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The 37 pages in this Main Information section are below.

Classic vs Core Shamanism
Ethics of Spellcasting
Ethics of the Native Sacred Point of View
Following Others Discussion
Galactic Gateways
Harvesting the Fruits of Aging Discussion
Ley Lines & Vortexes
Mazes, Labyrinths & Spiral Discussion
Mother Earth
Praying Peace Discussion
Seeing through Soft Eyes
Soul Retrieval Discussion
Soul vs Spirit Discussion
Spirit Names & Their Medicine

Tunnel Vision & Overlooking the Obvious
By Cinnamon Moon

Well, this thread was inspired by a friend who emailed me and made a comment about how easy it is to overlook the obvious. Teachings that had been studied for awhile were suddenly coming clearer...expanding and began clicking things into place. It struck my friend as this happened and I thought it important to discuss here for those who are coming to understand spiritual matters.

First let me say that Spirit keeps things simple. The principles of Medicine in shamanic terms or Magic in nature-based traditions are the same. They are foundations that grow with us, then expand as we come to grasp more and more of just what the foundations really mean. Seeds that sprout and grow with us if you will.

I was explaining to my friend about 'tunnel vision' and it's not a bad thing. We all have it to some extent as we're learning about ourselves and the spirituality we are evolving with. Tunnel vision merely means we're passing through an experience and are limited in the scope of that experience until we reach the end where we can expand our concepts by what we gained. Our minds are only capable of holding things to the limit of our perceptions and passing through experiences broadens those perceptions.

So I see tunnel vision in this way...you're passing through the tunnel and it *is* taking you somewhere, it will open up onto a vast new horizon and you have to find your way by lamplight until you get to the end. Simple...right? Right!

It's at the end of that tunnel that whatever we learned becomes obvious to us. The passage part keeps us in the dark but at the end the light is bright. We don't always recongize how far we've come and how much ground we've gained until we start to feel the exhaustion of the journey (some tunnels are really, really long, others are quite short). As we start to see the light at the end we have the hindsight of the journey to base our perspectives on and the expansiveness of the view ahead...what that journey has let us to and all that remains to explore for us on that level.

The foundations then begin to expand and we have our 'ah-ha' moment of recognizing how they apply to other situations and with that we connect some more dots and deepen our awareness.

Let me use the Medicine Wheel as an example since it's definitely a starting point to a fundamental understanding of Native spirituality. At first it doesn't make much sense. There are physical placements of 36 stones, each representing 'something' that we have to wrap our mind around. It's an overview of something we don't understand and feels like a tremendously overwhelming task to memorize all that it represents. Whoa! That's a lot to take in, most of it going right over our head.

We step back, break it down, begin to place things on a foundational level...there are quadrants...pick a quadrant and begin to look at that, the rest can wait. Each quadrant represents one of the elemental forces coming into view and the lessons they teach defined by the stones in a given quadrant.

The quadrant of Air is a good place to start...it represents the higher mind and higher learning...the student striving to be a scholar, philosophy, creation, beginnings. We generally start there though that's not carved in stone but I'll use it for an example. The quadrant suddenly brings us to study the creature-teachers that rule the three Moons within that element. A path from the elemental stone to the center of the Medicine Wheel brings us to the teachings that lead us into lessons on finding our way to Spirit at the center based on all this quadrant holds influence over.

In this way we discover a tunnel of sorts...one that leads us through a basic perspective and all it's composed of. And how, when we've made our way to the center, we apply those teachings going back out into the world. We expand our understanding this way and the experiences we have will show us how there is countless opportunity to apply that perspective to everything in life.

Then we move to the next quadrant and the process starts again. One by one, we explore the elements but it takes those experiences to grasp the teachings they hold. Our tunnel-vision of exploring a very direct focus begins to expand further when we reach the end of those lessons but it takes time to pass through the tunnels we're exploring. To get a good grasp of the Medicine Wheel can take you a month or a year or whatever amount of time it takes. It will depend on how focused your study is, and how intricate your lessons are.

