have seen the filaments of energy from/through the womb as it manifested life. I have nothing like that. One of her tasks for the females in her circle was to find a natural stone with a hole through it. Then sleep with it in a pouch around the waist. Find the stone in dreaming and enter the hole. This is supposed to be a womb activation process.

Just hearsay; take it for what it’s worth, but the results described by the acolytes were compelling...” Ahhh, ok. I'm more with you now. I know about the stone with a hole, I came across that in Celtic beliefs. That was a long time ago and I don't remember all of it. My opinion tends to be that each culture uses what helps them to focus. I'm still not convinced it's the womb that matters as much as the power these woman gave the womb in their belief system. Sort of a "walk on water" kind of thing - I think it is the personal belief that holds the power rather than the item or organ. Intent? Not exactly. Faith? Not on its own. Interestingly.. you summed it up better than I have with... “It's about your intention. I asked my male mentor the same question and he said "Because it works." It works for me every time and I expect it to work. It will work for you!” Exactly! My womb is a mess, physically. Destroyed by two decades of health issues. Wondering what that would signify to the system you're describing. Would the physical state matter and... is the detruction somehow symbolic? It took me 40 odd years to realize I am extremely maternal. Even as a teen, I "mothered" people, animals, etc. And yet, all those decades, I never saw myself at all. Now my physical "female" body has completely been destroyed I finally can see how strongly feminine and maternal I was and still am. It was an insight that hit hard this year. Clarity and grief and peace. Just thinking how that would relate to a womb being something we view through. Rambling a bit. I do that!

OK, I'd be interested to here you views on the male receptor being the will as it strikes me that will is an over-riding faculty common to both male and female - but I don't want to take your original discussion off topic so perhaps this isn’t the thread? Perhaps, if/when you have the time, you could start a similar thread in the Sacred Masculine? Or would that be making an arbitrary distinction? One thing that is pertinent to this thread, for me, is the lack of definition of terms making it difficult for me to interact on the wider topic: you said in your opening thread that the woman channeled entities - but later said that she did not channel "so-called energies" but entities, which, by later posts, could have form or be formless and/or incarnate. Terms such as soul, spiritual sheathe are also found.

It strikes me that some of these terms are essentially similar - descriptors that accentuate difference of the same existence at different energy levels/frequencies according (to use your terminology) to the level of friction that that existence meets at the different frequencies: frequencies presumably created by the differing levels of friction? I can't help but feel it would be simpler (and avoid confusion) to describe that existence in one term but reference the different frequencies it encounters. In common usage those different frequencies would be described as "worlds". I agree that we exist at many frequencies and so, in my way of looking at things, in many worlds simultaneously, but we are only consciously aware of the world we call physical existence or the mundane. Through our spiritual Journey we can access different worlds: but we would be the same existence in those different worlds: our ability to inhabit those worlds consciously to a lesser or great degree would be dependent on our ability to comprehend those worlds as we progress on our Journey.

DoktorGreen wrote: “Interesting comments, but very alien to me. What, exactly, is the celestial womb? Do you have a personal description?” Dok, the Celestial Womb is that place outside of time and space where all things are birthed and become one with the time, place and energy they are to be born into and made of. It's typically seen as the eternal mother in many ways for it is compared to Gaia or other primordial mother spirits. It's the place where though, form and desire and need are instilled into the un-formatted

essence of the void and given an identity. I suppose in a basic sense its that place where identity takes shape and form becomes reality before being created or manifested upon the physical. It's like I have a memory of a time and place where all I was aware of was me. I was not a person or thing just an self-aware essence waiting to be birthed into the current body I now possess and inhabit. I vaguely recall being conceived and formed in my mother's womb (I'm in my 50's now so that memory fades a bit more with each passing year) then being born into this life as a male child. Yet I also have memories of the womb that I think are passed via the lingering energy and vibration of my mother's life force which contains echoes and memories of all things that have been conveyed through my female ancestry up to the point of being born.

