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Rainbow/Hopi Prophecy &
By Anistara
There was an old lady, from the Cree
tribe named "Eyes of Fire" who prophesied that one
day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would
come a time, when the fish would die in the streams, the birds
would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, and
the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would
all but cease to exist.
There would come a time when the
keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths,
and all the Ancient Tribal Customs would be needed to restore
us to health. They would be mankinds key to survival,
they were the Warriors of the Rainbow. There would come a day
of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form
a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the
Great Spirit.
The Warriors of the Rainbow would
spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or
"Elohi". They would teach them how to live the "Way
of the Great Spirit". They would tell them of how the world
today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why
our Earth is Sick.
The Warriors of the Rainbow would
show the peoples that this Ancient Being (the Great Spirit),
is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make
the "Earth or Elohi" beautiful again. These Warriors
would give the people principles or rules to follow to make
their path right with the world. These principles would be those
of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach
the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding.
They would teach of Harmony among people in all four comers
of the Earth.
Like the Ancient Tribes, they would
teach the peoples how to pray to the Great Spirit with love
that flows like the beautiful mountain stream, and flows along
the path to the ocean of life. Once again, they would be able
to feel joy in solitude and in councils. They would be free
of petty jealousies and love all mankind as their brothers,
regardless of color, race or religion. They would feel happiness
enter their hearts, and become as one with the entire human
race. Their hearts would be pure and radiate warmth, understanding
and respect for all mankind, Nature, and the Great Spirit. They
would once again fill their minds, hearts, souls, and deeds
with the purest of thoughts. They would seek the beauty of the
Master of Life- the Great Spirit! They would find strength and
beauty in prayer and the solitudes of life.
Their children would once again
be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother
Earth. Free from the fears of toxins and destruction, wrought
by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed. The rivers would
again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the
animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants
and animals would again be respected and conservation of all
that is beautiful would become a way of life.
The poor, sick and needy would be
cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These
practices would again become a part of their daily lives.
The leaders of the people would
be chosen in the old way - not by their political party, or
who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling
or mudslinging, but by those whose actions
spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom,
and courage and those who showed that they could and did work
for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or Chiefs.
They would be chosen by their "quality" and not the
amount of money they had obtained. Like the thoughtful and devoted
Ancient Chiefs, they would understand the people with love,
and see that their young were educated with the love and wisdom
of their surroundings. They would show them that miracles can
be accomplished to heal this world of its ills, and restore
it to health and beauty.
The tasks of these "Warriors
of the Rainbow" are many and great. There will be terrifying
mountains of ignorance to conquer and they shall find prejudice
and hatred. They must be dedicated, unwavering in their strength,
and strong of heart. They will find willing hearts and minds
that will follow them on this road of returning Mother Earth
to beauty and plenty once more.
The day will come, it is not far
away. The day that we shall see how we owe our very existence
to the people of all tribes that have maintained their culture
and heritage. Those that have kept the rituals, stories, legends,
and myths alive. It will be with this knowledge, the knowledge
that they have preserved, that we shall once again return to
Harmony with Nature, Mother Earth, and mankind. It will be with
this knowledge that we shall find our Key to our Survival.
This is the story of the "Warriors
of the Rainbow" and this is my reason for protecting the
culture, heritage, and knowledge of my ancestors. I know that
the day "Eyes of Fire" spoke of -will come! I want
my children and grandchildren to be prepared to accept this
task. The task of being one of the Warriors of the Rainbow.

The circle with the 4 (o's) and cross
within (above), symbolizes the Four Corners Region (where Utah,
Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet - a very high energy vortex).
The circle represents no end - the infinite Great Spirit. The
Indians believe we are the 5th World of Man.
When the 4th World was destroyed
(this destruction was foretold), those Indians who had listened
were guided to places of safety, underground. After the 5th
World was created, they assembled at Four Corners and were instructed
to spread out in the four directions (north - south - east -
west). Four (4) also represents the four elements in nature:
fire, water, air and earth; and the four color races of man.
In the Hopi Prophecy, it spoke of a white man who would come
to them and help transform the entire continent into a spiritual
paradise. He would be recognized because he would carry the
fragment of stone which would complete their Holy Stone, filled
with Indian writing characters. The Holy Stone had been preserved
for thousands of years. Thus, when the white settlers came to
the American continent, remembering their prophecy, they were
openly welcomed. The Indians shared all they had. But, in return,
all the White Man did was to take. The Indians noticed that
their White Brothers had brought a cross. However, it was not
enclosed by the circle of the Great Spirit, showing the White
Man had lost his way.
The Indians believe that at the
beginning of the 5th World, when man was told to disburse throughout
the planet, from Four Corners, the White Race was one of the
original races that went East. Upon their return to our continent,
they had become confused and forgotten the ways of the Great
Spirit. Further the prophecy continued, either the White Man
would bring peace and harmony or attempt to totally destroy
the Indian's way of life and take all his possessions and the
land. If the latter occurred, (which is clearly the case today)
there would come a time when the Indian people would appear
to be almost non-existent. Yet, one day, they would rise out
of nowhere, as the white race is falling due to their own ignorance
and destruction, to lead a spiritual revolution, so all people
on this continent would become attuned to the Great Spirit.
To hold fast to the traditional ways even if it seemed that
everything was against them. To protect Four Corners at all
cost, because there is great power under the land that if it
is allowed to escape, great destruction would result. Today,
the Indians are going through the test to hold onto their traditional
ways and protect the land. The White Man's society is trying
to swallow the Indians up. Many of their people, especially
the young, are falling prey to the White Man's ways.
Their prophecy also talks about
creation of atomic bombs as catastrophes of great heat, equal
to the heat of a sun. It also warns about tampering with the
moon (violating its nature by removing rocks, soil from moon)
(Related to the Big Mountain issue) It is their duty/responsibility
to their family, animals and all of nature, to keep this land
protected and in harmony. Everything in nature has a power in
it. Water represents purification of human beings. All spiritual
people should unite on a spiritual path. To save this land is
a mission assigned by the Great Spirit. One of the prophecies
- All Indians and Non-Indians would one day (now) begin to understand
a great problem facing all people. Someday a white brother who
went away to record things will return to this land and bring
spiritual life to the continent. When White Brother returns,
Hopi must keep their spiritual ways so they can show others
how to live the right way. Very important job. Elders know ancient
knowledge, which also will be shared at the right time with
all. Based on prophecy, Indians welcomed the white man. White
man destroyed privilege. Indians gave hospitality and whites
took everything. Indians do not lie - Whites tricked Indians
with lies. By prophecy - Four Corners will be area of confrontation
between White and Red. Indians will be pushed into Four Corners.
Great Spirit told Hopi - Four Corners is the backbone of the
United States. Hopi must hold land till Human Beings live in
harmony. The power under the land would be used for destruction.
(There would be a) Terrible punishment if give up Four Corners.
(Hopi Elders also know about the prophecies of earth changes
and Space Brothers - side note).
Dan Evehema
(Hopi Elder)
The time will come when from the
earth will arise a mystic fog which will dilute the minds and
hearts of all people. Their guidelines of wisdom and knowledge
will falter, the Great Laws of our Creator will dissolve in
the minds of people. Children will be out of control and will
no longer obey the leaders, immorality and the competitive war
of greed will flourish.
When the end is near, we will see
a halo of mist around the heavenly bodies. Four times it will
appear around the sun as a warning that we must reform, telling
us that people of all color must unite and arise for survival,
and that we must uncover the causes of our dilemmas. Unless
man-made weapons are used to strike first, peace will then come.
So the time will come when we will
experience late springs and early frosts, this will be the sign
of the returning Ice Age.
We believe militarism is born out
of injustice, poverty and ignorance where absolute governments
refuse to hear the grievances of minorities. So the people resort
to violence, demonstrations and even terrorism when they see
no other way to be heard. What can we do when our world leaders
and the people are acting like fools in attempts to solve the
problems confronting us? Once again we will quote the prophecy
of our Elders. We hope it will interest you so that you will
be more aware of it because it has been happening for some time.
According to prophecy, the day will
come when people in high places will be hunted. This will get
out of control. The hunting will gather strength and spread.