Now Spirit hides things in plain sight and keeps them simple. Sometimes under a leaf we need to turn over or the wind turns it over for us if we need a little help from guidance. But until we come to a point where we can understand and hold those teachings they are very elusive. We need the foundations to base everything else on or it just doesn't make sense. Foundations are anything but boring...they are vital aspects of the whole...the corner stones on which everything else is constructed. Start with the foundations or you'll end up chasing your tail in confusion.

Another example...let's take a Totem that's been discovered as belonging to you...one you're attracted to but don't understand it's Medicine...you just love the creature, find an affinity with it, or it intimidates you a lot. You go to the Totem Library and look it up, read about it...tunnel vision helping you hone in on the information. As you complete the article on your given Totem you have an idea of how it plays into your nature, attributes, life, actions etc but do you understand that Medicine? No, not really, not until you explore that more. The article took you through the tunnel portion and completing it opens you to new perspectives that allow you to hold more insight as you explore new horizons with the help of this creature-teacher. It will teach you it's Medicine. You may learn to Dance your Totem, or mime it's movements. You may learn to shapeshift with it, journey with it, meditate with it. So many options and you may want to take them all in or as many as you can discover at the moment.

" Elephant Drums! I've got it!" The ah-ha moment comes where you see how that Medicine and it's teachings can take you further into your own evolutionary process and connect you deeper with understandings. It takes you deeper into yourself too. It suddenly grows with you and things start falling into place. One by one we explore the paths that unfold within us and each issue/Totem we look at takes us in another direction of interest and we map our way to the understanding we need. Experiences along the way fine-tune that understanding and help to draw other lessons to us.

The lessons of experience call for us to apply what we're learning in order to resolve challenges, overcome obstacles or blockages, and in this we grow stronger and take another step. We hone our abilities too. It calls for patience and there's no way to push ourselves through these processes. They come when we're ready for them. So those of you who feel like you're all tangled up in confusion and on overwhelm aren't abnormal or any different than anyone else. It just means you have to select a focal point to begin exploring in a more methodical way....a point to start your journey to understanding.

Know that there will be a webbing process as you go...one thing leading to another, and that the path you take is being mapped each step of the way. It begins to customize itself to your needs this way. If you can find the sense of adventure that leads to deep exploration it becomes quite interesting. Trust your interests, they are leading you in the directions you need to go. Trust what catches your eye or resonates with you and explore it more and be patient with yourself. You'll understand as it unfolds and you'll find the journey through the tunnels to be much more relaxed.

The unknown of Spirit is vast, but it's also very simple. We're the ones that complicate things and confuse ourselves. Spirit makes the path quite obvious...a tunnel goes one way...leads to something...an unknown...a marvelous mystery that will open before us. So the next time someone says you've got tunnel vision smile at them and say "thanks for noticing!" and then start looking for the obvious. Remember there's only one way to go with it...right straight ahead. Keep walking and you will arrive at the beginning of something new and exciting and with that the understanding to go with it. The perspectives that limited you initially will have expanded through experience and things will start going click...click...click.

“I was explaining to my friend about 'tunnel vision' and it's not a bad thing.”

So "tunnel-vision" is a matter of being so focused on one thing that you cannot see anything else? I have a friend who can walk right past a person "and not see" them unless their name is called out. She said she has a severe case of tunnel-vision. I believe I am experiencing some type of tunnel-vision with respect to the human race and how it began.... Meh ~ that's another topic.

“So I see tunnel vision in this way...you're passing through the tunnel and it *is* taking you somewhere, it will open up onto a vast new horizon and you have to find your way by lamplight until you get to the end. Simple...right? Right!”

Is it that simple... really??? Well what about people who seem to live in a tunnel and never get to the light at the end because they're camping out in the dark toasting marshmallows in their tunnel? Is that a matter of being in denial, or is it more a case of being naive, or is it absent-mindedness?

“Let me use the Medicine Wheel as an example since it's definitely a starting point to a fundamental understanding of Native spirituality. At first it doesn't make much sense.”