DragonHawk wrote: “Dok, I'd be interested to here you views on the male receptor being the will as it strikes me that will is an over-riding faculty common to both male and female - but I don't want to take your original discussion off topic so perhaps this isn’t the thread? Perhaps, if/when you have the time, you could start a similar thread in the Sacred Masculine? Or would that be making an arbitrary distinction?” Maybe. You could start that discussion, if you have interest in that area. I'm sure others will comment as well. “One thing that is pertinent to this thread, for me, is the lack of definition of terms making it difficult for me to interact on the wider topic: you said in your opening thread that the woman channeled entities - but later said that she did not channel "so-called energies" but entities, which, by later posts, could have form or be formless and/or incarnate. Terms such as soul, spiritual sheathe are also found. It strikes me that some of these terms are essentially similar - descriptors that accentuate difference of the same existence at different energy levels/frequencies according (to use your terminology) to the level of friction that that existence meets at the different frequencies: frequencies presumably created by the differing levels of friction?”

Sorry for the confusion. I do have specific terms, but I find more understanding when I use common terms. Energies may be entities, but not necessarily. A frequency is a world or realm. It can also be an intent, a layer, a position of awareness, and more. It is a filament of the Source. As such it may be pure, or it may be an expression of Intent in these dual worlds of form. Frequencies are the filamentary substance of spirit that compose everything, in all layers up to the Source. “Through our spiritual Journey we can access different worlds: but we would be the same existence in those different worlds: our ability to inhabit those worlds consciously to a lesser or great degree would be dependent on our ability to comprehend those worlds as we progress on our Journey.” Here I can speak clearly. We have many lives going on in this moment. We can become aware of them, but they are not the same as this one. WE are not the same. The existence and environment are not the same. Upon assuming the cloak of another life, we assume that life; memories, associations, goals, etc. We do retain awareness as the higher self-inhabiting that body temporarily. We do the same thing here once we realize our higher self. We become the higher self and assume the cloak of this life.

MonSnoLeeDra, I see what you are describing. It is familiar to me, but I never called it anything. Like a spiritual egg of identity! I have seen this collected by the womb, drawing many filaments into an egg shape. Lots of swirling and spinning! It is at the very edge of duality; not within space, but not outside space.

This has turned into such an interesting discussion. I've quoted several different things here as these have piqued my interest in different ways. Please know up front that I'm not being militant or difficult - I'm just asking for clarification and expressing my own views. I'm also trying to understand how these things could or would fit into my viewpoint.

“Dok: Here is something that you might try. When you encounter an entity that you think might be an energy generating entity, point both index fingers at them. If they fade away, it was only a shadow (and a wonderful experience). If they clarify and continue to present a form, you are dealing with a real entity. It's about your intention. I asked my male mentor the same question and he said "Because it works." It works for me every time and I expect it to work. It will work for you!”

Me personally - I've never had a problem distinguishing entities from energies or shades. "Because it works" is never a good enough answer for me. What is it about it that works or calls forth an entity vs a fading shadow. Shadow's themselves can become entities over time. Does this practice distinguish between those that were once shadow's and have become more? It's easy enough to say "If you're lost on the astral - think of your feet because it works." It works because your feet represent grounding and because 'you expect it to work'. But it also works because it's giving you a very specific focus in which to return to. Before I try a new technique - I want to understand the theories behind it. So far you haven't explained that. I understand intention. Are you saying that just because I believe pointing both index fingers at something will show it's form will cause something to show that's it's an entity? There are too many entities out there that are much stronger than us. Why would they obey?

DragonHawk, “you said in your opening thread that the woman channelled entities - but later said that she did not channel "so-called energies" but entities, which, by later posts, could have form or be formless and/or incarnate. Terms such as soul, spiritual sheathe are also found. It strikes me that some of these terms are essentially similar - descriptors that accentuate difference of the same existance at different energy levels/frequencies according (to use your teminolgy) to the level of friction that that existance meets at the different frequencies: frequenceis presumably created by the differing levels of friction?” Dok, “Sorry for the confusion. I do have specific terms, but I find more understanding when I use common terms. Energies may be entities, but not necessarily. A frequency is a world or realm. It can also be an intent, a layer, a position of awareness, and more. It is a filament of the Source. As such it may be pure, or it may be an expression of Intent in these dual worlds of form. Frequencies are the filamentary substance of spirit that compose everything, in all layers up to the Source.”

