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Harvesting the
Fruits of Aging Discussion
By Lotus
Whether a birth or graduation, a
wedding or a funeral, we mark the stages of our lives with rituals
and celebrations. Rituals and ceremonies feed our spirits, making
them richer and deeper. Modern culture tends to downplay the
importance of the rites of passage that mark our transition
from one life stage to another, but I believe they are as important
as ever. During each "initiation" Spirit Helpers arrive
to help us make the journey, and gift us with a process involving
a transfer of inner energy connections teaching us the appropriate
information for this stage of the journey. We seem to emerge
with a different way of looking at the world. With each rite
of passage I went through I found myself becoming much more
accepting of others and connecting with the holiness of all
creation. Each "initiation," a small step toward "wholeness."
The process was not always easy, in fact there were times I
wanted to turn and run the other way. But I couldn't. Little
by little I found myself making a complete shift in how I experienced
the world and the way the world experienced me. My process was
in the hands of the Great Mystery demanding a full spiritual
commitment on my part. And so I learned to trust and live in
the process. Eventually, our initiation shifts from the growth
of seeking and developing to resting in the mystery. After all
these years, this is where I now stand. A Crone who shares what
she knows, truthfully and with an open heart. As I walk toward
the end of my voyage, I walk with Spirit as my guide, embracing
my internal world and walking the shores of my outer world story-telling
and witnessing the fruits of others
honored to be part
of their journeys. I am centered and can go where I wish without
danger or fear for I see universal harmony even in the midst
of chaos and great pain because I have found peace in my heart.
So often I hear, "Today, there
is much confusion and unrest in the world. Global warming, war,
famine, people searching for direction for families, communities
and nations." True, there is confusion and unrest. My grandmother
once told me, Elders are blessed by the ability to make a difference
and entrusted by our ancestors to preserve the most sacred of
their teachings. She taught me "all humans" ultimately
share the same spiritual source challenging us to realize teachings,
and practices reflecting the primal ancestral wisdom of all
of us. And that each have their own ways and ceremonies given
to them to maintain, perform and pass down. Above all, she would
stress that I must always be respectful of each one's vision.
Now I have passed down to my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren
the very same words.
We are living in a very special time
of transformation long prophesied by the Elders of the world's
indigenous peoples. Many wisdom-keepers are coming forward to
share their ancient yet timeless wisdom to preserve our precious
planet and the future of our children. The human family has
an unprecedented opportunity for reawakening our connection
with all life, restoring balance with the natural environment
and each other. We are all part of a community building process
marked by awakenings and initiations. Now is the time for all
the races on Earth to rediscover the value of that wisdom. Through
initiations and/or rites of passage, we learn and grow
and understand, we are part of the circle ... we are a Circle.
To walk the "Path of Heart" is a great honor. It means
no longer seeking to gain or attain but to love and be free.
We all have a choice to walk this path, and once you begin,
you can't act and behave like everyone else behaves. You must
reawaken and be willing to look within, to live with compassion,
patience and understanding. You must be fully accountable for
yourself, allowing Spirit to shine through. You must be flexible,
a wisdom-keeper, a bridge-builder, a Peaceful Warrior! Oh, Great
Mystery, lead me on the path of the heart. Mitakuye Oyasin.
you Lotus, your words echo such truth.
you Lotus! I find it interesting that so many of the people
my age (thirties) are saying that there's so much negativity
in the world. Actually - I found that there was so much negativity
in the world about 10 years ago, and I have started to see what
changes are happening to break through that negative spiral.
I see it as a spiral upward now - no longer downward. I hope
that my view on the world inspires others, that it encourages
younger generations to be empowered in their dealings with making
this world better yet. I am not wanting to fast-forward time
- but I am looking forward to the next decennia. There is so
much good stuff happening, so many people finding their voices,
getting ready to burst into Life in full Power. I am so honored
to have front row seats for creation as it is at this point
in time. And to have Elders like you around - well - that makes
my world an ever better place still! And I highly doubt that
anyone here doesn't read your wise and gentle words of encouragement,
support and insight. Your posts are clear, succinct, kind and
Thank you,
Lotus, for sharing your Grace-full wisdom and beautiful words!
I received an email from an old classmate yesterday. We haven't
seen each other in...oh, 40 years. We share an occasional photo
of pets with an update that, yes, we are still around and kicking...
nothng more. But this time, when I was asked, "What's new?"
I found myself responding with this: "New?...well, I'm
new in a manner of speaking. Aren't we all? The older I get
the newer I feel. I may not look it on the outside LOL, but
life has a way of forging newness, doesn't it? Everything changes,
including me. I've finally grown to accept and like that. Even
glory in it from time to time." It's been on my mind all
day. I used to think that when my dad said when he turned 70,
that he may look like 70 but inside he was 22, that he was mourning
for his lost youth. Now, I don't know. I wonder. Lately, I realize
that inside I'm more like the child I was before puberty than
the woman I was just 10 years ago. Perhaps harvesting the fruits
of one's life comes with the understanding and embracing of
all the big and little changes that come with each day...and
rejoicing in them, not mourning them - the wonder and awe of
life unfolding in Spirit's purpose. Some days I still don't
feel this way and revert to the fears of the unknown, but more
and more I live in excited expectation of what might be happening
next....just as I did when I was a little twerp. It's good...very
I wanted to sit and fully take in your words before responding
to you. There are layers upon layers here; I think I've understood
what you've written, then I read it again, and find yet more
meaning. Things to apply to myself, things to apply to my children
and hopefully to my grandchildren. I can feel the despair and
hopelessness...but I can also feel the love, the reaching forward
and upwards that humanity is doing. And I can "see"
the hands reaching down for us as well, to hold us, and to help
us. I've found myself thinking about ritual to honor the Ancestors
as Samhain draws near. My daughter's BD is coming up soon, and
I find myself thinking about a ritual to honor her when she
enters into the time of her first menses in a few years. My
son? What rituals do we have for young men now? I've been thinking
of that as well. And the day to day rituals I do...the lighting
of the candles, the saying of prayers, the sending of healing
energies, smudging...and how out of sorts I get if I forget
or am too tired to do these things. Dear Lotus, please don't
ever think your words are not heard here. I can't speak for
others, but I promise you they make a deep impression on me.
I cherish the wisdom you share, I value and honor you as Crone,
as Elder and as friend.
Katt, you are so right
... My daughter's BD is coming up soon, and I find myself
thinking about a ritual to honor her when she enters into the
time of her first menses in a few years. My son? What rituals
do we have for young men now? I've been thinking about
this and wondering why we haven't taken the time to create more
rituals especially for our young men. But, I'm not one to sit
back and just wait so why don't we combine our efforts and create
a ritual for both your daughter and your son? I would love to
help you plan it out. I think we will get a lot of enjoyment
putting something together. And who knows, maybe others would
like to add their voices too. Just a thought .
I would love to do this with you, and with anyone else who may
feel called. Thank you! I have a general feel for how I'd like
to set things up for my daughter...discuss the various changes
that take place within her body and how truly wonderful they
are. An overview of how ancient societies used to honor women
and why. I'd also like to gift her with a pendant of some sort
symbolizing her passage from child to woman...maybe a moonstone,
I'll have to wait on that one though. I think it's harder for
me to come up with one for my son, maybe because of my gender?
What is the age of transition for boys to men? What kinds of
things mark it for them? It's going to take some thinking on
my part to come up with answers! We'll have to start a separate
thread for this though, as I don't want to take away from your
beautiful words. (((HUGS)))
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