This situation might even erupt on our land. Finally, this will
lead us to the Biblical version of Armageddon (the Hopi version
is closely related). A final decisive battle between good and
evil. This will occur under one God or Chief. The prophets say
we will speak one language and that this will happen in Hopiland,
in the village of Oraibi , where the new life plan will be drawn,
in the pattern and cycle of religion. Here also a final decision
will be made for the wicked. They will be beheaded and speak
no more. If this does not materialize there will be a total
destruction through the acts of man or nature. Then new life
will begin from a girl and a boy. This is a frightening prophecy
and will not be supported by many.
It is in the prophecies of the Hopi
that in a case like this the Navajo may help our cause. Also
the Bahannas or the Paiute Tribe may help. We doubt that the
U.S. Government will easily concede our sovereignty.
There are two water serpents, one
at each pole with a warrior sitting on his head and tail. These
command nature to warn us by her activities that time is getting
short, and we must correct ourselves. If we refuse to heed these
warnings, the warriors will let go of the serpents; they will
rise up, and all will perish.
We are much concerned about the
climate. No one seems to be able to predict the weather accurately
from day to day. However, we know according to our time markers
that it is past due for certain seeds to be planted at their
proper time. In recent springs, we were reluctant to plant due
to the late snow and cold weather. Once more maybe our ancient
prophecy is right, that one day we will plant wearing finger
sacks (gloves) clearing away snow with our feet before planting.
The summers will become shorter for maturing the corn for harvest.
The result is anybody's guess. The question is, will this occur
the world over? This would depend on the geographical areas.
In the regions with different climates, things will happen in
different ways. For instance, tropical land could become a land
of ice, and the Arctic region could become tropical. This need
not happen if we, the people, get our leaders to do something
about the harmful things being done to the environment.
It is said that, if the future generations
find out that we did nothing to preserve the good ways, they
might throw us from our houses into the streets. This suffering
will be of our own making. The lack of peace in our own spiritual
being could trigger the revolution. Our True White Brother might
come and find we have forsaken the sacred instructions. Then
he will whip us without mercy.
Let us take a look into the future
through the eyes of our prophets. Hopi were instructed to tell
of the Great Purification just ahead of a time when Humankind
would once again become highly civilized, tending to become
careless and leading us to self-destruction. They said that,
along the way, the industrialized world will have certain problems.
People will be uncomfortable because of the changing times,
and they will have to make adjustments to find new life styles.
Industrialized nations will become
careless in getting more the resources out of the earth. Believing
all these things will last forever, soon natural resources will
be depleted. Fuel shortages will occur; industrial machinery
will come to a standstill. The machinery used for planting,
harvesting and transport will become useless. Supermarket shelves
will become empty of farm produce. The farmers and those who
grow their own food will not sell their produce. Money will
become worthless. The white man with all his intelligence and
technology will not be able to repair the damage. We will see
extraordinary events in Nature and Earth, including humans.
Modern man looks upon old wisdom
and knowledge as dead, useless and no longer respected. Modern
man depends on the money system and no longer on Mother Earth
for food. According to prophecy when this happens Mother Earth
will hide her nourishment because of the view that ancient food
is poor man's food. When all food disappears, modern man will
try to correct his mistake, the conditions he caused upon the
earth through his inventions. He will try to achieve some kind
of method to heal the wound, but this will not be possible when
we reach the point of no return.
The Hopi play a key role in the
survival of the human race through their vital communion with
the unseen forces that hold nature in balance. The pattern is
simple: The whole world will shake and turn red and turn against
those who are hindering the Hopi.
This prophecy is related to the
Biblical version of that which may yet come to pass. It goes
on to say that common people will become concerned and frustrated
because of their hectic world. They will be particularly against
the bloodthirsty policies and the deceitfulness of the world
leaders. The common people the world over will band together
to fight for world peace. They will
realize that their leaders have failed. People in high places
will be hunted down like animals, perhaps through terrorism.
In turn leaders will retaliate and begin hunting each other.
This condition will gather strength and spread far and wide.
It will get out of control the world over. Revolution could
erupt on our land.
The liberators will come in from
the west with great force. They will drop down from the sky
like rain. They will have no mercy. We must not get on the house
tops to watch. They will shake us by our ears, like children
who have been bad. This will be the final decisive battle between
good and evil. This battle will cleanse the heart of people
and restore our Mother Earth from illness, and the wicked will
be gotten rid of.
If this fails to materialize, our
Great Creator through nature will do the task according to their
[sic] plans. It could be total destruction in any form. Only
brother and sister will survive to begin a new way of life.
This prophecy is frightening and doubtful. Perhaps it is of
no value to most people.
Eventually a gourd full of ashes
would be invented, which, if dropped from the sky, would boil
the oceans and burn the land causing nothing to grow for many
years. This would be the sign for a certain Hopi to bring out
the teachings in order to warn the world that the third and
final event would happen soon and could bring an end to all
life unless people correct themselves and their leaders in time.
The final stage, called The Great
Day of Purification, has been described as a Mystery Egg in
which the forces of the Swastika and the Sun plus a third force
symbolized by the color red culminate either in total rebirth
or total annihilation; we don't know which. But the choice is
yours; war and natural catastrophe may be involved. The degree
of violence will be determined by the degree of inequity caused
among the peoples of the world and in the balance of nature.
In this crisis rich and poor will be forced to struggle as equals
in order to survive.
The reality that it will be very
violent is now almost taken for granted among Traditional Hopi,
but man still may lessen the violence by correcting his treatment
of nature and fellow man. Ancient, spiritually based communities,
such as the Hopi, must especially be preserved and not forced
to abandon their wise way of life and the natural resources
they have vowed to protect.
The man-made system now destroying
the Hopi is deeply involved in similar violations throughout
the world. The devastating reversal predicted in the prophecies
is part of the natural order. If those who thrive from that
system, its money and its laws, can manage to stop destroying
the Hopi then many may be able to survive the Day of Purification
and enter a new age of peace. But if no one is left to continue
the Hopi way, the hope for such an age is in vain.
Since mankind has lost peace with
one another through conflict due to the new ways, the Great
Spirit, the Great Creator, has punished the people in many ways.
Through all of this there was always a small group who survived
to keep the original ways of life alive. This small group is
comprised of those who adhere to the laws of the Creator, who
keep the spiritual path open, out from the circle of evil. According
to our knowledge we are not quite out of the circle.
Now we enter the time of testing
that only the Great Creator can confirm. The alignment of the
planets, we were so kindly informed of by the star watchers
has been awaited by the Hopi. As the time nears, the predicted
behavior of the people accurately describes the behavior of
people in the 1990's. When the end is near, we will see a halo
of mist around the heavenly bodies. Four times it will appear
around the sun as a warning that we MUST reform.
Ambitious minds will decrease, while
the people of good hearts, who live in harmony with the earth,
will increase until the earth is rid of evil. If the Hopi are
right, this will be accomplished and the earth will bloom again.
The spiritual door is open. Why not join the righteous people?
The Horny Toad Woman gave Massau'u a promise that she would
help him in time of need, saying she too had a metal helmet.
After the Hopi have fulfilled their pattern of life, Massau'u
will be the leader, but not before, for He is the First and
He shall be the Last.

We Are All Related By Dr. Allen Ross
There is a sandstone cliff, near
second mesa on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona. On this cliff
is etched a picture of the past, present, and the future. This
site is more commonly known as Hopi Prophecy Rock. The petroglyph
depicts the Hopi as emerging from the underground to the surface
of the earth. The actual place for this event is a religious
site located in the Grand Canyon. The Sioux also say they emerged
from underground at a place in the Black Hills known today as
Wind Cave.
The story depicted on the prophecy
rock continues on by showing how the leading clans of the Hopi
migrated in the 4 directions, then turned left---forming a Swastika
symbol. The clans that followed migrated in the 4 directions--then
turned left---forming reverse Swastika symbol. After journeying
in the 4 directions, they were to return to the center. When
they reach the center it will be the end of the fourth age.
The Sioux, like the Hopi, traveled
in the 4 directions after emerging from the underground. The
Sioux also believe that man has evolved through 4 ages, calling
them the Age of Fire, Age of Rock, Age of the Bow, and Age of
the Pipe. The length of each age is unknown, but the prophecy
is that during the time of each age, man would gradually become
a "two-heart".