At this point frequency has way too broad of a definition and things that it can be. I would really like to know what specific words you have for these things. Part of the problem of using common words is that they also have very broad definitions. I'm having a very difficult time trying to understand how the word frequency is used as a word for realm or world. I can understand using the word dimension in this instance but not frequency.

Dok, “I don't know what the physical condition signifies. The womb has several possible functions. Does the elimination of one, or two damage the other functions? I doubt it. The female mentor I mentioned works only with females that she recruits (I was an exception). Some of those were / are in their 40s. One was over 50 and is the successor!”

Actually, I would assume that it does. What of women that no longer have a womb due to surgery? If you're using a bodily organ to access the supernatural or inner self than the condition of the organ should matter. Can you explain how it doesn't? Speaking of recruiting (that term bothers me) and exceptions - I really don't know what you mean here. Are you saying you went to this teacher instead of her coming to you or that you're male and learning the female mysteries? Also - what of men that were born physically male but fully identify as female? Do they have this access as well? If they do then it's not the physical organ that matters.

Dok, “Here I can speak clearly. We have many lives going on in this moment. We can become aware of them, but they are not the same as this one. WE are not the same. The existence and environment are not the same. Upon assuming the cloak of another life, we assume that life; memories, associations, goals, etc. We do retain awareness as the higher self-inhabiting that body temporarily. We do the same thing here once we realize our higher self. We become the higher self and assume the cloak of this life.”

So, time is not linear. Do you really think that we are living all lives at the same time? That there truly is no time? Why the differentiation between higher self and self? Are they not the same? Yes, I am living a totally different life in this body at this time but it is still my Self that is living all of the others. Do you believe that once a higher self incarnates into a physical body that they lose their higher self? Like I said - I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm simply trying to understand where it is that you're coming from. I'm also not trying to be rude here when I say that your teacher seems to be quite the feminist. Would you agree? Some of the ideas that you've expressed in this thread are reminiscent of StarHawk to me. Also - where is the balance to be found in these teachings? Both sexes contain the energies of both sexes. I do not see them as cut and dry different. I've had many teachers in my life. I've never completely agreed or followed (or chosen to follow) only one. To me - it's just too containing. Even for those that follow the same path and walk it together - they have different ideas and opinions. Look at Christianity for an example (if this is a poor example please excuse it - I have a migraine.). All of these people walk the same path, worship the same God, basically believe the same things and yet there are hundreds, if not thousands of denominations that believe differently. Also - what of women that identify as men. Do they still have access to the higher self through the womb even though, according to what you've said here, should be looking for outside confirmation?

Excellent! I do love a challenging discussion! LadyRoseRed wrote: “This has turned into such an interesting discussion. I've quoted several different things here as these have piqued my interest in different ways. Please know up front that I'm not being militant or difficult - I'm just asking for clarification and expressing my own views. I'm also trying to understand how these things could or would fit into my viewpoint.”

Here is something that you might try. When you encounter an entity that you think might be an energy generating entity, point both index fingers at them. If they fade away, it was only a shadow (and a wonderful experience). If they clarify and continue to present a form, you are dealing with a real entity.

It's about your intention. I asked my male mentor the same question and he said "Because it works." It works for me every time and I expect it to work. It will work for you!

