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Soul Retrieval Discussion
by Lune
I know the theory about this soul
retrieval stuff, and I have also been over that ground from
a psychological perspective too, so that is not what I am hoping
for in posting this.
I am hoping that others might share
their own experiences of having a piece of their soul come back
to them. Why that part of the soul might have gone into hiding?
When did you come to the conclusion that was what was "Wrong"?
How did you come to that conclusion? How did you "retrieve"
your soul? And, most of all, what was the difference in your
internal experience of self once you had all the pieces, and
in their right places?
I guess perhaps it would be a sharing
thing to answer my own questions first, and hope others will
Why did a part of my soul go into
hiding? Well, I don't actually think it did per se, but that
as part of what I had to do and why I came here to live this
life, I didn't bring all my soul with me. When did I realize
something was wrong? All my life I felt empty. After a number
of years of therapy for a terrible childhood, all those issues
were sorted and put away in neat boxes, and yet still I felt
empty. I was going nuts trying to fix something I couldn't.
How did I come to that conclusion?
I didn't realize it was a part of my soul missing until I started
understanding why it wasn't there anyway.
How did I get the part of my soul?
I staged a strike! I told Spirit I wasn't going to do these
things it was asking of me till my working conditions were better.
40 hour working week, paid holidays, sick leave etc. I meant
it, and Spirit knew it, And also, I couldn't see any solution
to work towards myself. I just couldn't see a way forward. So
I basically said to Spirit FIX IT. The piece of my soul came
to me then.
Afterwards... This is really why
I am posting this, to see what other people have found. It has
been very strange. First I had to get that piece of soul in
the right place in my being, and then start operating properly
with it there. That took about 6 months. Then, and only as a
result of that, did I discover what was physically wrong with
me. (good thing to have sorted out) But inside, I am not empty
any more, and I actually enjoy my life, because the bit I was
missing was the fun bit, and the bit that kinda... pulled all
the other bits together. Less fragmented, more fun. More energy.
Life has gone from just getting through it, to being a great
adventure, but one that I can go through my own way.
So, there you go. I would so love
to hear from others on this.
I was hoping
someone else would share so that I wouldn't feel like I needed
to, but here I am. Shamanic energy work, and soul retrieval
in particular, can be so powerful and provide amazing healing
for those who are ready for it.
I have been going
through some major shifts over the past couple of months as
can be seen in my Original Sin thread... p199.ezboard.com/fspiritlodge83569frm107.showMessage?topicID=757.topic
and more recently, my Love and Fear thread...
(I don't know how to condense those, sorry)
After I realized that I didn't love myself at all, I felt that
I needed some energetic help in making the change to love and
acceptance, so I asked a friend of mine to facilitate some non-local
energy work. During the session, she was guided to do a journey
on my behalf and this resulted in a soul retrieval.
So to answer your
I can conclude that, a part of my soul went into hiding because
it was unloved by me. I also know that this happened at a very
young age.
I have been searching
for something since I was in my late teens so I have known for
a long time that something was 'wrong'.
My soul part was
retrieved by a shaman during a journey process which we have
been specifically taught. I also worked with the integration
myself using a specific technique called a 'sacred drama', in
which I re-visited the 'journey' as an observer and gained information
that I needed in order to understand what had happened and to
integrate the changes energetically.
And now for the
best part - I can't even begin to tell you how different I feel.
And because of the energetic processing, the change is permanent.
It's in my heart more than it is in my mind. It feels like a
180. Something that I have been waiting for and working toward,
probably from the moment of separation, has occurred. Many different
things that I have been working with and wanting to integrate,
but doing the 'two steps forward, one step back' thing have
suddenly clicked into place. I feel truly blessed and would
like to thank everyone who has been instrumental in this shift.
I am going to take
an advanced soul retrieval class in July and I am very excited
about it. In love and gratitude
Lights a
candle in this sacred space respecting all that have come here
and asking for the same respect as I share my journey.
When I was in second
grade I was as close to God as a person could be, so much so,
that I felt the calling to become a nun. When I was in third
grade I use to actually pray that I would die, so that I could
be in the presence of God for eternity. In fourth grade, my
dreams shattered. One of my older brothers raped me. Where was
my God when this happened? How could he allow this to happen?
There was no way that I could be a nun now....I was no longer
a virgin.
As many rape victims
do, I blocked the whole incident out of my mind. I forgot all
about it until I was in 9th grade and hit maturity, then the
memories came flooding back. How did I choose to cope? By turning
to alcohol. I was a person who drank to "escape".
I use to hide my alcohol in Pepsi or juice. I always drank alone.
I use to steal the alcohol from my parents cabinets or stand
outside a state store and ask someone to get for me. Anytime
I fought with someone I "got back at them" by drinking
and getting drunk. I remember once in high school fighting with
my mother in the morning and drinking so much, by lunchtime
I was STILL intoxicated. No....not a proud time of life, but
that's how I coped.