The Hopi Prophecy Rock clearly depicts
three "two-heart" individuals. A two-hearted person
is one who thinks with his head rather than his heart. This
is in reference to the left-brain function of analytical thinking.
A person who think with his heart uses the right-brain function
of intuitive thinking. Currently modern man is out of balance
because we live in a left brained dominated society. We place
more emphasis on left-brain modes of thinking vs. right-brain
modes of thought.
The Hopi Prophecy Rock shows a junction
where the two-hearted people have a choice of choosing to start
thinking with their hearts or continue to think with their heads
only. If they chose the latter, it will lead to self-destruction;
if they chose to think with their hearts they would gradually
return to the natural way and their own survival.
On the Hopi Prophecy Rock are 3
circles which represent 3 world-shakings. The story is that
people of the Earth would reach a time when they would lose
the story of how "we are all related". The Creator
would then cause 3 world-shakings to remind the people of our
The first world-shaking would be
recognized when a bug on ribbon is tossed into the air. This
is interpreted as an airplane. The time when airplanes were
first used in war was World War I. So World War I would be the
first world-shaking. The second world-shaking would be recognized
when man used the Hopi migration symbol (swastika) in war. This
was World War II, which is the second world-shaking.
The great Oglala Sioux holy man,
Nicholas Black Elk, had also foreseen the coming of World War
I & II.
The third world-shaking would be
recognized by a red cover or cloak.
Could this mean Communist China?
Sioux Elders tell us that Mother
Earth is surrounded by negative energy which is given off by
the human brain. One of the reasons for the Sioux Sun Dance
is to give thanks to father sun for all he has provided us on
Mother earth. By sending good thoughts to the sun, the Sioux
could reduce the negative energy.
The Hopi Prophecy story also
said that signs of the third-world shaking would be given when:
1. Trees will die. (Acid rain has taken a heavy toll on trees
in some areas, but this could also refer to the demise of the
2. Man will build a house in the sky. (Space station Mir, or
the planned international space station to be built).
3. Cold places will become hot. Hot places will become cold.
(Erratic weather patterns and global
4. Lands will sink into the ocean and lands will rise out of
the sea. (Larson Ice Shelf?)
5. There will be an appearance of the Blue Star Kachina
The constellation of Orion's belt
is the area of the sky known to the Sioux as the Heart of the
White Buffalo constellation. The White Buffalo legend states
that a sacred maiden brought a holy pipe to be used by the Sioux.
When she departed she said she would return to help the people
when they were in trouble and turmoil. As she turned to leave
she turned into a black buffalo, then a red buffalo, then a
yellow buffalo, and finally into a white buffalo. Then she went
back up into the clouds.
In August of 1994 a White Buffalo
was born in Wisconsin. Two more were born in May 1996 in South
Dakota. One died but the other lived. Oglala Sioux holy man
Dawson No Horse, stated that as we move into the next century,
times would be very difficult. Sioux holy man, Black Elk, foresaw
the Sacred Hoop of the world's nations coming together soon
a reference to the thousand years of peace that is to follow
the third-world shaking.
The Public Statement of the Keeper
of the Hopi Fire Clan Tablets, during his Prophetic Mission
to the New Mexico State Capital at Santa Fe, December 1990
I am the Keeper of the Sacred Fire
Clan Tablets of the Hopi at the Village of Hotevilla. These
tablets represent our ancient title to this land, which existed
long before the arrival of Columbus, and has never been relinquished.
They have been entrusted to me under the highest authority,
to be held until the last stage of our prophecies has been completed.
The signs that we have entered that final stage are now clear.
In fulfillment of my spiritual instructions
I have come to Santa Fe, the oldest European capital on our
land, to offer the people of the United States of America, and
all humanity, a final opportunity to collaborate with the forces
of creation to purify our lives, and restore peace to the world.
The root cause of the problems that
threaten life on earth is the concept of land title acquired
and maintained by force. Since modern civilization is based
on this concept, it does not hold the key to peace.
Our original Hopi land title is
based on permission. We received that permission from Maasaw,
the guardian of all land and life, who holds it in trust for
the creator. Thus it is implemented by the forces that create
this universe.
Regardless of differences in culture
and tradition, true aboriginal title throughout the world is
based on a similar relationship. To usurp aboriginal title by
deception and force, then build an empire upon that basis, is
to oppose the forces of life, and ensure the eventual destruction
of that empire. The United States of America has become such
an empire.
Before the White Man arrived from
Europe, everything was in order. Our life was beautiful and
clean. The land was green and there were plenty of flowers,
animals, birds and trees, rain and clouds. We lived in great
happiness because we followed the simple life taught to us by
Maasaw is both a real person and
a manifestation of the Creator. We met him in person near the
place where we built our mother village of Oraibi, after a long
migration to claim the land in his name. At that point he gave
us permission to live here as caretakers, as well as the spiritual
knowledge by which to keep the forces of life in balance. This
knowledge is implanted in our sacred stone tablets.
But when the Europeans came they
forced their religion, culture and language upon our children,
which brought great division among our people. As a result,
today our young people are turning away from this basic law.
They no longer understand it. They
only understand the White Man's law. Because they were forced
into this situation, there is now hardly anyone fulfilling the
sacred instructions and correctly performing the ceremonies
essential to the Hopi way of life. There are still leaders from
various clans who know of these instructions, which reveal their
true purpose in life, but more and more they are turning away.
This intrusion by outside forces, and the harmful effect on
our function as caretakers of life, is the reason life on Earth
is now so disturbed.
Like the Hopi, original native peoples
were placed across this continent, and given special instructions
by a higher being. Each had special functions by which to hold
life in balance, which they were still carrying out when the
Europeans arrived. We know these foreigners once had similar
spiritual means for promoting life, with which they were supposed
to bless the native peoples. But they had apparently misused
their power. Most of the native peoples were forcibly stripped
of their culture, language and religious ceremonies, depriving
them of their function as caretakers. Those that remain face
imminent cultural extinction. Clearly these foreigners are not
here to help, but to destroy everything the original people
have left, and in doing so, destroy this world. The only hope
for humanity lies in restoring true land title, which is inseparable
from our function as caretakers of life.
For this reason we bring our sacred
stone tablets to the New Mexico State Capital in Santa Fe. Because
it is the first foreign capital on this land, there must be
documents here that confirm the rights of the original native
peoples, and possibly information regarding stone tablets such
as those we brought with us. We want to see whether someone
will search for such documents, proving whether the original
title of the native peoples, including the Hopi, is still binding
according to existing modern laws.
The Spanish people must have documented
something concerning the Hopi title. When the Mexican government
took over, it must have left similar documents, and the same
holds true for the United States. There must be a whole stack
of such documents. If the entire stack were turned over the
search should not take long. The first few should prove that
the native peoples hold the true title to this land, and the
knowledge by which it should be protected.
The role the foreigners were to
play in protecting this land should also be revealed. Documents
must exist that show where the United States turned against
this original law. What document does the United States have
that says it is supposed to protect this area?
The Spanish, the Mexican, and the
United States governments have all fought over someone else's
land without consulting the original native peoples living on
it, then created some kind of document. But what of the rights
of the original native peoples? Who has the ability to look
into this, and see that the basic rights of the Hopi and other
native peoples are restored?
This is the key to the problem that
threatens all life on earth. If someone can uncover this information
and bring it before the world, it might be possible to reverse
the destruction of the native cultures that lies at the root
of the devastation that now threatens our entire world.
The great powers of the modern world
need to realize that if they are to escape the punishment that
lies ahead, what they are doing to native peoples around the
world must be corrected. Those who accumulate power at the expense
of the native peoples think they have a God-given right, but
in doing so they are increasing the threat to all life. And
although they now recognize that threat, they are powerless
to reverse it by any means unless they stop preying upon the
native peoples.
We came here to plant the seed of
this realization, which could turn the course of all humanity
away from disaster. An investigation within the area of the
present Hopi villages would benefit all indigenous peoples.
Moreover, those who now live at the expense of the native land
title would thus be given the chance to correct their mistake,
and avert the terrible consequences foreseen long ago by the
Hopi, which are already in evidence today. Either way, this
would benefit all humanity.