“Me personally - I've never had a problem distinguishing entities from energies or shades. "Because it works" is never a good enough answer for me. It's easy enough to say "If you're lost on the astral - think of your feet because it works." It works because your feet represent grounding and because 'you expect it to work'. But it also works because it's giving you a very specific focus in which to return to. Before I try a new technique - I want to understand the theories behind it. So far you haven't explained that.” Good questions. Answers aren't always apparent in our limited words, since words can only describe what we can perceive. Here goes... “What is it about it that works or calls forth an entity vs a fading shadow. Shadow's themselves can become entities over time. Does this practice distinguish between those that were once shadow's and have become more?” This method doesn't call forth anything. It disperses everything that has no substance on that particular layer/world. This happens because in finer worlds, our Intent manifests much more readily. I expect it to work (intent). It does. Also, shades fade. They simply last awhile.... like a tree branch that you cut off does. “I understand intention. Are you saying that just because I believe pointing both index fingers at something will show it's form will cause something to show that's it's an entity? There are too many entities out there that are much stronger than us. Why would they obey?” Nothing obeys. You are simply releasing your own apparitions from your own visual inventory. These manifest as inter dimensional junk! What is left has substance in that world.

DragonHawk, “you said in your opening thread that the woman channelled entities - but later said that she did not channel "so-called energies" but entities, which, by later posts, could have form or be formless and/or incarnate. Terms such as soul, spiritual sheathe are also found. It strikes me that some of these terms are essentially similar - descriptors that accentuate difference of the same existance at different energy levels/frequencies according (to use your teminolgy) to the level of friction that that existance meets at the different frequencies: frequenceis presumably created by the differing levels of friction?” Sorry for the confusion. I do have specific terms, but I find more understanding when I use common terms. Energies may be entities, but not necessarily. A frequency is a world or realm. It can also be an intent, a layer, a position of awareness, and more. It is a filament of the Source. As such it may be pure, or it may be an expression of Intent in these dual worlds of form. Frequencies are the filamentary substance of spirit that compose everything, in all layers up to the Source.

“At this point frequency has way too broad of a definition and things that it can be. I would really like to know what specific words you have for these things. Part of the problem of using common words is that they also have very broad definitions….I'm having a very difficult time trying to understand how the word frequency is used as a word for realm or world. I can understand using the word dimension in this instance but not frequency.” My own perception and becoming has shown me that all existence is composed of Malinalli. These are filaments of spirit. They can be imbued with intent, or they can be composed into a cohesive object, entity, or world. We use these Malinalli to express life. We extend a filament whenever we have a word, a feeling, an act, a belief, and so forth. These filaments are the substance of the universe... at least as high as the great Web. Each filament/Malinalli has a specific frequency. Unless it has been ascribed a particular intent, it holds the frequency of the great web (the Source).

MonSno, I don't know what the physical condition signifies. The womb has several possible functions. Does the elimination of one, or two damage the other functions? I doubt it. The female mentor I mentioned works only with females that she recruits (I was an exception). Some of those were / are in their 40s. One was over 50 and is the successor!

“Actually, I would assume that it does. What of women that no longer have a womb due to surgery? If you're using a bodily organ to access the supernatural or inner self than the condition of the organ should matter. Can you explain how it doesn't?” Sure. The physical womb is a reflection of your inner womb. As above, so below. It is still there and the physical organ is not the gateway. “Speaking of recruiting (that term bothers me) and exceptions - I really don't know what you mean here. Are you saying you went to this teacher instead of her coming to you or that you're male and learning the female mysteries?”

I am a full time lucid dreamer. I was recruited by a male nahual to teach his circle dreaming. He sent me to a female nahual to learn healing and female energy tendencies. They work together. She teaches females. She calls it the Jade Skirt. She de-composed me and re-composed me with the balance required for a healer. “Also - what of men that were born physically male but fully identify as female? Do they have this access as well? If they do then it's not the physical organ that matters.” A possible assumption, but no. They do not have the inner vortex. Look for yourself. You will see.