After college, I started
teaching in a Catholic School and had to teach "good touch"
and "bad touch". The flashbacks began. I was, at that
time, seriously dating the man I later married and our relationship
was getting to the point where we were going to become sexually
active. I was petrified to become sexually active because I
was afraid that I would "freak out" the first time
I willingly gave myself to someone. I decided to seek counselling.
Now, the human brain
protects itself by allowing only enough memory to surface that
the human being can handle at one time. So I would be in counselling
for a while, think I am finished, quit counselling, then a couple
months later a new piece of memory would surface that would
send me back in for more counselling. So, honestly, I was in
and out of counselling for 10 years when I got "stuck".
I couldn't move forward anymore, but I wasn't "complete".
I had a wise, well-read counsellor. I was seeing her through
Catholic Social Services. She told me that she knew what I needed,
but could lose her job by telling me. I promised her that what
she would say would stay between us. So, she told me that I
needed a soul retrieval. She actually knew a Shaman and gave
me her number.
Now, at this time in
my life I had absolutely NO idea what a Shaman was or what a
soul retrieval was, but I started reading. The more I read the
more I wanted to know. I contacted this Shaman and set up an
appointment with her. We met twice, but she refused to do the
soul retrieval. I still do not understand why, but she did refer
me to someone else. This other person was NOT a Shaman, but
did a regression on me. She brought me all the way back to the
rape, and that is where I found my lost part. It actually came
into my waiting arms, I embraced it, turned my back on the rape
and the memory faded away.
So, I believe that
the next part I am to share here is what happened after this.
Well, for the first time in my life I was able to love myself....totally.
I was lead to the path that I now walk, the Shamanic part. I
am so much at peace with myself and who I am. I kinda feel like
I came full circle, but now I am no longer restricted by what
the Catholic Church says I can and should believe. I have my
own, personal relationship with Spirit....an open, free one,
not restricted by church dogma. No, I am not bad talking the
Catholic faith as I still practice it and teach it. It gave
me a firm foundation to build on and I feel that I am doing
the same to my students.
My soul retrieval has
drastically altered my life for the better. It gave me the ability
to love myself to the point of leaving my husband of 9 years
who abused both me and my children. It has gifted me with the
ability to now teach others how to love and respect themselves.
It was a turning point in my life, one that put me on the right
(sorry for the length
of this post, but I was moved to share all)
Thank you
for sharing. Continuing to hold space for your brave journey
In love and light
Thank you, both Star Sister
and Celestial Star. That is a lot to think about and take in.
Thank you so much for sharing.
this question and the process has been very good for me. I've
been reminded from where I came and renewed within me where
I am going.
that part of the soul might have gone into hiding?" I
see now that I came here to learn a lesson about shining my
light through simply being (not necessarily doing), but I didnt
have the tools or understanding to realize that. As a young
child I was pushed aside whenever I tried to be myself by proving
myself, my worth and when I tried to connect with others. As
a result of that, my soul began to fragment and part of it went
into hiding.
did you come to the conclusion that was what was "Wrong"?"
I knew something was wrong when I was so unhappy
in my late teens, early 20s, but I had no idea what had
happened or that it involved part of my soul, my essence. It
wasnt until I was in my late 30s after a series
of traumatic relationship experiences all with similar patterns
that I realized that I was missing something within me.
did you come to that conclusion?" I didnt understand
what was wrong or that anything was missing, I just knew that
I always tried to do my best, walked with integrity, tried every
tactic I knew, every approach and yet I always pushed away.
A teacher who practice in the Shaman tradition began talking
about soul retrieval and the concept came to me in other synchronistic
ways. It was something I was very unfamiliar with, but even
so it *felt* right.
did you "retrieve" your soul?" I set my intention.
I focused. I concentrated. I worked with Spirit. I asked and
I was shown why it went into hiding, but that alone didnt
automatically make things come together for me. I could feel
my soul healing, but that didnt give the knowledge and
tools to do the work, to walk the path, I am supposed to walk.
I felt better, but have that part back didnt mean problem
solved. It has been just over a year since I retrieved
that one part of my soul. It was the work, the focus, the intention
and my open willingness to hold Spirits hand and walk
with it that has brought spiritual healing.
Lune thank
you for posing this question. It gave me the opportunity to
think about this process, and realize how fortunate I am.
I experienced that nothing in Creation can get "lost"
or is "lost" - but that all is in the hands of Creator.
If it would not be so - what sense would a life make at all?
*smile* As if things get lost - we would be thrown out of fulfilled
creation from time to time in something incomplete - in order
to struggle back into creation - on our own, without any help,
as Creator threw us "out" of his/her "fulfilled/complete
creation"? No - for me it is not this way. What happens
is not a being thrown out - but a shadowing of our perception
that happens for which reason ever (it is not with judging here!).
We still stay in the same creation - but our perception of oneness
is shadowed - for which reason ever. We stumble somehow into
a life of a shadowed perception, where fog and dust covers "reality
how it really is", that makes it no longer possible for
us to see the complete Beauty of creation, to live any longer
our connectedness to All-that-is including our experience of
being complete all the time. Though all is still there - we
do no longer experience it.