Because our true original land title
is essential to our role in holding this land and life in balance,
we have never compromised that title by signing a treaty with
the United States Government. We have never given it authority
to destroy our culture and take our land, nor have the other
original native peoples. Yet this is being done here and throughout
the world. Today the Hopi are forced to live under laws that
come from Washington DC, such as those that created the Bureau
of Indian Affairs and the so-called 'Hopi Tribal Council' without
consent from the real traditional people. In violation of our
spiritual teachings, these agencies have been promoting paved
roads, water lines, sewers and government-financed housing.
They have even forced such things into Hotevilla, the village
we founded in 1906 in order to protect the Hopi Way from such
intrusions. They are cutting our land into small allotments,
confiscating our livestock, and allowing the land to be stripped
of its mineral resources. Underground water is being depleted
and the land is drying up. Open pit uranium mines are polluting
the area with radioactivity, causing the birth of many deformed
babies. This shows what is happening to indigenous people around
the world.
Those who perpetrate such abuse,
and the countless modern people who thrive from it, truly have
no land title. They build their power through resources taken
by force, then use those resources to gain power to take even
more. Since they consider the true aboriginal title of indigenous
peoples to be worthless, they treat us like animals to be kicked
But as the Purification foretold
in our tradition materializes, they too will get kicked around.
They will find themselves disrespected everywhere, just as they
have disrespected others, and their power will collapse. Soon
they will see how little power and authority they really have.
We hope they will heed our warning
for their own sake, and for the sake of the native peoples who
want nothing more than to rule themselves peacefully without
being dictated to by anyone else. Part of the commission we
received from the Creator through Maasaw is to sound this warning
to the world. We Hopi know our true white brother is to come
and help us. He has a stone tablet representing his own title
and power within the Creator's plan. By placing it together
with our Fire Clan tablet, he may call upon the natural forces
to purify the world.
If the task of purification is left
to these natural forces, we may all be wiped out. So it is up
to all people to purify themselves voluntarily.
We have also known that if the wrong
white brother should arrive, one who has lost his spiritual
path and thus has no title, he would bring misery and destruction.
But when the world problem becomes great enough this false white
brother will find his survival threatened. Where will he turn?
He proposes to save the world by
converting everyone to what he calls 'democracy,' but can he
even use it to save himself? We hear that democracy means rule
by the people. Yet he has reached the point where only three
people, the President, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary
of Defense, can start a war against any nation that doesn't
submit to their wishes, regardless of the will of the people,
Congress, or existing laws.
We Hopi don't know what the word
'democracy' means. The 'Hopi Tribal Council' established by
the United States is supposed to be a democracy, but in fact
it is only an instrument through which our people are forced
to submit to programs conceived in Washington. Offers of money,
jobs, a better life, and so forth, really mean signing away
control over their land and their life.
Such false democracy is being extended
throughout the world. In the name of democracy the US Government
is taking control of native lands, exploiting the mineral resources
to produce great wealth, then using that wealth to bribe native
peoples elsewhere into accepting contracts to deforest their
The deployment of armies to protect
the freedom of native peoples abroad is causing the loss of
that very freedom. It is the task of the Hopi to warn everyone
concerned that even in the name of freedom, this will unquestionably
lead to a third world war much worse than the first two, which
may leave hardly any life on earth. This is why our religion
forbids us to join the army, even if we are drafted.
Today the American people are being
taught how it feels to be held hostage. That is how we have
felt, having been held hostage up to the present day. In truth,
everyone in that army is held hostage by the Government. Young
people who want to live a long life are forced to suffer in
the Arabian desert. We know that they are about to be burnt
up in a war if they don't stop. It's up to the President to
recall the troops he has sent to the Middle East. They must
all be allowed to refuse this fate and return home. It is especially
urgent that all native people who have become involved come
home right away.
Current education of the Hopi into
modern ways is a continuation of the policy of forced acculturation
that began when our children were first kidnapped and forced
into schools. The attempt to convert the schools so as to promote
Hopi culture damages Hopi culture even further. Instead of dancing
at the right time of year in the plaza, the Hopi children are
taught to do their dances in school, outside the natural cycle,
ignorant of their significance, and without the traditional
preparation by the whole family.
This disturbs the very harmony these
dances meant to maintain. Prior to such interference, our community
life was held together by the relationship between the religious
societies, each composed of a careful balance of the special
qualities of each clan, dancing together with the cycles of
nature. The disruption of this pattern accounts for the epidemic
of delinquency and crime we witness today. We know the Government
would like to wash its hands of the schools, but instead of
closing them it tries to put them into the hands of 'progressive'
Hopis who have already lost their tradition. They should simply
close the schools and let us return to our original methods
of educating the young, which were already very advanced - the
real education from which we were torn away.
We have no need to learn from books.
We have better methods by which children can learn how to live
in peace, identify plants and animal tracks, and ultimately
learn to keep the world in balance. If the schools are closed,
then those families who want their children to learn the English
language would have to move out, earn money, and pay for that
education themselves. This is what Yukiuma was standing for
when he brought the sacred stone tablets of the Fire Clan with
him in 1906, and led the founding of our village at Hotevilla.
There is a document by the Mennonite
missionary, H.R. Voth, which testifies to the superior quality
of education he witnessed among the Hotevilla children after
the new village became established. They learn not only how
to read the animal tracks, but many songs, dances, ceremonies
and painting, all of which contribute to a very good memory,
as well a solid understanding of the Way of Peace.
The proof that this education really
works is in the fact that we never needed jails, courts, police,
hospitals, or complicated systems of administration to keep
things in check. There was hardly any sickness because we lived
only from the food we grew organically, without chemicals. Any
sickness that did occur could be healed with ceremonies and
herbs. Even today there are old people so strong that when you
try to follow them up a hill you can't catch up with them.
Now, as our land is being gradually
cut up by the government, this beautiful life is disappearing.
The recent division of our land with the Navajos, which the
United States enforces through its courts and police, is clearly
a means to seize total control, even of that land supposedly
granted to the Hopi. Those Hopis who are relocated onto new
areas are only allowed to lease that land from the 'Hopi Tribal
Only a few centuries ago there were
no Navajos here. We were protected by the Paiute people to the
north, who learned many words from our language. Later the Navajos
arrived. Since they often survived by raiding, they became a
problem to the Spanish and later to the American settlers. The
Americans responded by rounding up all the Navajos under Kit
Carson and putting them in prison. Later they gave them a portion
of the Hopi homeland through the 1868 treaty. After it was learned
that the land given to the Navajos contained valuable resources,
instead of enforcing the treaty restriction that they remain
there, the United States just let them wander off, then created
another reservation for them on land belonging to the Paiutes,
and moved the Paiutes out. When the Navajos expanded onto the
Hopi area, rather than force them back onto the Paiute land
the Government made still another reservation for them on the
Hopi land.
With the discovery of mineral resources
in that area came the passage of Public Law 93-531, which was
not requested by the true Hopi leaders, but promoted by lawyers
through the 'Hopi Tribal Council,' creating the illusion before
the world that the Hopi have traded certain areas of their land
over to the Government, or approved mineral leases. Public law
93-351 divides our land still further, by requiring both Hopi
and Navajo families to be forcibly relocated, and the artificial
Hopi-Navajo border fenced with barbed wire. Our elders have
long warned of the time when a line might be drawn around our
feet, granting us no more land than that, which really means
we would have no land at all. This time is not far off.
We want everyone to know that the
Navajos are not the ones taking our land, but the United States.
The Hopi and the Navajo made peace long ago, and sealed their
agreement spiritually with a medicine bundle. It is through
the puppet governments, the 'Tribal Councils' forced upon both
nations by the United States, that the illusion of a conflict
has been created on the basis of the false modern concept of
land title.
This short history shows how our
land has been taken away. Why is this happening? It is done
through younger Hopis, robbed of their tradition through compulsory
foreign education, and arbitrarily empowered to speak for their
whole nation through the 'Hopi Tribal Council,' yet never consult
with their original leaders. Would you allow your children to
sign away your family possessions without even letting you know?
That's exactly what the 'Hopi Tribal Council' is doing.
Land title based on such deceit
and coercion is theft from the very forces that gave us life.
Since most of modern civilization is based on such false entitlement,
it can only destroy itself. The severe problems that face not
only humanity, but every form of life on Earth, serve to warn
that the time of destruction is at hand.