“So, time is not linear. Do you really think that we are living all lives at the same time? That there truly is no time?” Time is linear. And yes there is time.... within a particular band of frequencies. There are other laws in other places. As always, I share my own knowledge and your mileage may vary! “Why the differentiation between higher self and self? Are they not the same? Yes, I am living a totally different life in this body at this time but it is still my Self that is living all of the others. Do you believe that once a higher self incarnates into a physical body that they lose their higher self” Perception is relative to the frequency that it is bound to. The higher self has many forms in play. It can lock onto any or many, if the process has been achieved. While here, we perceive here. “Like I said - I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm simply trying to understand where it is that you're coming from. I'm also not trying to be rude here when I say that your teacher seems to be quite the feminist. Would you agree? Some of the ideas that you've expressed in this thread are reminiscent of StarHawk to me.” She was definitely a female! And her counterpart was definitely a male. I don't know who Starhawk is; sorry. This is the feminine forum, as you know. I can and will post in others! “Also - where is the balance to be found in these teachings? Both sexes contain the energies of both sexes. I do not see them as cut and dry different.” This is a discussion of the feminine. “I've had many teachers in my life. I've never completely agreed or followed (or chosen to follow) only one. To me - it's just too containing. Even for those that follow the same path and walk it together - they have different ideas and opinions. Look at Christianity for an example (if this is a poor example please excuse it - I have a migraine.). All of these people walk the same path, worship the same God, basically believe the same things and yet there are hundreds, if not thousands of denominations that believe differently.”

Your point?

LadyRoseRed wrote: “Also - what of women that identify as men. Do they still have access to the higher self through the womb even though, according to what you've said here, should be looking for outside confirmation?” Yes. They have a womb. Sexual identity choices don't affect inner energetic composition.

“Excellent! I do love a challenging discussion!”

As do I. I'm enjoying our conversations.

“Nothing obeys. You are simply releasing your own apparitions from your own visual inventory. These manifest as inter dimensional junk! What is left has substance in that world.”

I used the wrong wording here. You're right - it's not calling it forth. I do understand manifesting intentions - especially on other planes. Yes, shades fade but we're talking about on command when you point both index fingers at them. If all it is in intentions I could show them any finger and have the same result. What is it specifically about point both index fingers at them aside from intentions? Yes, but shades are not my apparitions. "Nothing obeys." It's been my experience that many things do.

“My own perception and becoming has shown me that all existence is composed of Malinalli....”

Thank you for your explanation. From just a short amount of googling this seems to be an Aztec word. It's really very interesting.

“A possible assumption, but no. They do not have the inner vortex. Look for yourself. You will see.”

I try not to pry at other people's energy centers. I'll take your word for it.

“Time is linear. And yes there is time.... within a particular band of frequencies. There are other laws in other places. As always, I share my own knowledge and your mileage may vary!”

lolol - I like that.

“Perception is relative to the frequency that it is bound to. The higher self has many forms in play. It can lock onto any or many, if the process has been achieved. While here, we perceive here.”

But it's more than just current perception. While here I can perceive more than just here with the proper mind-set.

“This is the feminine forum, as you know. I can and will post in others!”

I look forward to it.

“This is a discussion of the feminine.”

Very true but I do strive for balance in all things - including the feminine. I do not believe that it's complete or that it's out of balance if completely ignoring the male parts of ourselves. Physiologically, we are made up of both estrogen and progesterone. I feel that we do ourselves as women a disservice to ignore or 'not talk about' that part of ourselves. That's just me - others are free to disagree.

“Your point?”

I truly enjoy a conversation where I'm asked what I mean before a person chooses to take offense or take what I've said the wrong way. I greatly appreciate your asking. It's just that you've spoken quite a bit about what your teacher has told you. I'm also interested in what you've found outside of these teachings and how they mesh with your views. I'm not having a discussion with your teacher - I'm having a discussion with you. I have no idea how long you've been studying with this person, if you plan to continue on as a life long journey and learn only what she has to teach. If this teacher has all of the answers for you and can teach you all that you need to know then that's great. I'm just not built that way. I do celebrate the differences in people and try to understand others. I've had many conversations turn sour because people take offense at my questions. I am truly glad that this is not the case here.

LadyRoseRed wrote: “This method doesn't call forth anything. It disperses everything that has no substance on that particular layer/world. This happens because in finer worlds, our Intent manifests much more readily. I expect it to work (intent). It does. Also, shades fade. They simply last awhile.... like a tree branch that you cut off does.” Nothing obeys. You are simply releasing your own apparitions from your own visual inventory. These manifest as inter dimensional junk! What is left has substance in that world.