That's so true in my case ~ I found it sort of difficult to *really* understand the Medicine Wheel at first, but when Minna Earthkeeper started the Dreamtime post, that's when I really got an "ah-ha" about it. I guess it was the creativity involved in that that gave me visuals and things really started falling into place for me then, and I really began to "see the light at the end of the tunnel," as the saying goes. Gosh but I was in that tunnel for a long time!

“Another example...let's take a Totem that's been discovered as belonging to you...one you're attracted to but don't understand it's Medicine...you just love the creature, find an affinity with it, or it intimidates you a lot.”

SQUIRREL!!! I adored them and "communicated" with them as a kid but because of what someone told me about them, since then if they get too close I get anxious. I really wish I could get back to the place when I was comfortable with them *sigh* I wonder how long I'll be in this tunnel.

“The lessons of experience call for us to apply what we're learning in order to resolve challenges, overcome obstacles or blockages, and in this we grow stronger and take another step. We hone our abilities too.”

Reading that immediately reminds me of my journeys into The Basement *insert horror-movie song clip* I noticed that as I focused on any particular internal issue that was hindering me (my Monsters), I would soon encounter the issue in real life, which brought back those emotions. Reliving those dealings and emotions I buried in the basement helped me a heck of a lot when I questioned why I felt that way, and traced the feeling back to the root. Once I embraced the truth about the issue, then I was better able to address the issue I was facing with a clear mind. Painful experiences, *shudders* but it was all well-worth it!

“We're the ones that complicate things and confuse ourselves.”

Oftentimes we get help from others with complicating things and confusing ourselves... others who have tunnel-vision and want to make you believe what they believe, even if it's not correct Then we join them in their tunnel and have to find the truth (the light) ourselves. A thought just occurred to me that perhaps some forms of tunnel-vision are "protectants" for us. It sprung into mind as the example of dreams.... Dreams, for the most part, is a way to bring something to our attention that we need to deal with, but in a subtle way.... In a way that our conscious can more readily accept. Gotta run! Thanks for that inspiring article!

“So "tunnel-vision" is a matter of being so focused on one thing that you cannot see anything else? “

Pretty much.

“I have a friend who can walk right past a person "and not see" them unless their name is called out. She said she has a severe case of tunnel-vision.”

Ha! Well that's a different kind of tunnel-vision. I was talking about the kind in spiritual enlightenment but it's basically the same I guess.

“Is it that simple... really??? Well what about people who seem to live in a tunnel and never get to the light at the end because they're camping out in the dark toasting marshmallows in their tunnel? Is that a matter of being in denial, or is it more a case of being naive, or is it absent-mindedness? “

I'd say it could be any or all of those things. Maybe they're just not interested in getting out. You have to walk through it....you know, putting one foot in front of the other... if you camp out you're not getting too far at the moment.

“SQUIRREL!!! I adored them and "communicated" with them as a kid but because of what someone told me about them, since then if they get too close I get anxious. I really wish I could get back to the place when I was comfortable with them *sigh* I wonder how long I'll be in this tunnel.

Then why not do a guided visualization...take a 'tunnel' back in time until you get to the memories of you and the Squirrels playing. Grab that perspective, tuck it in your pocket and bring it back down the tunnel to the present. Then use it. You made a choice at one point...when that person warned you of danger you chose to believe you were in danger. Prior to that you didn't entertain the thought. Since then you've allowed the fear of that danger to rule. (Monster in the basement!)

“Reliving those dealings and emotions I buried in the basement helped me a heck of a lot when I questioned why I felt that way, and traced the feeling back to the root. Once I embraced the truth about the issue, then I was better able to address the issue I was facing with a clear mind. Painful experiences, *shudders* but it was all well-worth it!”

Well that technique might help you with Squirrel.

“A thought just occurred to me that perhaps some forms of tunnel-vision are "protectants" for us.”

I'm sure in some cases that's true. People do hide out in dark places.

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Cinnamon Moon
© Copyright: Cinnamon Moon & River WildFire Moon (Founders.) 2000-date
All rights reserved.

Site constructed by Dragonfly Dezignz 1998-date

River Moon