We can no longer escape. We must
trace this situation to its root cause. This is why I act now
to call world attention to the true nature of aboriginal land
title, which alone holds the key to world peace. Hopi land title
is based on our agreement with the Creator, the true owner of
the land, through our meeting with Maasaw, to serve as its caretakers.
This requires genuine knowledge of the pattern through which
people can live together in peace without relying on the use
of force. This way of life can continue forever.
So for the sake of the indigenous
nations that remain with us today, and all people who are moved
to correct their ways and restore that harmony which can enable
life in this world to continue, I have come to Santa Fe, the
first European capital established on our land, to urge that
those documents that might reveal the true nature of our title
to this land be investigated and revealed, and to place our
knowledge of the Way of Peace at your service.
We hope that what we are asking
will be brought about soon, and that those who sincerely wish
to resolve this great crisis will make use of our knowledge.
Throughout the ages humanity has
sought out the prophecies of the spiritually gifted to instill
a clear hope and vision into life. During this time many prophecies
come to us trying to lead us in many different directions. Some
prophecy points to disaster, hopelessness and the annihilation
of mankind. But other prophecies create a vision of joyful transformation
through quantum leaps into love and light.
We are dreamers and we create physical
reality through the thought forms we hold. As things stand now,
the human race is dreaming a hell. But as individuals and as
a collective humanity it is our potential to dream of Paradise
and to create the Kingdom of Heaven.
Could it be that the pain in our
hearts caused by the hell we have created will spur us on into
visions and creations of a world formed in love? It is my prayer
and dream, along with a multitude of others who have taught
me to dream the Rainbow Dream, that each and every one of you
learn to dream both while awake and sleeping, the dream of Unity
and Love through divine transformation.
This prophecy on the following pages
is a dream and vision that is a potential reality for mankind.
It is not an ultimatum.
The Rainbow Fire Circle Counsel
of the Grandmothers in New Mexico made up of Tribal/Metis and
all races representing the Grandmothers here submitted this
following information
This first was circulated back
in 1983 so consider how these prophecies have manifested in
light of the 2012 chronologies.
1993-1998 The year of the creation of the teachings of
the Eight Great Powers and the introduction and the giving back
to humanity of the TWENTY COUNT. The Starmaiden Circle and the
Flowering Tree teachings which began the evolution of the distribution
of the WHEELS and KEYS of the esoteric teachings of the NORTH
AMERICAN INDIANS of Turtle Island. It was the year that the
major beginning KEYS and WHEELS were given away.
1993 The year of the planting
of the light seeds of the HOKSEDA the higher self. Many teachers
of the Eight Great Powers began to plant their SEEDS OF LIGHT
about the development of the higher self and began to open the
teachings of the RAINBOW PEOPLE, also known as THE METI or METIS
who are of mixed blood THE RAINBOW PEOPLE.
1994 The year of FERTILIZATION,
the year of PLANTING, the year of GOING WITHIN these Seeds of
Light in order to see the potentiality, the ROAD MAP that a
person can use. In the Turtle Island lore we say it is the year
of FINDING ONES PATH WITH HEART and many, many have done this.
1995 THE YEAR OF FRUITION, seeking
is the year of TRUST and INNOCENCE as being totally open, when
people are listening and teachers are talking to teachers. When
mythologies of the world and all EIGHT GREAT POWERS are finally
REVEALING SECRETS and the teachings within the mythologies are
brought out into the open.
dark force. We are experiencing the end of the cycle of 9 hells
and then we will move into the 13 heavens, The last hell will
be the most powerful, many will experience hardship, and feel
like giving up during this part of our transition . The reason
for this very dark period, is that for three years SEEDS OF
LIGHT have been planted and we are STARTING TO GROW and the
teachings are starting to come out and all those ones inside
each of the Eight Great Powers who have taught partial truths,
who have taught deliberate lies in history, who have used their
power to gain followers, to gain disciples, to gain devotees,
are going to be threatened by THE AWAKENING OF THE RAINBOW PEOPLE
NATION, IN EVERY LAND. In other words the SUN DANCERS are going
to be strong enough.
1997 The dark forces will be threatened
and they will use their power and their power exists in technology.
We are going to see some of the most strong technological advances
known to humanity occurring this year and these very technological
advances are going to be a tremendous threat as well as a blessing
to the survival of humanity.
finally starts to become human, if we get through 1997. Then
there will be more information brought out into open format
than has ever been seen on this planet in the first fifty thousand
years. Because soon we will re-establish CONTACT in a very knowledgeable
way with our ANCESTORS FROM THE STARS. So mark that down because
IT WILL HAPPEN. The FIRST WAVE will come from the PLEIADES and
will be totally acknowledged and will be known to all the world
powers. The SECOND WAVE will come from SIRIUS. GATHER TOGETHER
1999 When Tangashala and the enlightened
we will see our memory circles. ALL KIVAS AND SACRED POWER SPOTS
of the GREAT PYRAMID will be opened. The TEMPLE OF THE SUN in
PALENQUE will be reawakened. The old, traditional ceremonies
that are still applicable for todays world will be renewed.
Many of the ceremonies, teachers and leaders that are so-called
traditional, but are trying to keep us locked in the past, will
not function today and will fall. Many teachers and wise people
will be seen for who they are and they will be the farmers,
the laborers and the gas station attendants because the Tangashala
will be fully awakened.
2000 144,000 Sun Dance enlightened
teachers will totally awaken in their Dream Mindbodies. They
will begin to meet in their own Feathered Serpent or Winged
Serpent Wheels and become a major force of the Light to help
the rest of humanity to dance their dream awake. A Sun Dancer
is any human being who has awakened, who has balanced their
shields and who has gained the Dream Mindbody. Weare going to
put our Soul out on the table and say "I love you all".
This is a sacred dance. That is what 2000 is all about. Thats
a Sun Dancer. In 2000, 144,000 enlightened souls will sit down
in GATHERING TOGETHER CIRCLES. Many of these will be the so-called
common people and not the teachers you see up there
now. On AUGUST 17, 2000 the various WINGED SERPENT WHEELS will
begin to turn, the Grandmother will also awaken, and begin to
dance once again and when they do the RAINBOW LIGHTS will be
seen in dreams all over the world and these RAINBOW LIGHT DREAMS
will help awaken the rest of humanity.
Also it is time for THE GATHERING.
Arvol Looking Horse..19th generation Keeper of the White Buffalo
Calf Pipe.
JUNE 21st is the northern Summer
Solstice and the Southern Winter Solstice.
It is a KEY TIME for doing something,
anything! A day for action and/or celebration. Help a friend.
Help your community. Help the planet. Plant a tree. Let us meet
together, anywhere & celebrate & dedicate ourselves
to peace and the Great Spirit.
OF LAW. Civil and social law will change. All civil and social
laws will have to be in conformity with natural laws or the
people will not accept them and they will have the enlightenment
necessary to reject those laws. Science will once again become
metaphysics. They will discover four laws that will help them
jump to Universal Law and transcend the time-space continuum
which is the limitation of the age and once again we will begin
to take our power and to work with rules and laws that are Cosmic
TO CONTINUE A NEW DREAM. We will be given the road map back
to the Stars and we will see the STAR PEOPLE come out of the
illusion of their two-legged form and into their actual Great
Sleeper-Dreamer form. And so you will meet some really great
people in 2002. This is the year of the SECOND COMING of CHRIST
as spoken of in the BOOK of REVELATIONS and it will be the awakening
of a NEW CIRCLE, a new design of energy movement for humanity.
The name Christ means A Circle. So the Second Coming of the
Sacred Circle is all enlightened humans dancing as one consciousness.
2003 A POWERFUL YEAR and its really
hard to talk about it. I am a great dreamer but I dont
know if I dream that large. We will see a real shift in planetary
consciousness. Many of the enemies of the humans will begin
to drop away. In 2003, you will see the Twelve Sacred Driver
Wheels of each of the Eight Great Powers stored and put together
to create the figure 8 of Infinity Sign. And 2003 will begin
through the Feathered Serpent Medicine Wheels those groups of
seventeen Great Sleeper Dreamers.
(Here is where we sit now. I wonder
if that war is what is so hard to talk about? Anyway...)