“I used the wrong wording here. You're right - it's not calling it forth. I do understand manifesting intentions - especially on other planes. Yes, shades fade but we're talking about on command when you point both index fingers at them. If all it is in intentions I could show them any finger and have the same result. What is it specifically about point both index fingers at them aside from intentions?”

Use any finger then. let me know how it works for you! LOL “Yes, but shades are not my apparitions.”…"Nothing obeys."

It's been my experience that many things do. Maybe I should have said that the pointing is not to require anything to obey?

“Thank you for your explanation. From just a short amount of googling this seems to be an Aztec word. It's really very interesting.” Aztecs use that word, but it is much more than their meaning. It goes all the way back to the days of Quetzal Coatl.

“But it's more than just current perception. While here I can perceive more than just here with the proper mind-set.” Really? Tell me about it. I am a dreamer, but only learned daytime dream access in recent years. I looked through the dream forum, but didn't see anything I could latch on to..

“Very true but I do strive for balance in all things - including the feminine. I do not believe that it's complete or that it's out of balance if completely ignoring the male parts of ourselves. Physiologically, we are made up of both estrogen and progesterone. I feel that we do ourselves as women a disservice to ignore or 'not talk about' that part of ourselves. That's just me - others are free to disagree.” I hear you. Since some recent episodes in my spiritual life, I have been saturated with the knowingness of one. This makes all things I encounter seem to be pieces. Male and female are also pieces. Balance is imperative if one seeks to unfold awareness, but from the position of one they are opposing energies. Facets of the duality in these coarser frequencies! I no longer seek balance. I seek Oneness.

“I truly enjoy a conversation where I'm asked what I mean before a person chooses to take offense or take what I've said the wrong way. I greatly appreciate your asking. It's just that you've spoken quite a bit about what your teacher has told you. I'm also interested in what you've found outside of these teachings and how they mesh with your views. I'm not having a discussion with your teacher - I'm having a discussion with you.” I have used their words to describe my own experiences at times. Just as they used their mentor's words. But I have many instructions from them that I have not experienced and I do not share those! “I have no idea how long you've been studying with this person, if you plan to continue on as a life long journey and learn only what she has to teach. If this teacher has all of the answers for you and can teach you all that you need to know then that's great. I'm just not built that way.”

I spent 7 years with my male nahual and 3 with my female nahual. They are gone now. I am a healer and a dreamer. I am simply enjoying provoking others and smiling as they dig deep to find their answers. “I do celebrate the differences in people and try to understand others. I've had many conversations turn sour because people take offense at my questions. I am truly glad that this is not the case here.”

“Use any finger then. let me know how it works for you!”

Rofl So, you're also skilled at lifting impressions through a computer screen. I like it. It can be so tedious to converse with just the written word and no inflection.

"Maybe I should have said that the pointing is not to require anything to obey?”

I wasn't speaking of the pointing fingers thing here. Just that many things do obey. They generally don't like it very much but they do obey. At this stage in my practice I very rarely, if ever, enter situations where it's necessary.

“Aztecs use that word, but it is much more than their meaning. It goes all the way back to the days of Quetzal Coatl.”

Just from my short amount of googling - is it correct to assume that what you practice is Meso-American based? It's not an area that I've studied but I find it endlessly fascinating.

“I hear you. Since some recent episodes in my spiritual life, I have been saturated with the knowingness of one. This makes all things I encounter seem to be pieces. Male and female are also pieces. Balance is imperative if one seeks to unfold awareness, but from the position of one they are opposing energies. Facets of the duality in these coarser frequencies! I no longer seek balance. I seek Oneness.”