If we feel not complete or as if something is missing - there
is a deeper sense in this for me. It is an indicator that we
are not really seeing creation in its endless caring. Something
had happened to let us feel incomplete, dis-connected to "parts
of us" (= parts of creation itself). We feel to get something
back "from us" "for us" - we have stepped
into the feeling of "us" and "parts of us"
(we feel fragmented) and "others" and "creation".
Soul retrieval for me belongs to a living in a certain way of
disconnection to all creation - yet it can be a so helpful tool
to come back into connection to All-that-is. As I said above:
In a deeper sense for me we never are NOT complete - even if
it feels this way in our living now and today in this very moment.
The feeling to need to get parts of us back for me is an indicator
to be with the aspect of "connectedness or separation to
creation in general" - and behind all this there are lessons
to learn: To feel connected again, to feel united again with
All-that-is - to see with the eyes of Creator - and no longer
through our limited eyes. To feel incomplete is our lesson to
be with and to learn from - it is not the deep and basic reality
of Creator. It is our "shadowed dream" to awaken from
- to see with the eyes of Creator again. All this is a perspective
form a very basic level of seeing - it is not always what we
feel on the daily life level of being.
THEREFORE (here seen more from the daily life level of being):
What can be felt is that at this time and in this circumstances
it would be helpful to have "something back from us"
that "is not yet there" (but that "was there"
once before) - that "this" is wanted and wished and
needed back "to us".
When "parts of us" go away, it is for a certain reason.
My own life was not very funny - I had not been able to leave
the house on my own for about 16 years because of the deep experience
of fear for example. (It was a so hard but yet so blessed time
of being on many levels of being... *giggle*) Many other aspects
were there, too, for me to be with: Very natural it came to
remember all lives I ever held on this planet. To see that nothing
really ever was "lost". That always there was Creator
with me, in me - but often I did not see/feel/hear/sense Him/Her...
And, and, and... I found that when "parts of me" were
not "available" at a certain moment - then it was
for the reason to help my system (body system, mental system...)
to survive. A time would come (or not - who knows what is not
yet here with me...?) when certain parts wanted to be seen again.
The parts never had been away - but they were out of my sight
- though not out of experience, because even not seen aspects/parts
still held such a great influence on my life (as fear for example).
naturally parts came back to me. It could be triggered by seeing
a movie, by talking to people, by reading a book. When the aspects
had "come back" (in fact they were more conscious
now) - I found that their influence had been there all the time
even if they had not been themselves in sight before. The difference
now was: I had a consciousness about what had happened, what
the parts were. And with this consciousness life changed often.
personal example: My own help from soul retrieval for example
came from the very difficult birth situation - a part of me
still was sitting in the birth room after about 40 years in
the cold and crying light of the room - as I nearly had died
during birth and all was a shock for me coming to this earth
plane. When this part came back the "cold experiences"
in this world were seen as a fog - and that behind this cold
there was a personal experience that was not "the ultimate
truth" of creation, but an experience during birth that
had been a kind of blueprint for my life after.
During the shamanic training with my teachers over the years
the "more traditional way of soul retrieval" was learned
by me. Doing soul retrieval for people I am given by the Divine
whether it is time to bring certain aspects back, whether the
system can hold what comes back - as often with the part coming
back memories come back, and where is the benefit if the system
breaks down and when the person internally runs away...? The
Divine guides the process in a so caring way and each step is
guided by the Divine - this way soul retrieval for clients can
be of a big benefit to walk on the own feet towards more freedom.
Doing soul retrieval for clients in a soft and lovely way the
Divine helped them to integrate their fears, energy came back,
life passion and the wish to walk on instead of running away
and hiding/sheltering...
I just wanted to say - now in a few words *smile* - that we
in a so deep sense always are complete, that nothing is missing.
We always are held in the hands of Creator. What we may learn
from soul retrieval is that we feel disconnected, separated
somehow and that we wish to unite again - with "our-selves"
- and with the whole creation, as we and creation are one. With
soul retrieval we might get more consciousness about things
that happened - we might gain compassion, as what had happened
for us might have happened to others, too. We might experience
that energy we excluded for certain reasons (including that
we let things being taken away - also in this there is a reason,
why this could and did happen) may come back and that with this
we may walk on in beauty on our path. Soul retrieval for me
is "gaining consciousness and energy" - but it is
not "becoming complete" - as we always are complete.
With soul retrieval we might get back again a direct EXPERIENCE
of oneness, of connection - in addition to the mere "knowing
by the brain" that we all are one. And: As oneness starts
in ourselves and from here spreads to all creation, that we
experience oneness of all creation again, it is our very personal
process to oneness back again - and in this sense soul retrieval
it might be a very helpful step into oneness... Soul retrieval
for me is not a "single thing for a single person"
- but in its deepest sense it is a hand offered from Creator
to a person to unite again with the whole creation - to be in
oneness, again... To experience oneness, to live it...
is my experience...
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