OF THE GREAT LIGHT WHEEL. There will be one humanity, one planet
composed of all the different ways of dancing in complete harmony
will be planted
REALITY FORMED. It will join the Sisterhood of Planets, the
daughters of Copperwoman and it will create within itself all
forms of all things in harmony with the everything.
AND HARMONY. All humans will be balanced fives, or enlightened
fives or a a six. And they will still be in their physical bodies.
THIS PLANET and use the collective consciousness to hold the
power of this space in harmony with the Great Circle of Twelve
and all the planets. There is a whole lot I dont even
know. There is more that I am not supposed to talk about yet.
and this planet will hold its space in the Great Council of
Planets and become a part of the UNIVERSAL ENLIGHTENED SISTERHOOD
AND BROTHERHOOD OF HUMANITY and Keepers of the Light Circles.
Its happened on many planets and its expected to
happen on a lot of other planets. Many of these beings will
be here among us at this time.
. and
something GREAT will happen!
2012 This planet will have its DESIGN
OF ENERGY MOVEMENT guided by all of humanity living here.
2013 In the year 2013 the Great
Spirit will have left its Seed and the Egg of Everything here
on this planet and it will create itself 20 times over at the
speed of light and this prophecy ends as I have been given it
by the Grandmothers that I share with you now.
Blessings, Anistara
(distributed with permission)
Thank you for the information. May I ask by who's permission
are you distributing this information. Just for my own peace
of mind. Love and Light Terra hopi and hopi prophecy For more
information *Smile* please try this link.
Terra, Why is your mind
uneasy about the distribution of the prophecies? That is a concern
of mine. By who's permission? The Prophets, Grandfather, Grandmother.
My Family. (but if you do research, you'll find that they are
asked to be distributed to those who will listen). I am a Wisdom
Keeper. My Father is a Pipe Carrier and Tribal Chair. Aho.
with your post there for me goes along a tremendous feeling
of humbly honoring the wisdom of the Hopi and the gift Creator
is giving us. It might be that this immense Beauty may make
people feel humble and to honor what is said - they might feel
the Beauty behind it. May be therefore they ask questions just
to express the honor they feel, too. It might not be taken as
a doubt or something else - but as an expression of the deep
honor that comes with the Beauty the Hopi share. For me I did
not "dare" to post anything here at first - even if
I felt so - because of the Beauty of the gifts that are shared.
If people do not know the background what is allowed to be shared
- and if they do not know you so very well - then it might be
that questions occur. It might be that it is because of the
Beauty and because of the high energy that is coming with this.
It might be an expression to honor their way what is shared...
I am still with the posts and I feel honored and filled with
Love to learn more about this. What a gift to be with this.
Walk in Beauty!
Upon re-reading my post,
I see that I may have been under some stresses, dealing with
others who are attacking, not here though, just came at the
same time (when it rains it pours). So my apologies. It's not
personal for sure, at least here (real world junk, good vibes
appreciated). The prophecies, much like the bible, are for everyone
to explore and understand. There are many books on the subject
for purchase, that is not what the prophecies are intended by,
but a warning and wakeup call... Peace all around. I'll be back
a little later to maybe express some concerns about this in
a healing forum...
I could actually use some light this
way. I notice the further I go into these projects, the quicker
the darkness comes to spoil it (again, not from anyone here)
Aho, walking the red road...
Anistara! It was just a simple question. Sent with "Love
and Light." Nothing more. No links to research with were
left with this information.
had read these and they are beautiful. There is more to say,
but that's all been said above. I forgot about the beheading
part though. Can we skip that? That part to me sounds like the
way people commonly interpret the 'an eye for an eye' part of
the Old Testament. I did hear the eye for eye part re-interpreted
as a statement of the way karma works - not as a license for
revenge. I'm hoping the beheading part would be understood as
a phrasing of the time of the first prophecy, or as a symbolic
phrasing of the 'men' who think with their heads as well as
hearts will learn to follow their hearts first and foremost,
therefore it could be like a sort of beheading. Sorry to sound
stuck on this part. It's just that I'd participated in my heart
in the sadness and wonder of this prophecy previously and I
just noticed this part.
TarraMoon, HI!!! In all
honesty, the link you posted is probably one of the better ones
I've seen. Changing the links...Here's one of my favorite sites
too: Simply Sacred We are One Piece...
Minna SparkleMouse! There was so much here I am confused as
to where you found 'beheading,' in which prophecy and who might
have said it. Sorry. Greetings Everyone! Some of these prophecies
stand as they were given. Some are just someones words
on paper with no backing. The two sites that were given are
weak *IMHO* and some of the links didn't even work at Hopi and
Hopi prophecies. I'm not trying to be a boo-who here. I am truly
looking for useable information. Mostly on the Hopi. But I am
wanting to compare notes.
it might be true that going on with this topic there are things
to go deeper and deeper... There also might be things that are
not for the public but still with the Keepers of the Wisdom...
But it is a start and I am very thankful for the topic that
it came up. This is a personal thing that I am thankful for
having received this topic again. Going on and going deeper
things may unfold... We will see... But it is - for me - a good
help that this topic came here (I may speak for me). One may
have to start at a point - and there was a lot of information
given to start with. If there will be more information allowed
to be shared then it might be helpful to share. Terra, may be
you want to give us more detailed information about what is
"right" or "wrong"...? Or is it a vague
feeling you have? It might be helpful to share more information
to help us understand. Otherwise people are left in a vague
feeling, too - and this may be appropriate or not. More detailed
information may help. Thank you.
We more than welcome the sharing of the NA prophecies as they
do have variations from tribal culture to tribal culture. Personally
I think it's a bit of a puzzle, like pieces distributed among
many peoples and a time now of fitting them together. I love
reading these prophecies, comparing them to the spiritual insights
I've been shown over the years, and then seeing those synchronicities
of life come together. So if anyone wants to share please start
new threads for the culture you are introducing. Thanks!
you, Cinn. I feel happy with the idea to open new threads for
new prophecies. The Beauty of the Hopi prophecies may stand
for what it is. New ideas may get the room they need - may be
not here - this was my feeling and I am thankful for this. (My
last post was not about other prophecies but referred to the
annotations Terra made about "good" links and "not
so good" links. For me it would have been helpful to know
the "reason why" - why these links are not "good"
and what might be "wrong" with it, with the content.
Therefore I asked for more information to understand Terras
post.) As the language of the Hopi is not a written language
there might be different "meanings" from what has
been recorded and what has been shared. Who might say what is
"right" or more appropriate - but the Hopi themselves.
Then there are different Hopi Clans living with the different
Mesas - and each "village" might hold a different
dialect. In the "Book of the Hopi" this is explained
in a respectful way. It is said that the author (Frank Waters)
comes back to the dialect of Oraibi as the "home"
of the Ceremonies. These examples might explain why it might
be a bit difficult to get "the one and only" meaning
by the written word. It might be something to experience - and
then no words are needed. May be to sit with what is shared
and to be with it... To transcend the written and heard words...
In the "Book of the Hopi" it is said that the Hopi
of different Clans shared with free will and openly what they
were allowed to share - and that they welcome the book as a
kind of holy work that had to be done. It also is said that
the Hopi who shared accepted what was written - it was shown
to them before it was published. It also is said that the Hopi
shared with us in a good sense - that we may embrace it open
and in universal brotherhood... (my translation is not so very
well, I got the German edition). May Beauty be around us wherever
we go.
(My last post
was not about other prophecies but referred to the annotations
Terra made about "good" links and "not so good"
links. For me it would have been helpful to know the "reason
why" - why these links are not "good" and what
might be "wrong" with it, with the content. Therefore
I asked for more information to understand Terras post.)
Annotations-annotate- To provide with explanatory or critical
notes. Sorry had to look that one up too big a word for me.
As stated in my
post that some of the links didn't work. I have no hidden agenda
here. It was "In My Humble Opinion IMHO" I didn't
say good or bad and any implied meaning comes from interpretation
and not my intent. Please go and see for yourself and form your
own opinion. The prophecies are for each of us to understand
in our own way. I am just looking for workable links. As to
the rest of your post I totally agree. I have just reread "The
Book of Hopi" by Frank Walters this last weekend. It was
neat to find some of that written here. I was trying to find
some of the other stuff for my own "peace of mind"
opinion. Nothing more.
of these prophecies stand as they were given. Some are just
someones words on paper with no backing. The two sites
that were given are weak *IMHO*...