Opposing, yes, but necessary. Just as a coin must have 2 sides to be complete. In it's completeness is also finds balance. You cannot have a front without a back. They are both different yet necessary for the coin to be whole. To me - balance is imperative to everything not just unfolding awareness. It is the opposing forces that hold it all together. I did the frequency thing a very long time ago so. When the courser frequencies blend they become complete and create a much finer and well tuned frequency. You said you no longer seek balance. Is this because you've found it or because you've found something you want even more? Oneness - the goal of all mystics. I have achieved it. I had to choose. Did I want to spend my

life achieving oneness (which takes time and effort) or did I want to live and experience this incarnation. It's obvious that I chose not to live the life of a mystic. It was a difficult choice for me at that time. The draw of it, the purity of it, the becoming nothing and everything at the same time, the beauty of it, I could go on and on but I'll stop myself here. I'll have all the Oneness that I desire when this incarnation is over and I look forward to finally being finished incarnating and eternal Oneness. I chose to live and experience all that this life has to offer. Both choices and every choice in between are all equally valid. What I choose for myself is not right for anyone else. What you choose for yourself is right for you and respected by me.

“I spent 7 years with my male nahual and 3 with my female nahual. They are gone now. I am a healer and a dreamer. I am simply enjoying provoking others and smiling as they dig deep to find their answers.”

I am sorry for you loss. I can sense the deep love you've had for both of them. I do think provoking is an interesting word to use though. It doesn't have the best connotations.

“I have used their words to describe my own experiences at times. Just as they used their mentor's words. But I have many instructions from them that I have not experienced and I do not share those!”

Perhaps someday you will. I do not share everything that I've experienced or everything that I've learned. We are responsible for those that we teach. On an open internet forum our words can touch upon unknown numbers of people years after we've written them. I think it's unwise to share all in the company of strangers.

“Really? Tell me about it. I am a dreamer, but only learned daytime dream access in recent years. I looked through the dream forum, but didn't see anything I could latch on to..”

There is much to tell and much that I will not share on an open forum about this. I really don't know what you mean by daytime dreaming. It's one of those things that can have many different definitions. Perhaps, if we can narrow down the discussion a bit we can continue this part of it.

LadyRoseRed wrote: “rofl…So, you're also skilled at lifting impressions through a computer screen. I like it. It can be so tedious to converse with just the written word and no inflection. … "Nothing obeys." It's been my experience that many things do.”

Maybe I should have said that the pointing is not to require anything to obey?

I don't seem to be concerned with whether anything/anyone obeys. Most energies/entities either cling or run. There have been battles in the past, but that is decades behind me....

Yes. The lineage is several hundred years (at least) old. There are only a few written treatises currently available.

I hear you. Since some recent episodes in my spiritual life, I have been saturated with the knowingness of one. This makes all things I encounter seem to be pieces. Male and female are also pieces. Balance is imperative if one seeks to unfold awareness, but from the position of one they are opposing energies. Facets of the duality in these coarser frequencies! I no longer seek balance. I seek Oneness.

“Opposing, yes, but necessary. Just as a coin must have 2 sides to be complete. In its completeness is also finds balance. You cannot have a front without a back. They are both different yet necessary for the coin to be whole. To me - balance is imperative to everything not just unfolding awareness. It is the opposing forces that hold it all together. I did the frequency thing a very long time ago so. When the courser frequencies blend they become complete and create a much finer and well-tuned frequency. You said you no longer seek balance. Is this because you've found it or because you've found something you want even more?” Balance is necessary here, where opposing forces rule. I have balance here, thanks to my life experiences. One thing that seems prevalent in the interactions I have had with those acolytes on the path is this: There seems to be an almost universal tendency to seek the spiritual life with the intention of making this physical life easier/more abundant. While that does happen as a symptom, if one focuses "here", one is affixed "here'. In order to move beyond "here", one needs to intend and act beyond "here". I have been forced to consider unity in all my feelings, thoughts, actions, and decisions. The great Web pulled me in with such force that I could not resist, and as a result it directs me. I am a vessel. I am One.. I serve all my beings and probes in all my worlds. I cannot live for the self, and wouldn't have it any other way! “Oneness - the goal of all mystics. I have achieved it. I had to choose. Did I want to spend my life achieving oneness (which takes time and effort) or did I want to live and experience this incarnation. It's obvious that I chose not to live the life of a mystic. It was a difficult choice for me at that time. The draw of it, the purity of it, the becoming nothing and everything at the same time, the beauty of it, I could go on and on but I'll stop myself here. I'll have all the Oneness that I desire when this incarnation is over and I look forward to finally being finished incarnating and eternal Oneness. I chose to live and experience all that this life has to offer. Both choices and every choice in between are all equally valid. What I choose for myself is not right for anyone else. What you choose for yourself is right for you and respected by me.

I am sorry for you loss. I can sense the deep love you've had for both of them.”

Thank you. I miss them. Only those 2 have been able to interact with me in dreaming. We all learned. “I do think provoking is an interesting word to use though. It doesn't have the best connotations.” It is interesting. I could have used the words "stalking" or "tracking".... how would this culture feel about that one? I probe. I question. It delight in seeing others search themselves! I also seek those that can be comrades in dreaming.

I have used their words to describe my own experiences at times. Just as they used their mentor's words. But I have many instructions from them that I have not experienced and I do not share those!

I do not share everything that I've experienced or everything that I've learned. We are responsible for those that we teach. On an open internet forum our words can touch upon unknown numbers of people years after we've written them. I think it's unwise to share all in the company of strangers.

But it's more than just current perception. While here I can perceive more than just here with the proper mind-set. Really? Tell me about it. I am a dreamer, but only learned daytime dream access in recent years. I looked through the dream forum, but didn't see anything I could latch on to..

“There is much to tell and much that I will not share on an open forum about this. I really don't know what you mean by daytime dreaming. It's one of those things that can have many different definitions. Perhaps, if we can narrow down the discussion a bit we can continue this part of it.” Maybe. Is that an area that you acquired some knowledge about? Probably another thread. Briefly, I dream wide awake every night, all night. I have now learned to "enter dreaming" during the day, although on a limited basis.

“One thing that seems prevalent in the interactions I have had with those acolytes on the path is this: There seems to be an almost universal tendency to seek the spiritual life with the intention of making this physical life easier/more abundant. While that does happen as a symptom, if one focuses "here", one is affixed "here'. In order to move beyond "here", one needs to intend and act beyond "here".”

That is so true.

“It is interesting. I could have used the words "stalking" or "tracking".... how would this culture feel about that one? I probe. I question. It delight in seeing others search themselves! I also seek those that can be comrades in dreaming.”

Not well. lololol

“Maybe. Is that an area that you acquired some knowledge about? Probably another thread. Briefly, I dream wide awake every night, all night. I have now learned to "enter dreaming" during the day, although on a limited basis.”

Some - but like I said before - we would need to narrow down the definition here. Dreaming encompasses such things as dreams, visions, daydreams, visualizations, etc.

“Thank you. I miss them. Only those 2 have been able to interact with me in dreaming. We all learned.”

In some cultures people that enter other's dreams are/were put to death. Doing so with participation and permission is a different thing. It's not a very common skill. There are very few people that I would allow to do such a thing. It takes a level of trust that is not easily attained.

DoktorGreen wrote:”Well now... you don't really think the womb is simply "a basic internal organ", do you? It is a literal energetic vortex, spinning faster and with more strength than any other human vortex. Not only does it create all the spiritual and physical forms of all beings that come into incarnation... , it is also a serious energy modem for the female to engage and assimilate higher frequencies! Men wear "war paint", meaning they must seek confirmation outside themselves via forays into the other realms and lessons acquired in this realm. Women wear "birthing paint". They can go directly to the higher self and bring knowledge back. They need no go-between. Women can enter the vortex of their own womb and experience the world from a much greater perspective. And it is easier than the path a man takes. … Obviously, most women have no idea that this connection exists. too bad. We need them.”

Thanks for pointing this out Dok G! I've done a fair amount of work involving using the womb for manifestation, healing and etc. and can certainly attest to its power and nearly instantaneous effects!

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