Terra, this
was what made me ask. If there is a "weak" feeling
for you I just was interested in getting to know about the "why"
- why these sites are "weak". Do they hold "someones
words on paper" - or what makes you write this? For I am
very interested in these things I am looking for more information
and I am interested in information - therefore I thought you
would be able to share more about the why - why you found these
sites as "weak". If it is only because of the fact
that the sites do not perfectly work then it became clearer
now with your last post. Your post above was not this clear
for me - may be also because you placed the expression "someones
words on paper" next to the expression "the two sites
that are given are weak". For me these two things went
together in your post. If it is not meant this way then I understand
- but your post offered this (mis)understanding for me.
though I can't speak for Tarra, I think what she's trying to
say about the sites being "weak" is that they do not
have the strong substantiation of source/s to reference. So
in that case it can be just someone's opinion or variation of
what they've heard rather than culturally being presented as
"authentic". Does this help? See, there are many sites
on the web, SL included, where prophecy is discussed, but not
authentically presented verbatim. So some material presented
is more official which gives it a stronger ring of truth and
the ability to accept it as authentic is easier to embrace.
I believe that's all she was saying. Not that the material was
false, just that it was weakly documented.
Cinn, thank you for the explanation - yes, this might be...
There is so much what people guess about prophecies - and when
at Spirit Lodge someone says that sites are "weak"
- then I suppose that this person knows what she/he says. I
suppose that this person speaks from a position of knowing may
be more than others (who did not state this weakness before).
Terra wrote that sites are "weak" - but I did not
know in which sense it was meant what Terra wrote and where
her knowing came from (the "why") - therefore I asked.
For me there is a difference whether someone has a personal
feeling or whether this person knows something by firsthand
experience. Nothing is right or wrong - they may be just different
levels of perception. I just wanted to know whether the statements
come from someone who is close to the basic knowings of the
prophecies and therefore is in the position to say and may be
to share more about them - and may be also to share something
I am interested in and therefore asking for information - or
whether it is a feeling. Nothing is "right" or "wrong".
It is just a difference in perception. I just wanted to know
whether Terra gives this statement from a position of first-hand
knowing (may be by first-hand training or personal teachings)
or from a personal feeling. Both is to be honored - but I felt
to know from which position the statement came from. This questioning
also helps me not to follow blindly a person - and these things
for me are too serious and profound than not to ask. Cinn or
Terra - if allowed - could you please still share about the
"why" - why these sites are not profound and how we
may find out which sites are trustworthy. How we may discern
which words about these prophecies are trustworthy, which sources
we may trust? Are there some Keepers of the Wisdom that hold
the position of speaking about the prophecies? May be when their
names are combined with the prophecies as Keepers of the Wisdom
then it is okay? Are there books you may recommend that are
close to the basic? Is there a speaker around the prophecies
who may share the news - may be on a trustworthy site (as I
read the updates about each year in this thread before - maybe
there are comments and maybe there is kind of annual helping
information given...)? This really would be a help for me -
and I will be very thankful for this information. To learn to
discern on my own with this topic - this would be a help. If
someone is allowed to share more it may be a real help. Thank
you all.
Greetings Everyone! Wolflodge Well we will see if it post this
time. This is my favorite site. It hasn't been easy to post.
It contains some of the Hopi prophecies from above. But the
new link is 'The Golden Braid' about the Pale Prophet. Take
away what you can and leave the rest.
Star, I cannot speak for Tarra, though we've been friends for
years now, she'll have to share what she feels comfortable with.
So my words to you are from my heart. There is no issue here
at Spirit Lodge about being *allowed* to discuss these prophecies.
It's a public forum and we encourage sharing be it personal
opinion or cultural teachings. So please don't feel you're infringing
on anyone. Ask your questions in comfort. I'll let Tarra explain
herself as to *why* she asked that question, I was simply sharing
what I felt she was saying and why she was asking those questions.
read the sites with information on the prophecies of different
tribal cultures, I think we all have to judge for ourselves
what we are taking in. Through searches you start getting a
good feel for the context of the material presented, the repetitive
foundational information tends to be everywhere you look and
does being to sink in your mind as strong evidence that it's
sites need to be explored as to who's running them too. If it's
a group, organization, or NA (or some other culture) traditional
site where their spiritual leaders are speaking it's usually
quite clear. This information (if founded by those who represent
the culture in question) should be readily available. Discernment
must come from each of us who visit and read these sites. Truths
speak loudly on their own, you *feel* them and there is an inner
knowing, a recognition. With NA traditions there is a general
issue that comes up (though it is getting better) where they
have many who feel the time has not yet come to share their
teachings. This is a major issue and has been for generations.
So it's slow to open and get the "official" wordage
out to the public. However there are those that do speak up
and present the material to any who seek it.
material presented here on this particular prophecy came from
a new SL member who is a Wisdom Keeper for her people. So she
was simply sharing that as she is called to do. Much of what
was presented was given from different sources and I feel it's
up to each of us to decide if we are going to accept it or continue
to search until we find that we can make that decision appropriately.
Every religion and culture of the world has its own prophecies
and in my perspective I think they are basically talking about
the same things from their given perspectives. Hence we have
pieces to a puzzle that start to fit themselves into place to
create a very large picture and substantiate one and other that
have not had anyone here as a resident member who is considered
a Wisdom Keeper until now, so beyond this I can't address your
be honest, I don't know of any book titles that represent the
prophecies to study them though I'm sure there must be some.
Perhaps a search on Amazon.com would help? I only know of them
to the extent that they have been presented to me by my teachers.
Most NA teachings remain oral, and the material in books is
limited because of this. I used to have a list of sites that
held material on these issues though and I'll look for it. If
I can dig it up I'll be more than happy to share it with the
I know of no annual presentation of this material. I too have
an interest
in the prophecies. My Guides have shown them to me in their
own ways, then later I've come to discover the same or similar
insights presented through different cultures . I do feel there
is a common thread to them all on some level. It is my opinion
that the time is here to share them, as well as other spiritual
teachings, and that it is information meant for the world at
large. We would need to if we are to come together as a human
race and survive the Change that is taking place in the universe.
Sooooooo, let me see what I can find for you to explore. It
may take a couple days. I'll start a new thread for that if
I can find what I'm looking for. Okay? *S* Meanwhile I'm hoping
others will speak up and share what they've found. I am more
familiar with the Lakota prophecies than I am any others so
it fascinates me too.
How we may
discern which words about these prophecies are trustworthy,
which sources we may trust?
That was my original
reason for asking Anistar "by who's permission" she
was posting.
Are there some
Keepers of the Wisdom that hold the position of speaking about
the prophecies? May be when their names are combined with the
prophecies as Keepers of the Wisdom then it is okay?
As mentioned in one
of my post I have just reread "The Book of Hopi" By
Frank Waters. I would recommend to read this book to better
understand the prophecies of the Hopi that are being published.
(This is just my opinion) To My Understanding there are keepers
of the Wisdom, (as Anistara states she is, and just to clarify
I have no reason to doubt her), another reason why I asked for
source information. A name to reference with the article to
give it more creditability.
Is there a
speaker around the prophecies who may share the news - may be
on a trustworthy site (as I read the updates about each year
in this thread before - maybe there are comments and maybe there
is kind of annual helping information given...)?
Any shared information
with links to visit, names to look up, books to read 'Source
information' is always appreciated. I follow my heart in following
any cultures prophecies. But my heart needs to be enlightened
I must make an apology!
I did not see this part in the last prophecy post given by Anistara.
This was the only one I was having trouble finding.
The Rainbow
Fire Circle Counsel of the Grandmothers in New Mexico made up
of Tribal/Metis and all races representing the Grandmothers
here submitted this following information
I wont make
excuses. Please forgive me.
you Cinn, for the information of how to discern better around
and with the prophecies. This is one reason why I am with Spirit
Lodge - to learn on my own. ******* Please let me add this and
then I will stop answering and talking on this level, because
I feel that it is not appropriate in this thread (and I feel
that it is nolonger needed): What makes me a bit sad with this
is that I was asking questions to learn and to discern - and
that this seems to be something "touchy" (the right
word?) - the answers are given on a personal level. I felt strength
and also power in Terras answers about the site(s) and
was drawn to ask her where this knowing comes from - to learn
how to discern on my own - in order to grow and to learn. Because
of this energy and power I supposed that you, Terra, might be
a Wisdom Keeper, and might be you would like to share more in
order to grow and to learn.
Terra, you
started your answer to my post taking my written word "annotation"
and combining it with "criticism" - there would have
been no need to quote this in the answer - but a word around
"criticism" was standing there. This seemed to become
the headline for the following answers - as if I was to criticize
something. No. But the center of my question was not answered
- the "criticism" was more or less the headline. For
me it is a bit sad that this asking to know was taken over some
posts on a somehow personal level. For me it was just simply
to know (having read your post that went along with a lot of
energy and power):" May you share and are you allowed to
share where you got this from and how you learned. This might
help me with my own learning, too." The answers are not
whether you, Terra, are "right" or "wrong"
- just where you "know" from - in order to grow and
to learn. There would be not need to go on another level but
may be to say: "Yes, I want to share. It is ...."
or "No, I do not want to share." Like you asked questions
to Anistara - and Anistara answered you. This was what came
for me with Terras posts, too - to ask her. It never was
"to criticize" you, Terra, as you may assume while
looking up for the word "annotation". No. Terra, please
ask me, if you do not understand my words - I may explain them
to you in my words - the dictionary may not get my meaning well
and may not explain what I meant. And please see that my first
language is German and that I am not so very used in writing
English - therefore asking me might help to understand each
other better. Please let us stop this somehow personal level
now - this level is not my issue - it may take energy that is
not appropriate (for me). Thank you. And now let us start in
a beautiful way and may we learn and grow in Beauty - the way
that is appropriate.
Cinn, I am
very happy that you took the time in your last post to give
more information. This is what I will take to learn, thank you
so much: _______ "...we all have to judge for ourselves
what we are taking in. Through searches you start getting a
good feel for the context of the material presented..."
and with this "Truths speak loudly on their own, you *feel*
them and there is an inner knowing, a recognition." This
makes me happy to get the key to be with this for myself and
to learn what comes... _______ "Some sites need to be explored
as to who's running them too." This is a really good and
very practical help. _______ "The material presented here
on this particular prophecy came from a new SL member who is
a Wisdom Keeper for her people." This is a gift I am very
thankful for. It opened up so mayn things for me - thank you
_______ "...I
don't know of any book titles that represent the prophecies to
study them though I'm sure there must be some." This I take
very serious and I thank you very much for this. I will need to
look who was writing the book and where it came from. Your experience
with this makes me look with open eyes on what I read. (From my
teachers, too, I know that wisdom is so often only passed on in
oral tradition - and therefore I wondered what is about these
prophecies...) _______ "I know of no annual presentation
of this material." This holds a lot of information for me
because it makes me to keep my eyes open if people talk about
this - to ask them then, where it came from. Thank you so much!
Cinn, your
answers were a great help for me. I want to thank you from my
heart for having taken the time to write them down. Thank you
being so open and honest to share your knowing.
Terra, this
is beautiful - thank you so much for your help! I will be with
the information and I am very thankful that you shared with
me. For the link given I will look around there and feel/see
what comes. A good day with so many helpful information.
you're most welcome. That's why we gather here, to help one
and other grow. The criticism issue should not hold you back
from asking questions. Misunderstandings come up from time to
time and it's best to air things out and discuss them so we
do maintain our bonds with each other rather than misdirected
feelings that upset us and simmer. Language barriers are a real
issue for people and while administration takes that into account
it's not always the case for others, and I'm pointing no fingers,
just pointing this out so you keep that in mind. As you did
here, gentle reminders are helpful. *S* Keep the conversation
going. You've done nothing wrong.
love to you all... This thread holds so much potential for development
- so beautiful... (This topic is with me (I can only speak for
me) for several days now...) As Terra mentioned above - and
as I am reading the book now - I may mention the book from Frank
Waters "Book of the Hopi" as a start, too. It helps/helped
me so much to understand also the personal level of life and
the global development taking place - also the history of mankind...
Please remember that this book holds photos that are a bit "tricky":
It is mentioned in the German edition that a man took photos
from holy places and ceremonies of the Hopi though it was NOT
allowed. This is something I take very serious. I bought the
book not knowing this. This also is a concern of mine not to
support things that are against the will of the Keepers of Wisdom
and the people holding the wisdom.
I will speak
with the pictures and the people and ask for permission to see
them when reading the book (because if I would know which photos
really are not to be shared then I would not read the special
pages; but it is not this clear which special photos
these photos are that were taken without permission). Though
the text is said to have permission to be shared not all of
the photos seem to have permission (I just found this today).
I feel to add this to the book. On the other hand I am so very
thankful for the information given with the book. It is a start
to learn on many levels... Please if anybody knows why a book
about the Hopi should not be read or shared then please let
me know. One might honor their wisdom being open and listening
to their wishes and their will...
TerraMoon - it was in the third post of the Rainbow Prophecies
- I just put in my note, because, forgive me if I appear to
lack respect - I don't mean it that way. It's just that that
part of the postings seemed to jump out at me, because the rest
of the Prophecy is about healings and reconciliation, rebirth
and newness - homecoming - and this one part seemed to sound
so 'old testament'. "If the bad guys don't figure it out
and turn into good guys, then we good guys will behead them."
To me, it just seems that they (God - I hope it's not that we)
might destroy themselves, due to their 'wrong-headedness' and
be sent for another turn on the Wheel to 'figure it out'. So
I wondered if this spoke of a symbolic 'be-heading'. Here's
the part of the post:
to prophecy, the day will come when people in high places will
be hunted. This will get out of control. The hunting will gather
strength and spread. This situation might even erupt on our
land. Finally, this will lead us to the Biblical version of
Armageddon (the Hopi version is closely related). A final decisive
battle between good and evil. This will occur under one God
or Chief. The prophets say we will speak one language and that
this will happen in Hopiland, in the village of Oraibi , where
the new life plan will be drawn, in the pattern and cycle of
religion. Here also a final decision will be made for the wicked.
They will be beheaded and speak no more. If this does not materialize
there will be a total destruction through the acts of man or
nature. Then new life will begin from a girl and a boy. This
is a frightening prophecy and will not be supported by many...~~Dan
Evehema (Hopi Elder)
That is
why I was wondering if "... the beheading part would be
understood as a phrasing of-the-time in the first prophecy,
or as a symbolic phrasing that those who think with their heads
as well as hearts will learn to follow their hearts first and
foremost, therefore it could be like a sort of beheading."
Perhaps it speaks of this in the fourth prophecy post in this
Hopi Prophecy Rock clearly depicts three "two-heart"
individuals. A two-hearted person is one who thinks with his
head rather than his heart. This is in reference to the left-brain
function of analytical thinking. A person who thinks with his
heart uses the right-brain function of intuitive thinking. Currently
modern man is out of balance because we live in a left brained
dominated society. We place more emphasis on left-brain modes
of thinking vs. right-brain modes of thought. The Hopi Prophecy
Rock shows a junction where the two-hearted people have a choice
to start thinking with their hearts or continue to think with
their heads only. If they chose the latter, it will lead to
self-destruction; if they chose to think with their hearts they
would gradually return to the natural way and their own survival.
~~ We Are All Related By Dr. Allen Ross I'm not intelligently
versed in these prophecies, so not even really equipped to speak
of them. I honor them and hope that I might be part of the Rainbow
People - or at least, an 'administrative assistant' or 'helpful
gopher' to the People and the Mother. It's just that the part
I spoke about did 'jump out' at me, like a sort of an 'anomaly'.
a sign of the times and the "people in high places will
be hunted", what comes to mind is the war in the Middle
East right now, hunting Saddam and Osama...people in high places.
Another perspective is that we are all being called right now
through our hearts to see what's true and right for us, to lift
our heads to Spirit and follow what we know we must. One by
one that does usher in change. I think we will all get our own
messages and what is meant to speak to us will.
Anistara, Thank you for
posting these! I've read a couple of the books on Native American
prophesy but always enjoy seeing and reading it.
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